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Everything posted by Shay

  1. Shay


    And pulled 75 w/o CY :) did u have a fun trip ?
  2. Shay


    Was a good trip with the fights vs Eop ;) Wish we couldve gotten a fight w/ CP as they were talking a ton of **** to both Eop/DP. Glad to hear Eop cleared them even after being crashed.
  3. Actually, DP was out the longest :P (4hr 30 min trip - 4hrs were warring clans, 30 was inners) But, nice trashing every1 in sight :P
  4. Overall F2p for the past month: 1. Mm 2. E 3. Foe 4. DP 5. Cp/Eop 6. ^ 7. M/Tlp 8. ^ 9. Fi 10. Ir
  5. Says IR, who w/o Eop and [A]Ray pull 30 to Saturday f2p and can't win a war vs E in p2p.
  6. This lil rivalry sounds like Ir vs all med clans.
  7. I love how you still bandwagon... Hormone's first clan: RP Leader(Masser clan, then another masser clan killed them off) 2nd: Anxiety Leader(Finally started real pure career, got shat on, closed.) 3rd: Fi (Saw they were dominating, then they fell into a slump, left.) 4th: Ax again (They kept pulling badly, reclosed.) 5th: Ir (They fell into a heavy slump even w/ teaming, left.) 6th: E (They were thumping Ir so only natural for Hormone to go there.) 7th: WHO KNOWS These 7 clan hops were all in a period of 4-5months. IN OTHER NEWS: CHAMPS: 1. Alabama 2. Florida - Gf crying Tebow on the sidelines LOL
  8. + Signups and Vo joining ;P Anyways, good fight @ the end of the trip Eop :P 1. E 2. Mm 3. Eop 4. Foe/Dp 5. ^ 6. Fi 7. Cp 8. M 9. Ir You actually had 10 more then us, we scouted it right b4 the fight ;)
  9. You're EOP's leader and ranked 10th? Thats some humility. Saturday Preds: 1. E/MM 2. ^ 3. Foe 4. Dp/Eop 5. ^ 6. Cp 7. Fi/Tlp 8. ^ 9. Ir - What happened to Ir now?
  10. Too bad they pull more to a 3 day prep then Ir when E is a f2p based clan and Ir is a p2p based clan. Overall November: 1. MM - Undefeated 2. FOE - Solid, and picked it up last week 3. E/TLP - E is defo #2 F2p, picking it up in P2p, Tlp can still give anyone a run for their money 4. ^ 5. DP - Pking in both servers and doing well in both. #4 in f2p for November. 6. Fi - Slumped, but coming back 7. CP/C - Both good in their respective servers 8. ^ 9. M/Ir - M is great f2p, p2p not so much. Ir talks ALOT of ****, but doesn't back it up, and when they try to, they end up proving the other clan's point.
  11. Osnap, the self proclaimed #1 p2p med clan and #4 clan got trounced. So E is better than Ir in p2p AND f2p now? There goes Zo's Top Clan lists through the window... GJ E
  12. passed tlp in teh POST COUNTS :)
  13. VD tbh. Good low level clan
  14. If you train 1 more mage level or 3 more range levels, you can apply for DP-FA! What this opens up for you: A huge pure community w/ over 120 members and over 500 ACTIVE forum members! A great clan who pulls over 60+ to EVERY trip (Even p2p trips) A massive amount of P2p/F2p minis daily And a great leadership team who are always ready to answer any questions for you If you're interested hit up www.dp-rs.com or #Dpures `Shay
  15. Cuz you know Tlp has been doing work for #4 spot? lol. Anyways, I'd rank DP w/ Cp or Eop. We'll see how this weekend turns out. Probs not gonna effect our pulls. At most 3 ppl.
  16. Its not like CP is doing any better w/ SD joining.
  17. We were under the impression that CP was setting up for a run-in w/ US. So idk how that works, but in the end, 3/4 of Tlp were either in bh or dead, and 100% of Cp was dead.
  18. Decent Vid, and nice specs.
  19. oSNAP you took a pic of us 20 mins b4 we hopped to get a world, and before we hopped to get scouters off us, and before we met up w/ another leader who had 10 others w/ him. =/
  20. No wonder M isn't pulling gud anymore :) THAT WWAS A JK
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