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Everything posted by H0W3

  1. well I looked at the other top clan list and most of the post are for med-high clans so i'm curious to see what people say so just post a list from best to worst and if you want you can put reasons why. Please no flamming or trolling.
  2. Lmaooo. Vd is #1? roflllllllllllllll
  3. Oh I didn't help in opening I just did half the work on the forums <3 jk Anyway great topic the people saying it's not just want more people to join there clans but that's ok. I think low level clans are more fun if they can pull so there's actully a point. If any one is opening a new clan, omnicide would love to help you can conntact us by going to #omnicide. Reis thanks for making this topic and I hope we can work together in helping clans grow.
  4. Like alot of you said no clan is mature so as a whole clan Corrupt Pures. For just the staff I would say mayhem makers because I don't ever see them flame and eop staff as well is very good with not flamming especially gooop =]. For lowlevel clans there is not one clan that is not by except for a very limited few and omnicide is huge in not flamming it's the number one rule. In omnicide we take rules very serious and we have booted a solid 10-15 for breaking the rules about 3/4 of them for flamming. I don't wanna just say omnicide because every one will say I'm just saying my clan. So lithunian juinors are probably #1 non flamming or **** like that, seriously we had a fullout 1 week prep even after losing 3-0 to omnicide they were saying how good we did and saying thanks for the fight.
  5. #omnicide Omnicide is 50% f2p and 50% p2p we are eastern and gmt time based we have been open almost a month with 40 members. we do 3-5 minis every day Fridays we go to pcl Saturdays we pk. pcl and ok trips we have sign ups for. Then Sunday we usually take it easy with a inner and a few minis. So far our events have gone great. Fullout 1 week prep with ltjr we won 3-0 even though of started 19 and ltjr started 23. (btw thank you ltjr for a great and fun war you guys are a very respectful clan.) Our first Pk trip we went undefeated 5-0 and expect it again next Saturday. We also don't flame troll or bs like alot of other low level clans do these days. I hope you find a clan that fits you aswell as omnicide fits me. If you wanna check us out read my sig.
  6. H0W3

    Omnicide vs VD

    Or will you run again? Well that is if you finally make it passed the massers other then yourselfs. Although your addy should do the job.
  7. H0W3

    Omnicide vs VD

    K then look at the clan aftermath.
  8. H0W3

    Omnicide vs VD

    Nah vd ran from us I got pics on the site. Gf though.
  9. H0W3

    Omnicide vs VD

    If vd makes it past the massers.
  10. H0W3

    Omnicide vs VD

    Sorry we should ofput a def cap to.
  11. #omnicide We are undefeated our last to ok trips and our fullout with ltjr we were 3-0 and they had +5. Come check us out aslong as you don't flame, troll, or bs your welcome.
  12. #omnicide We are undefeated our last to ok trips and our fullout with ltjr we were 3-0 and they had +5. Come check us out aslong as you don't flame, troll, or bs your welcome.
  13. Pretty much everyone here said what clan I'm about to tell you but ill just offer again. Also I'm not gonna make a big speach saying to join and you will fit in, I'm gonna be honest and say I don't care if you join omnicide it's doing great although another member couldn't hurt. Your looking for a new small clan and omnicide is not that we are the biggest and a top competer. I will say this though if you flame, troll, bs, or don't take clans seriously don't bother comming to #omnicide. If you wanna join read my sig.
  14. I'm on a iPod ATM and I forgot to put the quote thing but this is to Ray Um there arnt even 10 low level clans so if your aiming to get to the top 10 this year you already made it. Also I wish you the best of luck with your clan and if you want a mini, prep, or a run in #omnicide we don't flame and will be flexible with the rules. I remember you from resurrection. I'm pker anthems.
  15. No if they join at 75 then train higher they can stay but od's highest level is a 72.
  16. Very much respect to you thanks for the great war. Also we would love to war such a good clan like you guys you don't flame and you guys are actully a low clan. I think od and ltj are the only low level clans that follow the rule of 75-
  17. We do every week we have just opened and the past 2 weeks we have been undefeated.
  18. Yep cause both clans are flame free and no nhers.
  19. Hi brian^^^^ ----------------------------------- Thanks guys for all the post.
  20. Great job omnicide. Most of the people voted ltj but we wonlooked like a good war no flamming wish I could of been there. Also for all of those who said our levels are too big look at anyother low level clan were the ones with 75- besides ltj, and if they did have a problem they shouldn't of declared on us. Thanks for the war ltj.
  21. 1.E 2.MM 3.EOP 4.FOE 5.CP 6.TLP 7.FI 8.DP 9.Everyone else...
  22. I thought you guys would win tbh. Great pull for your ml you guys look very active and you guys have great potential keep it up.
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