Alright I'll keep this as flame free as I can for now. I'm making valid points:
-I love p2p wars and this was reasonably fun even though we lost. We prepped well and almost everyone put in a lot of effort. I felt we were organised during the fight and people were really willing to risk more than usual due to the importance of the event.
-Your initial charge was good, and it did give you a good start.
-Get your numbers right- We had 67. Not 75. You also have a fall in picture here before the war showing 90 ops. I'm sure this included a few random followers, but it certainly didn't include 10. I don't like how you are trying to imply you won with a difference of 5 people when in fact it was more like 15. We were quite happy to admit after beating Fi a couple of weeks ago that we had significantly more ops. Why are you bigging yourself up by playing with the numbers?
If you had accepted in clan wars there would be absolutely no argument on this point. I will say now that I think PvP is a stupid place to have a 'proper' and 'official' fight. Clan wars was designed to host big events like this, and I feel it makes more sense to make use of it. Fighting in PvP also encourages clans to win at any cost in order to save their pixels, because they think they will get away with it- as below.
-There is evidence of more than 10 players (probably 15 even) present on your side who have neither apped for DV, nor were they on the memberlist. Clearly you were rather desperate not to lose some precious pixels so you employed the help of a large number of randoms- including players from other clans.
I mean come on- you've even admitted it in this topic and told us to ignore it? I personally think it's a very valid point of discussion...
The sad thing is, even without these players you would have pulled the same number as us. As a clan you have higher average stats and it would seem that with a war with virtually matched ops you would have the advantage anyway. You didn't really need to cheat in order to win, and this has really dampened the whole outcome IMO. In no way am I insinuating that IR would have won had DV not brought along its friends, but I can't help feeling that by knowingly breaking the rules you have tainted your own victory.