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Pure Clan League


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what the **** has it got to do with you...


they obviously enjoy it so let them. If they didnt enjoy it or their members didnt they would leave and join the clans known for going in the wild.


Lets face it, there is always 1 top dog clan who tries to pound on the other big clans, the other big clans would then look for lil clans to feast on to make their members happy.


So the lil clans are happier scrapping in cw and they enjoy it... let them


we play for our own enjoyment not yours.


just chill the **** out son.



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  walli said:
what the **** has it got to do with you...


they obviously enjoy it so let them. If they didnt enjoy it or their members didnt they would leave and join the clans known for going in the wild.


Lets face it, there is always 1 top dog clan who tries to pound on the other big clans, the other big clans would then look for lil clans to feast on to make their members happy.


So the lil clans are happier scrapping in cw and they enjoy it... let them


we play for our own enjoyment not yours.


just chill the **** out son.

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So first, you're saying clans shouldn't do PCL & that FI should be ashamed that they are a part of it? So we should do what you think is "right" & not do PCL just because of how things were before, right? Stop living in the past. We have PvP & CW now. We do what we think is fun. Also, nobody does PCL for practice, let's be honest. PCL is just fun because all these clans can't put these dumb rules like dung off, summ off, hc off, etc.


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also fighting in the wild is no different, all ur sayin is go fight in pvp where u spend 4 times as long hunting clans, only to get crashed or killed by a bigger clan


the loot is ****...


your saying go pking? pking is player killing which can be done in cw... the old fassioned pking is long gnoe, now all "pk trips" are is pcl in the wild.



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The rules dont really matter that much, its just an event to get the clans together to fight. This rant really has no point. If you have a specific problem with the format, I would bring it up with the op's in #PCL

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I would rather go to pcl and fight 3/4 fair fights than go to a pk trip and beat clans who return in monkfish and iron scims in p2p, or be in a 10min run in and clear a clan only to have some other topic hungry clan to crash and clear my clan when its on half food/looted up after a pkri.

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Not that I agree with this post, but you could argueably say that plausible rules for wilderness practice, pretain to having summoning, corrupt, and turmoil on. Not only would this set up realistic wilderness set-ups, but it would increase experience in realistic wild situations.


However, I personally see the new, revamped PCL as a successfully coordinated event to engage in a fun, massive full out war using maxed equipment that you worked oh-so hard for.


Also, I find the 1 war standard is as realistic as it gets. You get one chance to win that full out, there aren't redo's or muligans, it's a one battle, all out fight. I find the aspect of adding a capped PCL would essentially ruin PCL.. As I personally enjoy to use the items I've worked so hard for. Some of us spend a lot of time on getting dungeoneering, summoning, and special equipment that adds extra attributes and contributes to a more enjoyable fight.


In summary, I basically find this topic attrocious and for those whom are indiligant to their own set-up. In this day and age, we're very tolerant to defence and make exceptions for applicants whom have some sort've unique equipment, but then our hypocrisy sets up wars than don't allow that sort've equipment..


Please tell me I'm wrong.. Please tell me that if I went and got 70 summoning, I should be barred from using it because you didn't go that extra yard to contribute to your clan. There shouldn't be rules in any fight other than attacking / defending, but in a realistic war, you're not going to tell the opposing enemy that they're not allowed to use a nuke and then expect a peaceful response.

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  Dave said:
As many of you know the low/med level clans and a few higher clans such as Fi/TLP have chosen to support the return of "Pure Clan League" by attending the PCL events weekly on Fridays at 6PM EST. I find it ironic that during the PCL era (the true PCL era, for those of you who are older you'll remember those days) clans would have killed to be able to fight in PvP or BH rather than in clanwars arenas, yet now 81% of known pure clans, or active pure clans attend PCL on Friday's rather than PK.



i read the first bit as you wrote so much.


You say people in PCL era would have killed for PvP or BH. That is not true. By PvP i assume you mean the PvP worlds rather than player vs player in general.


People would have killed for the old wilderness back, not 3 Bounty Hunter Worlds and 2 PvP worlds.

It make fighting hard and stupid as not only do you get all the other players shoved together interfering with pure fights, but you also have pure clan's being their own worse enemies and crashing fights.


This topic seems retarded and bitchey.

Founding Leader of Enemy
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I run #Pcl have fun doing so seeing the massive competition of clans.


Look at it more in a Positive way

- Clans gain p2p experience on different maps inside clw


- Theyres always someone to fight with no spying/scouts needed


- This builds lower clans up from nothing look at the lights of (Eop) - went from pulling 36 while kinda in slump to pulling 70+ building up to thier aniversary not to mention theyre f2p based and they have fun p2p pcl


negative sides- ..

None because all low/mid level clans have fun doing it and foe/mm stick to thier own business in wilderness not to mention the looting system is absolute diobolical.




/msg jordan_


if u need me !

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