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its pibb

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Everything posted by its pibb

  1. The Last Pures F2P Saturday Today TLP left varrock with 55 members and peaked 60. We kept 55 through out the 2 hour and 30 minute trip. We did work today getting the 2nd highest kills today, all in all it was an amazing trip. GRATS TO MYSELF FOR PROMO ON ELITE. The Last Pures vs. New Pure Order While we were looking for clans to hit we got word that NPO was by dwarves, we quickly pot and head off towards dwarves, hearing NPO pulled high we knew it would be a good fight and it was. The fight went on for a while with both clans returning, but with a couple calls TLP was able to clear it up. Amazing job NPO on the pull. Random Order The Last Pures vs. EOP vs. FI After seeing FI getting spread for something we decided to go hit it before anyone else could, shortly after EOP rushed in from the southwest, we decided to move it towards corp more. Knowing it was a 3 clan cluster we tried our hardest to win but sadly FOE rushed in so we dipped. Random Order The Last Pures vs. New Pure Order Once again we heard NPO was at dwarves, we quickly hit them trying to get a quick clear, they fought back. We both got our respective spreads and fought back for a while, until foe pushed NPO towards vents ending the fight. The Last Pures vs. FOE We got word that EOP was at hill giants in a different world so we quickly hopped to their world to go hit it, when we got there we saw EOP was pretty much cleared and all that was left was foe, we got south of hill giants gap and barraged any foe that were left in the gap. We then ran through gap and fought FOE at sperm for a little until we were able to push them to 18 ports. The fight at 18 ports lasted a little until multiple clans rushed in the fight so we dipped out. Random order The Last Pures vs Fatality vs Eruption Of Pures vs New Pure Order We decided that it would be best to end of our trip hitting up some pirates for a quick little fight. We found EOP by new gate fighting with FI. We potted up and hit it pushing both clans north towards 50 ports. We fought for a little until it seemed EOP was virtually cleared so we began to focus on FI, around this time we quickly cleared FI up and got a fall in and started to leave when we got rushed by NPO, we quickly cleared them and got out of there before FOE rushed us. Random Order Suscribe today!
  2. The Last Pures: Memberlist | Forums | Tlp Events History | About Tlp Thursday, December 1st, The Last Pures massed up peaking at around 40 members for our scheduled P2P prep vs Eruption of Pures, sadly, after changing the minimum rule of 30 to 40 one day before, as most of us expected they decided to cancel the prep on game day, we were more disappointed at the fact they canceled to prep another clan, a med level clan (nothing against We Are Royalty, we love you kiddos) With our IRC and TS in laughter, the ranks quickly started looking for a prep elsewhere, our friends NPO kindly accepted and the times & rules were set. (18:10:16) <%[EoP]DeeWreck> You guys lost to Havoc (18:10:16) <%[EoP]DeeWreck> you **** bums (19:13:28) <+[EoP]Drake> we lose every prep Ze Rules: 1 Defence Maximum Dung Off Summon Off Rest Off Round 1: The Last Pures Starting: 30 The Last Pures Ending: 21 New Pure Order Starting 30 New Pure Order Ending: 0 Round 2: The Last Pures Starting: 30 The Last Pures Ending: 26 New Pure Order Stating: 30 New Pure Order Ending: 0 Round 3: The Last Pures Starting: 29 The Last Pures Ending: 12 New Pure Order Starting: 29 New Pure Order Ending: 0 Thanks for prep New Pure Order, glad you guys could step up and provide us with a fight when other clans couldn't, always a pleasure.
  3. The Last Pures: Memberlist | Forums | Tlp Events History | About Tlp Sunday, November 28th 2011, The Last Pures massed up peaking at 30 members ready to **** **** up on our Midweek Pk Trip. SHOUTOUT TO ZENITH FOR THE 3 - 0 OVER EOP, EXPECTED. The Last Pures vs Eruption Of Pures While we were getting ready to hop, we got kinda scrambled and 5 of us got lost while EOP rushed the 5 of us that were lost, being TLP, we decided that we would punish them after this. We got back to their world and spread just west of them, we waited like 5 minutes for them to rush with Tayyab's failed attempts to lure us. Finally after the 5 - 10 minutes of waiting EOP finally got the courage to rush us, they rushed from new gate hill and the battle commenced, we were pretty much dominating the hour long fight, pushing them all over GDZ hut until a couple mains started appearing, Fighting 2v1 we decided to get into the hut to get some quick kills as they ran into the hut like idiots. We easily began picking them off 1 by 1 until they had 5 or so left. We then got out side of the hut and cleared the remaining EOP and dipped to New gate with our amazing loot. (19:47:57) <4@[EoP]Solo_K1ng4> u had zenith (19:47:5 <4@[EoP]Solo_K1ng4> and mains help you dat public irc - (19:31:57) <@[EoP]Matt|Pepe> GET THE **** HERE - FIGHTING TLP - WORLD 115 GDZ - PEPPER70 fc - GET HERE NOW GET ON TEAMSPEAK Returned to much solo?
  4. Peaking 40 members for today's f2p trip hearing most other clans had not that many more we set out hoping to get some good fights but that isn't always easy when others aren't willing. Coming soon. The Last Pures vs. Corrupt Pures Finding CPs location we quickly caught up with them to hoping they would fight us. Bored waiting for CP to step into multi we rushed down single strip and started killing CP, whilst rushing down 'step into multi' spams flooded the monitors of both clans. CP rsponded asking us to walk into multi which we did but they ended up running south down to varrock bank. The Last Pures vs. Zenith Hearing Zenith was down south inside spider village peaking at 50 today with 10~ more than us we decided to rush down because waiting for CP to leave single became very boring. We held the northern entrance of spider village for a few minutes only loosing 3 at the time. Being told EOP was at 18ports this world we decided to pull into trees. Hearing EOP was getting closer we decided to try pull west closer to single when at this point Zenith picked off 10~ TLP and got some quick bangs. Hearing EOP was foot steps away from the fight and Zenith having more than us at this point we told the remaining 10~ TLP to dip. Thanks for the fight Zenith The Last Pures vs WAR Range_Grudge pulled off a masterminded planned lure and lured all of WAR north to corp. Just as WAR got close we rushed down with scims pushing ontop of corp entrance. After a minute FOE came in from the east and both clans pushed west and into single. The Last Pures vs Corrupt Pures After stopping by to kill some EF/IR stragglers we went up north to set-up for CP. KDR within the hour of the fight Setting up at corp for CP we anticipated their rush which quite clearly was never going to happen with CP hugging the edge of mossies. TLP rushed over west kicking off the fight, for about five minutes the fight consisted of both clans pulling east and west. Having enough of CP hugging single we pulled further east. CP started to take over the fight at this point and started to spam 'gf tlp' with 20 TLP still left at vents CP decided to run up the stairs. Whilst laughing at this stunt we turned around and banged out the few CP stragglers. After spamming 'we're still here' CP finally rushed back down. The fight started to pull off west towards single again..... From here on we dominated CP slapping what was left of them and pulling up to bh stairs. Hearing CP was trying to re-rush with the few returners they had gained we decided to rush back down. After a few minutes 95% of CP was back onto mossies so we walked up to spider hill anticipating CPs re-rush. After two minutes of re-grouping they finally followed, our returners came from behind and started to slam CP pushing them east all the way to gap whilst they logged/ran. Gf Cp, better luck next time :yes: Suscribe today!
  5. this guy pibb is everywhere.. "Also Gf Pibb i got u *****!"
  6. sometimes i like to cover myself in vaseline and pretend i'm a slug
  7. Most of the topic was written by me, I'll just add that.
  8. There ya go, you're finally getting things right.
  9. EOP/H will out pull us, but I think we have this because EOP is more of a f2p clan and no offense but a block of wood could lead Havoc better than Loki.
  10. Pretty sure TLP's max pull to f2p was 90 and max in p2p was like 125. Just saying.
  11. Strange...they're blaming the .89 on mains, like no1 else got hit by them rofl Just like yesterday 'every1 was playing mw3'. Boys...sons...of eruption of pures...you aren't the only clan in runescape lol, stop looking for excuses for everything and play the game I'm guessing the .89 kd is from 1 iteming if I had to take a shot, that or you got beat down by a clan jus sayin' Just like for the past 6 months of you getting raped by everyone in F2P was because "you don't care about it anymore", and ya no other pure clan got hit in single 4 times by KO, it's not an excuse its an explanation, unlike the "we don't care about f2p" excuse which is just exactly that. And sorry but who beat us down today? Was it you hitting 5 people that hadn't logged out after we killed MM? Or was it TLP killing a handful of people after our bs fest, either way sounds like you both had boring trips with no fights and so instead you gotta come on here and flame our kdr because we actually went out and did **** instead of being concerned with how our kdr would look on our pw topic, but i guess some clans are more desperate for momentum :teehee: If we didn't care about F2p, we wouldn't go out on Saturdays and kill you guys every weekend :thumbsup: I don't know who beat you down, I was merely suggesting it as you K.D is negative :teehee:. Our trip was quite action packed, we just didn't get 'fights' because the clans with the same opts as us hid from us all day :rolleyes: :whistling: so we were forced to destroy everything else in the wilderness, including the mains you sit on your topic crying about to blame. Obviously you aren't concerned about your KDR, as the majority of your trips it's negative which is shameful when you have had opts on everyone, including us of recent times. It is easily explained by you guys not knowing how to use your #s, and going up against something you can't handle, if anyone is desperate for momentum, it's you guys as you are losing it fast :thumbsup: Btw, 1 iteming other pure clans isn't cool mate, might wanna rethink your actions before you bring more disgrace to the Pure Community that you have already done with the amount of **** you talk on PW lolol gf e0p :teehee: well damn son, would ya look at that.
  12. FOE has surgery.. they're obviously going to win.
  13. [16:09:19] <Pibb> sup bro how was your day [16:09:23] <Pibb> eop is here [16:09:59] <Die_Nub_Plz> YEAH BRO [16:10:06] <Die_Nub_Plz> WE GONNA KILL EOPBRO [16:10:21] <Die_Nub_Plz> TLP #1 thats kind of how it went pepe.
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