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Everything posted by H0W3

  1. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ btw watch cd rape ch's **** next saturday it will happen.
  2. cd had just finished cy and u rush afgter they cleared them. pluse they were dissmissing as you ran in good job looks like no wins this week.
  3. H0W3


    #virulent were a new and upcomming clan we have great expirence, if nto try #cs-clan good stable clan.
  4. Malice and Divinity were low level before they were med, when malice moved up so did divinity killing the low level scene. Also the reason the low level clans dont survive is because theres a lack of events, when your in a low level clan you mini and thats it. If your in the top 3-4 clans then you come out and pk and watch one clan just dominate the whole day which isnt the same clan necesarily week to week. The reason i stick around the low level comunity is because most of my friends are here and its a great comunity everyone knows each other its just that theres no stable clans besides conspiracy. I feel is pcl was brought back clans would have more fun. As you can see the clans that do the more events are lasting. Exclusive: p2p + f2p trips, Chaotic: F2p + p2p trips, Conspiracy: fun events and f2p + p2p trips, and complete domination: 2-3 fullouts a week 2 f2p pk trips 1 p2p pk trip and fun events. When the pcl did come back more low level clans started growing. When the med clans crashed it, it wasnt fun and low level clans started to die. My theory is if we bring pcl back have times for low clans and med clans.
  5. Thanks, TRiXx lead this one.
  6. #Virulent | www.virulentrs.ipbfree.com | Virulent memberlist Pure domination approaches us for a 5v5 mini 15 minutes after we make the clan. We gladly accepted the mini and pulled about all 50's except our 71 =), they turned up with 70+. We still had confidence and pride going into it. We just remembered that organizatgion is the key and kept our calls in game aswell as our vent calls strong. Round 1 - VL start:5 PD start:5 VL ending:5 PD ending:0 Round 2 - VL start:5 PD start:5 VL ending:4 PD ending:0 Round 3 - VL start:5 PD start:5 VL ending:4 PD ending:0 gf PD =) Pictures: Videos: Still editing.
  7. ^soz for double post my ipod is mesed up.
  8. I would say #virulent great potential very expirenced leaders.
  9. Great job. The fact that you get exp and have alot of fun is the best part, guys it isnt all about the exp its about the practice calling, pileing, and you can have some fun while gainign exp.
  10. great turn out today started at a 25vs25 and continued to grow from there.
  11. Lmao week after week we clear you guys pking so you have no room to talk, you had 10 people over us this week with ex hitting us from the back and yet you say we havnt beat you, sad.
  12. wont be as many people and its more on focusing on helping newer clans practice calling i,m talking to trile about it.
  13. Although i would say make the times 6:30pm mass 7:00pm start Eastern this is like a hour after clans end pking so it gives them time to take a little break and get back.
  14. I'll defintly be there. Looks ownage good for f2p exp and great for clans to practice aswell. I used to do this when resurrection opened and it helped them also alot of clans got good calling and piling practice aswell as dragging witch helped them.
  15. Hello Aaron :biggrin:, I would suggest #cs-clan. Were getting bigger every day we have over 60 dedicated members that impress us everyday. We would love yo have you join, we take pking seriously we mini 2-3 times a day and have 1-2 events a week and a f2p pk trip on fridays and saturdays and we also have p2p trips on sundays. Our f2p trips are ownage we always come out #1, our last 2 p2p trips we did good hunting ex and ir also comming out #1 for LPC. If not i would suggest Corrupt Pures.
  16. H0W3

    H 0 W 3

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After todays ownage pk trip that cs was nice enough to let me attend so i could see how they pk, I decided to choose to join CS. Thanks everyone for taking your time to post on this, expecially chaotic who out posted everyone :biggrin:
  17. H0W3

    H 0 W 3

    alot that im not posting on pw.
  18. The one fight at portal we have a vid on shwoign we won. We cleared all of you but to running to edge so we walked to bh to resrtock where ts then hit us and we quickly cleared them. Then as we ran to ca after downing ts and restockign you guys hit us again where you guys looked like you lost a little and we won again. But no flame intended was a great saturday and when i joined your irc to say thanks for the fights you all were very respectful and no one flamed like other clans do when they lose. Thanks for the fights again hope to see you guys next trip.
  19. H0W3

    H 0 W 3

    this is my second searching topic my last one was about 6 months ago.
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