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Everything posted by WillT

  1. ok, IR+A+EOP had a good trip, IR+A+EOP fought FI then IR+A+EOP ran into foe, foe had the upper hand but then IR+A+EOP fought back! then DV crashed IR+A+EOP, still getting owned! later on mm crashed IR+A+EOP because they suck, then IR+A+EOP fought DP, we were winning but then TLP ALSO CRASHED IR+A+EOP because their also *******! then we fought carnage again and IR+A+EOP was owning them then ****** mm crashed IR+A+EOP again! IR+A+EOP had a good trip! point made
  2. CP, C, M only go out in 1 server. Liar cp doesn't noob
  3. Yes, you won. Pls dont own us :huh:
  4. MM - owned everyone Foe - close fight with them lasting around 30 minutes, no clear winner. However they are foe so have to put them before us :S IR(eop) - pulled 79 with around 15 eop and put up a gf vs foe, beat carnage once dp twice, fi once. TLP - pulled around 50 and had to crash us twice C - Put up good fights the first fight we all ran into clan wars because of an idiotic warlord saying "its foe" on vent, however we soon stepped out and dominated you from the north and the west :) Get rid of the white hats lol. Dp - respect for bravery and stepping out the second time, you probably new it was all over for you:) E - did not see you atall apart from killing 10 people outside clan wars Dv - Idk your ops but you tried to crash our fight with foe and ended up getting clumped on bh stairs and dieing, how embaressing
  5. We beat dv after they crashed us vs foe, how embaressing:(
  6. ...Take a look at who's posting, some guy called "*****" and Epidemic.
  7. What are CY and DP into? Didn't know you were sadistic freaks :P
  8. L, if im so retarded why didn't you figure out I was not in your vent on all your trips? And it was more like 2 weeks
  9. Scott, I gotta give it to you, for a rank you truly are retarded. I was there on my scout, you clearly were not there or you wouldn't bother arguing your point. Seriously, its not one of those run-ins where the outcome is close or even, it was like this...IR, with their big hairy black ass, taking a **** on Epidemics scrawny white face. Can epidemic just gtfo this topic, for any of you people in other clans, don't assume because more people are on their side it means they won. Look at ALL the evidence and work it out for yourself. If you still think Epidemic have done better than us then get help.
  10. FINALLY A VIDEO, I LOVE YOU HARIS! A video that does not cut off the end of the fight!(apart from when Dp and Fi crashed) As for the second fight, I doubt Epidemic could get any footage of like 30 IR vs 50 Dv because they were all either hiding in FOG or standing at edgeville.
  11. Seems like everyone is out to get IR, all im hearing is between you guys is "sorry didnt mean to get you, only IR" is crashing IR the only way you can get a +1
  12. hey, we killed E 2 times, fought DP, carnage a few times, had a long as fight vs DP and C.. how was your trip? crashed 343552123463 fights that lasted like 10 seconds because all ur enemys had like 20 max people left. nice pull btw LOL
  13. ?? we pull them to full out wars. ?? Tbh, it was a bad move letting people from dieing clans come to our trip. We just wanted to let them have a taste of IR and P2P because they asked, its not like we went around asking them and demanding they mass their whole clans. You can all say it was IR+A+AX+EOP, if you want.. however u know it was 2 A, 2 Ax and about 8 Eop. It was one of the best trip IR has had in a long time. The real people who have been ******* gay this sunday, are carnage and Dv. Especailly DV, with their pathetic attempt to save carnage every time Dp was buttfucking them. All clans have crashed, lets just call it warfare and not complain but what DV did today can only be described as gimpish. They did not win a clear fight without crashing, or aiding carnage. like 10 people from random clans tagging along with IR is different to the two of the top p2p med clans sucking eachothers **** the whole night. If we all had half a brain we would of worked this out and teamed up on them. Point made /end
  14. Would someone like to point out this group that were supposadly "flanking" us from the side atleast 30 seconds after they came into contact with us, we pretty much destroyed them and then turned around and started barraging ur little clump thing, remember this is p2p ur not spost to clump:)
  15. You got sandwiched between DP and E(**** happens), it was crashed so no clear winner, dont even try to claim it. We then fought dp who admittadly had the advantage after losing some of our people to IR. However as you can see in Tal's pic they were also clumped after running through the gap.
  16. ohh so A were with us now? if your resorting to calling us IR+EOP+AX+A you are losing this argument. As i said before about 5 eop tagged along and 2 Ax who infact were not with us at that point, hormone and r4in asked to come after that fight
  17. Lol bob, the pic you took was way before the ones tal provided, Dp destroyed you while you were being clumped then we were fighting DP, and then fi crashed from our side so we ran west into non multi to avoid being sandwiched by dp and fi
  18. Ohhh no, don't post that! Please they will kick me from teh klan!..Oh wait.. (23:45:14) <will-turb> !clan sowat imturb (23:45:15) -PureWarfare- [Clan] Sowat Imturb is in 1 Clan: Corrupt Pures Don't even play that card, they already know me.
  19. Don't worry guys a vid will be out soon, and once again your failedness will be exposed
  20. Running? we were just north of hills you make it look like you pushed us to clan wars
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