I posted this on CP forums:
So yesterday when i was about to sleep I downloaded some Escape the fate on my Ipod and it braught back great memory's not only of CP but about my whole pking career. So i figured i would write them down.
I think my first ever Pure was iz76 (named after my main iz67) i had great fun, every time i heard the runescape music it gave this odd.. feeling in my belly. It eventlually failed and got like 34 def or something. I endend up creating more and more pures, back to lumby1 fr33 t1kc3t etc. After a while me and my lil bro made Id0nt ranged it was my account but i promised my brother THIS WOULD BE THE BEST PURE I EVER CREATED. It was named id0nt ranged because back in the dd when you dd'd everybody wanted to pile the rangers for there addy arrows ( since every1 prayed there scims). So having a great tactiacal name i went training my pure. I eventually dropped all my well earned money of iz67 (200k cash) to id0nt ranged which was my best investment ever. I still remember me drop trading 26 unnoted drops to id0nt and epicly failing.
--The glourious days of pure pking--
So around 05-06 i had an epic team who were all my friends. I was around 40-65 cmb and we owned EVERYONE. it wasnt some massing ****** team but just a really really good team it was like a 4-15 man team and it was great fun. I still have some old pking mates left ( qolix aka slapid1 Jump aka jumpvsHakke and matt aka matt archer0). My first clan ever was Nw0 i never even knew it was a clan i thought it was some pking team with just a name... Anyways after a while a dude i was friend with (chixl0vedicks) said i should join his clan "aao" so i applied for Aao (quick side note i always used to carry teles with me). So after a few days i checked my application and i saw some dude that wrote he saw me teleing. So i got declined. I never felt really about the fact that i was being declined OR that i teled, it was just the way of life.
So me being a pure had some huge wins and some huge failures. I always was obsesed with having alot of money. So another friend showed me his money makeing way, He bought cow hides @ al-kharid for 100 gp ea and sold them for 150 ea in w 1. So i actually started old skool "flipping" cow hides. I made some bucks out of that and was pretty happy. Ofcourse i wasnt satisifed enough and matt introduced me to the real ******* deal: ******* CASTLE LURING BIACH (cp invited this ****). I had SO ******* MUCH fun doing this ****, i made ******* mills.. i even pked full guthix(!!!), i always shared my l0ot with my buddy's cuz i was like thatz0r <33 :]!. Then one of my bro's friends introduced me to this site "youtube". I saw some epic pkers on there like kids ranqe, Purple 0wnz Elvemage etc etc and i wanted to see them, so eric went from pure to l00ter(you can still see me on kids ranqe vids and even purple 0wnz right clicked me (!@#@#K@J!:L#$J :D). it was great fun looting Ahrims Mystic and even inf boots. Also i got Perm muted for 10 months So i made my "talk" account "id0nt r4nged" named after the best pure runescape has ever seen "id0nt ranged"
So after owning alot of noobs having some epic loot and fun. The sad day came,
So after being on holiday for 1 week i came back and i found out wildie was removed(JDLFKSJ:DFK=[[[) and BH was there, it was this big ass crater were there were 3 big caves. So i went on my first pk trip with some friends it was really fun, i actually really enjoy'd it. But then the day came runescape REALLY died, Single bh. I saw no point of having a pure since i was getting owned by mains almost twice my Cmb so the almighty pure id0nt ranged was getting 40 def. I still failed, it was no fun.
One of my friends (ownpk12) told me there was this big as thing going on with his clan and he asked me to come to clan wars to check it out. I hopped to his world clan wars.. and what did i see hundred of pures, no THOUSANDS! MILLIONS OF PURES, i saw spam towers, leather bodys all over the place. I said to myself i want this, i want this NOAW! as you all could read above i had an talk account, i trained him to a pure and joined "the hatred", sadly it died after 2 hours of me being in it. So me and ownpk12 went out searching for another clan which was (the almighty) corrupt pures.
So me having a pure changed everything, pcl every saturday and pking in Bh low crator, it was fun i didnt made any profit, but it was fun and thats what counted.
To be continued again tired of typing >_>