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Everything posted by Boulder690

  1. Okay just to clear it up so next time you flame me you know what you're actually talking about. I played omf g sword (which is why my rsn on my pure-warfare acc is omf g sword) for awhile then sold it to ape (which is why his is also omf g sword) we have nothing to do with each other besides being in the same clan. Also it's funny how you talk about rep considering you're known for being a spastic.
  2. How was that clear sarcasm, I don't even know you? Also considering the majority of E I speak to are under the age of 14 I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't being sarcastic and you're just saying that because you were wrong. Anyway, don't you have anything better to do than sit on pure warfare all day and troll? Perhaps think of a better idea to make MMs trips miserable like E promised considering this weekends plan kind of back fired. :confused:
  3. Okay, whether or not you admit it on these boards all E\EOP\MM\FOE members that were at todays trip know who dominated. Good luck in the following weekends though, hopefully you realise E are just using you and you stop teaming with them. Edit: to the post above me apejrs cousins? and you call me the retard... okay.
  4. Getting desperate? Kind of like teaming with another clan? :confused: I love you but you're a hypocrite.
  5. Spamming MM cleared when you said yourself you only killed like 10 of them?
  6. Hardly, it's common for clans to crash these days. And both EOP and FOE have crashed MM before and MM has crashed both of them before.
  7. We killed a few people in addy and maybe 2 other people which was when we were charging because we weren't sure whether it was a clusterfuck or just FOE there or a 1v1 and when we realised it was a 1v1 council said on TS not to crash, ofc. a few pixel hungry idiots\people not on TS would attack. Point is: We could've ****** that fight over very easily if we wanted to, well if special wanted to but he decided not to, now you're starting a pointless argument with him.
  8. The majority of the posts on this topic by MM have been positive replies, you really wanna jump on the first negative comment and start **** over it? We anti crashed your fight today bro, we could've turned it to **** and made EOP and FOEs trip miserable, don't forget that. Quite ironic you're flaming the person who leads and decides whether we crash a fight or not too. :confused:
  9. The majority of them have introed, I'm not going to go through MM's intros and find each and everyone of their intros because I don't really care that much about your opinion but if you want to go check I'm sure you'll find atleast 75% of the people in that screenie that aren't actually in MM have introed.
  10. Keep on talking shit bro, look where it got your clan today. And I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure you haven't declared on MM. Infact I think a lot of MM council (yet again, I may be wrong) would happily accept a full out with E, just to put them in their place.
  11. Looks like big bad bob has laid down the law, no more flaming E members!
  12. LOL? We crashed CP vs FOE? YOU crashed CP vs FOE not us, don't blame it on us because you had false info and thought MM were there, because we weren't. First fight was close, if it was even opted it would've been a different ending, imo anyway. Nonetheless, good trip and good job.
  13. A little bit surprised. I thought FOE would win but not that easily. Would be interesting to see FOE V MM full out P2P in pvp.
  14. W A A R isn't MM, he introed... anyone can intro, he hasn't even applied yet. Although even if MM did accept him MM's standards are still A LOT better than E's ever will be.
  15. Seems pretty true to me. :confused:
  16. Curious not mad, I wasn't even at MM's trip I was sleeping.
  17. Does it mean the result would have been any different if it wasn't? I think not. What's wrong bro, no flaming now that you got your asses handed to you? Didn't think so.
  18. Next weekend is x-mas so I highly doubt clan pking next weekend will be very exciting.
  19. Last week when MM ran into you people on TS were all laughing how like 5-10 of you got dropped instantly and about 15 seconds later it was crashed, hardly giving MM a good fight? And you lost to FOE this weekend whist out opting them quite badly, I don't know about last weekend but that proves to me that you clearly can't compete with FOE.
  20. Quite clearly beating the "#1 F2P pure clan" whilst being out opted would be a highlight of a clans day? You stupid or something?
  21. Grats FOE, LOL @ EOP even thinking they can compete with MM\FOE R[]FL.
  22. Meh grats on your weekend and good luck next weekend\tomorrow if you go to P2P. Your opts won't stay this consistant, FOE pulled 100 for a few weeks before it died down as did MM, asoon as E's numbers die down a bit you better hope your organization gets a hell of a lot better because you won't be able to rely on opts to win fights.
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