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Everything posted by Dissy

  1. you the man, we rocking those sexy gfx you made pretty hard<3
  2. Pm me for a prep this next week. talk to zach, lets schedule a f2p and p2p one.
  3. TLP peaked at 45 people today and had tons of fun. We started by prepping zenith in f2p and then we went to pcl and did what we do best...obliterate kids with our top notch quality and organization. VIDS: After recently beating IR 5-0 in a f2p prep, we actually lost to them this past week (1-2). The loss was taken hard by all of us, especially after ir proclaimed #1 f2p matched.What we all remembered though was that every blind dog finds a bone from time to time and **** happens. We roared into today's pcl with one thing on our mind... revenge, o boy did we get it! TLP STARTING:37 TLP ENDING:11 IR STARTING:42 IR ENDING:0 Thanks for the fight m8s, looking forward to more...minus the extremely angry pm's....p2p would be fun too snarf snarf snarf snarf =] TLP vs NME We gladly did a teamcape only fight with NME TLP STARTING:35 TLP ENDING:30 NME STARTING:42 NME ENDING:0 TLP vs NME NME wanted another fight so we did it, thanks for the practice guys. TLP STARTING:35 TLP ENDING:31 NME STARTING:40 NME ENDING:0 *-=F2P PREP WITH ZENITH=-* ROUND 1 (TLP DEFENDS) TLP STARTING:27 TLP ENDING:18 ZENITH STARTING:27 ZENITH ENDING:0 ROUND 2 (TLP ATTACKS) TLP STARTING:29 TLP ENDING:25 ZENITH STARTING:29 ZENITH ENDING:0 ROUND 3(RUN-IN) TLP STARTING:29 TLP ENDING:17 ZENITH STARTING:29 ZENITH ENDING:0 Thanks for the prep Zenith, was alot of fun and hope you guys had a good pcl/friday!
  4. :woot: woah, didn't expect you to join us haha. Pm me on irc m8 /query [tlp]dissy
  5. respect fatality, thanks for the fun and practice.
  6. goodluck with your search, soz to hear about ct
  7. Dissy

    af gettin pwnt

    missed it...you had way to many people on them though.
  8. Topik written by Adrian The Great....edited by big dik dissy Saturday September 17th, 2011 The Last Pures went out and peaked at around 50 members for their weekly F2P pk trip. Since addy full helms, platebodys, and kiteshields were recently banned from official clan pk trips...we decided to pose for a picture since we had tons of people, including mods, call us ******* trolls etc etc. MORE VIDS ON THERE WAY! The Last Pures vs. Fatality The first fight of the day began south of northwest steps, as we were waiting on a clan to step out of multi we saw a few white dots south of us, turned out to be The Hatred, sorry about that, we cleared them up and made our way past gap where we happen to catch Fatality logging in knowing we were down by around 3 or so we quickly evened it up with some quick KO's and amazing calls until sadly we were rushed by a wave of Adamant in red capes so we pulled out and got our fall in, thanks for the fight Fatality. The Last Pures vs Control vs Intense Redemtpion vs Zenith We got word there was a cluster north of graveyard consisting of about 3 clans, we ran in, most ran west down to BH, except IR who decided to pull north of spider village where we cleared the remaining few then made our way to BH where unfortunately Zenith logged out as soon as we were seen running up the stairs, don't know what happened to Control, thanks for the fights guys. The Last Pures vs. Fatality After re-banking and making our way back up to north of graveyard, there was some mis-communication between some of our ranks and scouts that lead us to log in right on top of Fatality, taking both clans by surprise we called everyone to log in and the fight began, being stacked up at the log in spot we eventually pushed Fatality south against the graveyard wall where we began to gain the upper hand with outstanding spamming and piling, Fatality then pulled north into the Spider Village furnace where we cleared the remaining few, got a fall in and walked down, thanks for the fight once again Fatality. The Last Pures vs Enemy After our fight vs Fatality we made our way back into the wilderness and around gap we were unintentionally hit on login by a large number of green capes,it turned out to be Enemy. We were outnumbered by about 25 but we fought back and had some amazing tanking/piling. Eventually the numbers started to overwhelm us so we pulled to piper. We had a fresh group of returners about to show up when we got word that other clans were starting to bubble up in our world. CP then rushed in, and EOP was on their way up, we simply decided to pull west and regroup at mossies to get a nice re-rush for all the fresh faces. After meeting up with the returners we pushed back into the fight..CP scattered down south and we pushed NME into the east gap...resistance was futile and the few survivors they had were walking down south in single. We walked up to newgate and hopped out of the world as EOP came stumbling up late on the crash. We are not claiming a win on this fight as it was crashed. It was alot of fun and it would have been interesting to see how long the battle would have raged for if CP didn't crash... I know my members would have returned all day hehe. Thanks for the fun fight NME. The Last Pures vs Intense Redemtpion & Zenith We got word IR was in singles near 13 ports so we decided why not pay them a visit, mid way through our fight, one of our scouts informed us Zenith was near us so we decided to pull to 13 ports east of us, as we were getting our fall in they decided it'd be smart to rush us, we were down by quite a few after just finishing a fight in single with IR but we decided to hold our ground and fight back, we stacked up on top of the portal and started doing work, eventually Zenith was pushed to musician north of 13 ports where we met some returns and just took the fight from there with some great tanking and piling, good fight Zenith and you too IR. Suscribe today!
  9. We peaked at 40 people today and had fights with Havoc, fatality x2, and sko. Highlight of today's PCL was beating fatality down 3-4 and giving them a run for their money down 9. Thanks everybody for the fights. Vid courtesy of the legend frazee WWW.TLP-RS.ORG
  10. if your interested in TLP at all we could talk on irc /query [TLP]Dissy
  11. So we had 2 preps with fatality this week. Our new council Pug and Kyle did a greatjob leading them and they both popped their cherry's with their first victories, gratz m8s :teehee: Thanks for the fights FI, you guys are getting better and better. Both clans pulled kinda **** but every clan seems to be pulling kinda meh this week. :confused: TUESDAY F2P PREP No Vids unfortunately but we got the 2-1 win They beat us in the 3rd run-in round. WEDNESDAY P2P PREP 3-0 Thanks again for the fun and practice FI
  12. Dissy


    shame...i liked you I suggest making a new account to NH on and use ur pure for TLP. Anyway...goodluck and hope to see you back in the future if you can stay honor on your pure
  13. lol is that why you had your head up your ass when i asked you to be in the video sayin ur 2 busy when it takes one minute, everyone in this video are friends yes i died to these people which will be shown in part two if you put effort into reading you wouldnt of had to comment that just now :thumbsup: head up my ass lol? I simply said no when you asked me to fight...? If anybody has their head up an ass its you, you throw around insults that make no sense at all you make a video that only shows wins. Atleast Mods wasn't a total egomaniac and showed the fight records in his. When i get a new computer we will fight cutie. ot;gj on vid...i enjoyed the music
  14. Does TLP interest you at all? make an intro on our site and pm me on irc if it does. you will have to train up but i know your a chill dude so all should be dandy once you get your weight up a bit
  15. TLP will not be participating in "wilderness preps" for many unfortunate reasons. We don't need to explain ourselves either, so if your in TLP, just go find another topic to argue on. With all that being said...We will continue to explore the depths of the wilderness all week, not just 3-4 days a week. While pking, if we stumble into an ongoing battle, we will defend ourselves. Each to his own, have fun.
  16. check out tlp or go back to O
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