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Everything posted by Kaylene

  1. Kaylene

    New Sig/Avatar

    Looks good Curtis :3
  2. Kaylene


    o.O Mean people D: Trolls arent cool.
  3. Kaylene


    That is true, Ir does have more of that and Zell in theree. :] LOL Solo.. Hiiya Karl! I think EoP is the clan for you :] Why?!; -EoP has a fun community. We have member made events that everyone can come to and have fuuun. :D Anyone can suggest an event, and it's just a lot of fun(: -EoP has both F2p and P2p focused. We have trips every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (Everyone does, or mostly, but just saying ^_^) Lately our Saturday trips have been very beasttlyy, and we are in the works of something bigger. :D -We are all just very laid back. I know some clans can take their Runescape very seriously, but EoP doesn't make everything so serious. Sure every clan wants to beat each other, but we don't go crazy. If you just want to have fun, then come join EoP! Idle in #clan-eop to see how fun we really aree. -Kaylene(:
  4. KaydayParade = One of my favorite bands is Mayday Parade, and I put Kay in front of it(: Therefor, equaling KaydayParade. :D
  5. I made one of these a loooooooong time ago, but I just stopped going on these forums O_O So Ima make a new one. :D Real Life Name: Kaylene. :happy: RuneScape Name: This is how it goes downn. It was from Rocker Chia (Orgianalll.) -> Quirky Cutie -> KayGoesRawr -> KayGetsCrunk -> KayHeartsEoP -> KaydayParade (Yay for Mayday Parade :]) Current Clan: Eruption Of Pedobears. :3 Interests: Roonskape of course. Bahha D: No not really, I like music :), Trackkk, writing, talking/getting to know people(:, and hanging with my "twin" aka bestfriendd.(: umm I cant think of anything else atm. O_O Current Goals: I had a goal to get 99 strength this summer, and I did. :D So Im trying to get mage and range at least to 80 ^_^ and to have 90 hp. :] Thaanks for reading(: -Kaylene~<3 ;)
  6. Kaylene


    Hiii :D :happy:
  7. Loveeeeeeeee. :D <3 :blush:
  8. Malice's site is pretty ownage ^_^ :} Im leaning towards A or Vo. :]
  9. How am I annoying? All I am doing is asking for people's thoughts on what clan I should join. You on the other hand are just flame baiting me and I will not fall for it. I maybe "annoying" to you, but hey, I don't care. And at what Chris`iDi said, I play Runescape for fun, not for they whatever joy you guys get for beating people at a fictional game. Flame me. :lol:
  10. You're so nice ^_^ Haha @ Chain :P I'm still thinking a lot. I think A or Dp would be great ^_^
  11. I'm still looking and thinking :( Picking clans is hard. :(
  12. Kaylene

    New Avatar

    Wow that looks really really nice! :D Great job ^_^ <3
  13. Thanks a lot Ray ^_^ That helps sooo much (; Rawr! Ily ya'll! :P ~<3
  14. Thanks for the suggestions ^_^ Hahahahaha, @ Jts and Chain. I'm still thinking about a clan to join. OhMyGoodness it's hard );
  15. Some dude on PC told me to post on herrrrr so i did ^_^ Hai Der, and thanks for looking at my topic. ^_^ This is just a little bit about me, so like, well you can tell me what kind of clan will fit me. :D My name is Kaylene (Haha, kinda like a dun moment >_< ) and I am a girl. I'm Filipino, and my time zone is eastern. I have been in two clans in my whole scaping time :wacko2: I was in Divinity, for almost, about 10 months or so, I was a "GateKeeper" (Something Z0my Z0m came up with, It's like high council) then Divinity just closed, not too long ago. ): I was one of the founders of Fatal Destiny (Low level, closed now because the other founder wanted to leave for a different clan, and I could not lead a clan by myself) Things I can offer for a clan: ~I like helping people :P Yea, I know it sounds weird, but I just do. I like helping people with their problems, and helping them with advise to help them with their problem/situation. ~I like mini'ing. (: Haha, who doesn't?? :rolleyes: ~I'll be loyal to a clan, for like forever. In Divinity I didn't like it there very much, but i stuck with it, and i started loving it (: But, I hate flaming, and if a clan flames way too much, I would hate it there. Flaming isn't worth it. :excl: Flaming is just making yourself look bad, and it's just not nice. ~I can vid minis/wars/fun events, and put them on youtube. :lol: I only have a few vids up at the moment, but I'll be putting more when I get a new clan. My Stats: ^Sowwies about it being PC, i should have said "Say hai to Pc and Pw :[) Sowwiesss my bad. What I am looking for in a clan: ~A clan that is nice. I dislike flaming a lot. ~A clan that can have fun. I don't care about winning or loosing, if i have fun it shouldn't matter :laugh2: ~A clan that treats their members like a person not a number. Well, thanks for reading! <3
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