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IRCop Check

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This script checks if any IRCops are in a channel. This doesn't have much use, but if you're going to break the network rules, you'd better make sure there aren't any staff in the channel, otherwise you'll be punished!


alias ic {  var %x $nick(#,0)  var %z Vivec Strider3282 Strider Tim Awong Katlyn cursive Chrono Marius Mithshark Pancakes Concept Sara Woodruff Allen fx Hutchins IEP Timmy Home Zeus Z Ryan Narthalion Luke JokerNos Joker Bluebus112 Redzzy Ala Matt Fallout zomg Rubbah  while (%x > 0) {	if ($istok(%z,$nick(#,%x),32)) {	  var %mc %mc $nick(#,%x)	}	dec %x  }  if (%mc) {	echo -a Warning: There are $network moderators in # $+ ! ( $+ %mc $+ )	halt  }  echo -a There are no $network moderators in # $+ !}




Please note that this will only check for their actual names. If they changed their name, this script won't recognize them.

Quit the forums; my channel: #Phillip


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This is silly!


alias staffcheck {  var %x 1,%io,%**  while (%x <= $nick(#,0)) {	if ($istok(*!*@SwiftIRC.net *!*@,$address($nick(#,%x),2),32)) { var %io %io $nick(#,%x) }	elseif ($address($nick(#,%x),4) == *!*@*.support.SwiftIRC.net) { var %** %** $nick(#,%x) }	inc %x  }  echo -a [StaffCheck] There are $iif(%io,$gettok(%io,0,32) IRCops: $+([,%io,]),no IRCops.)  echo -a [StaffChecl] There are $iif(%**,$gettok(%**,0,32) HelpOps: $+([,%**,]),no HelpOps.)}



EDIT: Also in your output you use $network, which is silly since you specifically only check for SwiftIRC staff.



(+`Obsession) jay is a legend

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Network administrators


Network Administrators form the core of the administration at SwiftIRC. They adhere strictly to a democratic system, using majority votes to make all major changes to SwiftIRC, and ensure that the network runs smoothly.


The current Network Administrators are:


[*]   Awong[*]   Cursive[*]   Katlyn[*]   Sephiroth[*]   Strider3282[*]   Tim[*]   Vivec


Server Administrators


Server Administrators are generally focused upon the maintenance of their servers, on top of the IRC operator responsibilities that their position entails. Server Administrators may also nominate staff for their server, after which a majority support of the network administrators is required.


The current Server Administrators are:


[*]   Allen[*]   Chrono[*]   fx[*]   IEP[*]   Lord_Sobek[*]   Marius[*]   Mithshark


Global IRC operators


IRC operators are the second level of support for users. If a user has an issue that cannot be solved by a network helper then an IRC operator may intervene. IRC operators also have the task of ensuring that users and channels abide by the network guidelines. They are generally nominated and voted on by the Network Administrators.


The current IRC operators are:


 [*]   Concept[*]   Escable[*]   Hutchins[*]   Pancakes[*]   Remy[*]   Sara[*]   Woodruff

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alias opscan {  if (!$chan) { echo -a $+($chr(3),07,You can't perform an opscan if you aren't in a channel!,$chr(3)) | HALT }  var %a Katlyn Katlyn` Concept Hutchins Sara Remy fx Escable Viking Clorith Marius IEP cursive Chrono Sephiroth Awong Strider3282 Strider Pancakes Allen Vivec Tim Lord_Sobek Mithshark  var %d Rubbah zomg perihelion |Matt Home Joker luke Narthalion Z Ala Fallout Redzzy Timmy  var %b 1  while (%b < $nick(#,0)) {	if ($istok(%a,$nick(#,%b),32) || *!*@ iswm $address($nick(#,%b),2) || *!*@admin*swiftirc.net iswm $address($nick(#,%b,2),2)) {	  var %c %c $nick(#,%b)	  inc %b	}	if ($istok(%d,$nick(#,%b),32) || *!*@*.support.SwiftIRC.net iswm $address($nick(#,%b),2)) {	  var %e %e $nick(#,%b)	}	inc %b  }  if (%c != $null || %e != $null) {	tokenize 32 $iif(%c, %c) $iif(%e, %e)	echo -a 07There $iif($0 == 1, is 04 $+ 1 07member of the 04SwiftIRC staff07, are04 $0 07members of the 04SwiftIRC staff07) 07in04 $+($chan,.)	$iif(%c, tokenize 32 %c)	$iif(%c, echo -a $+($chr(3),04,$0 07are ircops -04 $list($1-),$chr(3)))	$iif(%e, tokenize 32 %e)	$iif(%e, echo -a $+($chr(3),04,$0 07are helpops -04 $list($1-),$chr(3)))  }  else {	echo -a $+($chr(3),07,There are no ircops or helpops in4 $chan,$chr(3))  }}alias list {  tokenize 32 $1-  var %x 1  while (%x < $(},$0)) {	var %w %w $(,$+($,%x)) $+ $chr(44)	inc %x  }  return $iif($2 == $null, $1, %w $(,$+($,$(},$0)) and $+($,$0)))}


There are 15 members of the SwiftIRC staff in #Irchelp.

6 are ircops - Clorith, fx, R-66Y, Sara, Strider and Viking

9 are helpops - [-Home-], Home, Joker, luke, Narthalion, Rubbah, Z, zomg and |Matt



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Network administrators


Network Administrators form the core of the administration at SwiftIRC. They adhere strictly to a democratic system, using majority votes to make all major changes to SwiftIRC, and ensure that the network runs smoothly.


The current Network Administrators are:


[*]   Awong[*]   Cursive[*]   Katlyn[*]   Sephiroth[*]   Strider3282[*]   Tim[*]   Vivec


Server Administrators


Server Administrators are generally focused upon the maintenance of their servers, on top of the IRC operator responsibilities that their position entails. Server Administrators may also nominate staff for their server, after which a majority support of the network administrators is required.


The current Server Administrators are:


[*]   Allen[*]   Chrono[*]   fx[*]   IEP[*]   Lord_Sobek[*]   Marius[*]   Mithshark


Global IRC operators


IRC operators are the second level of support for users. If a user has an issue that cannot be solved by a network helper then an IRC operator may intervene. IRC operators also have the task of ensuring that users and channels abide by the network guidelines. They are generally nominated and voted on by the Network Administrators.


The current IRC operators are:


 [*]   Concept[*]   Escable[*]   Hutchins[*]   Pancakes[*]   Remy[*]   Sara[*]   Woodruff

Your point being? They all still moderate the network.


Look up the definition of moderation.

Quit the forums; my channel: #Phillip


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