So sick of seeing your members going "another competition closing"
No disrespect but wilderness matched or clan wars matched.. you were not a competition.
We won a prep 3-0 with me leading..... not our leaders/warlords.. but a damn elite leading. Regardless of you pulling atleast 10 more then us.. we stay and fight you in the wild and actually push you around.
I'm sick of people looking down at us... like really? i'd like to remind Zenith of the times where we literally could do whatever we want to you, NME where we would push you from Corp all the way down to Graves, CP holding your hands while you pull 20's, Zenith ONCE again, destroying you in both f2p and p2p. So sick of these clans who just look at the current Intense Redemption. We closed on and off? i'm pretty sure This is V3 closing? of the 5 years we have been open, besides hpc's i'm pretty damn sure any other clan who pulls LITERALLY 9 MEMBERS TO A MANDATORY F2P TRIP AND STILL REMAINS OPEN AFTER MONTHS OF STRUGGLE would lead to your closure. We had our good and we showed this game and its players what it really is being a community. I don't care what IR means to you. weather you were Zenith, NME, HI, CP ect... This clan goes down in Runescape history as one of the greatest clans in its pure community.
We didn't close because "slump" we pull consistent 35-40 to trips with half of our ML being inactive.
We didn't close because these **** clan called zenith "closed" us... you did NOTHING. We IR did to you last summer is nothing compared to your little attempts of placing spy's in my clan.
We closed because this game has no future.
R.I.P Intense Redemption & R.I.P runescape, It's about time this game is coming to an end.
ye i remem that 1 time IR pushed 50 nme down to graveyard with 9 people
o and "forever intense!!!!" you've been in IR for like 5 months man settle down
sad 2 see another clan go ffs rip1
so dutch..