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Everything posted by Turf

  1. What about addy in f2p because mith was already pushing it. There's no offensive stats for 30 defence in f2p. And the difference between robes and addy is obv. Whatever tho, clans with high defence averages don't make it very far anyways, oddly enuff lol.
  2. it's like you said, no respect.. So clans try to gain advantages anyway they can. If this continues, clans will get more desperate and will have to resort to 40 def to get an advantage. So from now on I want to start coming to trips on a 99 def tank ranger account, and if addy daddies complain, they can eat it. And the only reason I'd do this is because I know all respect is gone. Or maybe someone can make a small group of mains that crash fights (but only kill the one's wearing 30 def gear). They would be my hero's.
  3. altar fight we won, they got dominated but they did a nice job regrouping. And yea.. it's hard to clear every member out when you can't hit their 100+ at ca lol. So I can see why they think they won. All they did was practically get cleared, their 100+ members were goofing around until their other guys remassed. All foe could do was to try and extend the fight because they can't beat us without dicking around.
  4. I don't understand your logic... Because we haven't fought you in a prep, you won't accept our prep? All a war is is a prep with more time to actually prepare... And to Walli: Good man. that makes 2 of us i dont see the sense behind kruck's sentence "because u dont want to get no loot in clan wars fights lets not have a fullout because of this" makes sense @ Semtex - I do not have a clue on what you are even saying. So Scott you are saying a matched opt prep and a full out war are the same thing. Are you alright? I know you guys don't do too many preps but they are not the same. A matched opt prep is when 2 clans agree to fight each other with same numbers. In a full out war, you can out pull the other clan you do not have to sit. My opinion is a matched opt prep I see it for fun and seeing which clan fight win when numbers are even. I see it as a test of quality. then do 100v100 in clan wars or something, these little preps that represent 10-20% of the clan are very inaccurate and don't mean jack, especially when it's the same people fighting in them time and time again. So all these clans that think these tiny mini wars represent quality need to step it up and do larger scale preps. It doesn't mean any sense to argue over lil topics like this. And maybe more small preps would happen if they were meant for fun instead of publicity.
  5. clans will prolly take this too serious for it be fun
  6. Walthamsto: Omg we won@
  7. they wont CT vs CP F2P fullout why would MM declare on you when yur #2 f2p, #3 overall...? It's usually the underdog that challenges... but in this case I hope we do declare, just for the sake of fun, and because a lot of people wanna see it.
  8. MM vs FOE in p2p also would like to see a 100v100 between MM and eop 1 def in clan wars
  9. Nice that FOE is somewhat back, even tho I think you guys are pretty terrible and have sunk really low, still dislike you guys less than EOP. So I hope we get more 1v1's because it looks like you guys are stepping it up a bit in p2p.
  10. Good job bumping EOP down to #3 p2p, dunno what EOP's going to do when you start smashing them out in p2p.
  11. EOP is making themselves look so bad, especially after people watch the vid. Looks like they keep sinking to new unexplored depths of fail. They got worked today and hid in single for most of the trip. At the ports was pure domination.
  12. Fight at ports was funny, cleared EOP before FOE crashed. Was the closest thing to a clean fight. Can't even believe they are trying to claim they won 3 times lol when FOE crashed every fight. Their members must be face palming right now. Nice try EOP, enjoy your slump, you earned it.
  13. FRIDAY!!! FUN FUN FUN FUN!!! Tomorrow is Saturday And Sunday comes after ... wards I don't want this weekend to end party n party n party!
  14. dunno man, think it'd be fun to do a 100 v 100 1 def fight in clan wars or something. Low capped preps don't really prove much since they represent a small fraction of the clan, that's why preps can vary in results. anyways on topic, good job
  15. are u mad or something bro? ^ take a chill pill
  16. 30 def??? lol. Join EOP so I can take your addy :) Then again for your sake, you might not wanna join a clan that's in a slump. Bad time to hop on that bandwagon. So maybe TLP becuse their trips would be more fun since they face weaker opponents and get lots of loot. However, if you would like to be in a high level clan that competes with other high level clans, FOE would be a good fit for you but you might not get as much loot or have as much fun. There really isn't too many good clans you can join with 30 def since those clans are usually the desperate one's, but good luck man with whatever clan you chose.
  17. Turf

    Outrage Vs EOP

    looked ridiculously easy
  18. lol since when did pure clans get ranked according to matched opts? LOL, cmon people, that's the silliest thing I ever heard. Numbers is a part of the game, stop crying and thanks for the LOOT! However, I think MM has improved A LOT in p2p quality, stop bringing up the past because clans don't stay the same, as seen with FOE. If a clan with 30 members was the best matched opt clan, doesn't make them the best overall, common sense. :thumbsup:
  19. The good guys won, this is what Jesus would have wanted. #1, and legit
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