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[Tutorial] Connecting with IPv6 and bvhosts (mIRC)

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** UPDATE: I was just told that there was a change for freenet6.net, "broker.freenet6.net" has been changed to "authenticated.freenet6.net" (IP: - New go6 download links. http://go6.net/4105/download.asp (they now have *NIX support!)


This will show you how to set up IPv6 and connect to IRC, with bvhosts.

(if you need help with any of the steps or something, join #IPv6)


What you will need:

1.) Account with http://freenet6.net/

2.) Account with http://afraid.org/

3.) mircv6.dll from http://users.skynet.be/jaguar/mircv6.html (You can use other programs that allow IPv6 connections such as KVirc - http://www.kvirc.net/)


The IPv6 protocol for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 is installed and enabled by default.


To install the IPv6 protocol for Windows Server 2003, perform the following steps:

1.) From the Windows XP desktop, click Start, open Run.

2.) In run, type cmd, then press enter.

3.) In command prompt, type netsh interface ipv6 install.


To install the IPv6 protocol for Windows XP with SP2 or later, do the following:

1.) From the Windows desktop, click Start, open Run.

2.) In run, type cmd, then press enter.

3.) In command prompt, type netsh interface ipv6 install.


To install the IPv6 protocol for Windows XP with no service packs installed:

1.) Log on to the computer running Windows XP with a user account that has privileges to change network configuration.

2.) Open a command prompt. From the Windows XP desktop, click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Command Prompt.

3.) At the command prompt, type ipv6 install.


For Windows (Other than Vista/Server 2008), to use RPC applications over IPv6, you must first restart the computer.


For IPv6, you will need a tunnel broker, for this I use http://freenet6.net/


Go to the freenet6 website, and sign up for an account, after you get the account you will need to download the GO6 gateway program, at http://go6.net/4105/download.asp.


After you install the program, you will need to set it up.

1.) For the tunnel "Gateway6 Address" you can use the IPv4 IP of,, or the host, authenticated.freenet6.net.

2.) Turn on "Connect Useing the Following Credentials"

3.) Fill in your freenet6 user name, and password.

4.) Optional: check "Launch the Gateway6 Client service at system startup"

5.) Switch over the the Advanced tab.

6.) For tunnel mode, you need to use the one that best works for you. I use "IPv6-in-IPv4 Tunnel"

7.) "Tunnel Authentication Method" can just be left as "Automatic (ANY)"

8.) For "DNS Server(s)" you will need to use what ever DNS servers you use for your domain/subdomain, I use http://afraid.org/ for mine (ns1.afraid.org:ns2.afraid.og:ns3.afraid.org:ns4.afraid.org -- for more than one, use :'s and not spaces.)

9.) Skip down to "Enable Routing Advertisement", you can leave everything else as it is.

10.) "Advertiseing on Interface" should be set to your main internet connection.

11.) Leave "Prefix" at 64

12.) Click Apply, and go back to the main tab, then click connect.


Here are some screen shots of what this should look like:

Tab 1 (Basic)


Tab 2 (Advanced)



After you are connected, you need to find your subnet address. this can be found in the "Status" tab.

1.) Look for "Deligated Prefix" - should look something like this: 2001:FFFF:FFFF/48

2.) Go to http://afraid.org/ and login (sign up if you havent) and then go to "IPv6 Reverse"

3.) Click "Add reverse IPv6 subnet", when you get there, place your "Deligated Prefix" in the box, then click check. ( You will need to add 2 :'s before the /48, so it will look like this: 2001:FFFF:FFFF::/48 )

4.) Go into subdomains and then click add, in the dropdown box, pick one from the list or go to "Many many many more availible..."

5.) Click on "Shared Domain Registry" link, then find and make a subdomain you want.

6.) Go back and change the "Type:" to AAAA, place an IPv6 address from your prefix in the "Address:" box (Should look like "2001:FFFF:FFFF::1") and then save.

7.) Go back into the "IPv6 Reverse" and place the last part of the address, for "2001:FFFF:FFFF::1" it would be ":1", then for hostname, put in your subdomain you just made.


Now, for the address to work, you will need to add it into your "Virtual Tunneling Adapter" (Can find what it's called in the "Status" tab on the Gateway6 client)

1) Open up the command prompt, by start > run > cmd.

2) Type in netsh, then press enter. now type interface ipv6.

3) When it says "netsh interface ipv6>" type in: add address "<tunnel adapter>" <address> (The address you used in afraid.org -- for the example, i used "2001:FFFF:FFFF::1") then press enter.

(To get a list of addresses, open cmd and type: ipconfig /all -- To remove an IPv6 address, do the same steps to add, but use: delete address "<tunnel adapter>" <address>)


You can now close out of the command prompt, at this point, you will need to download the mIRC ipv6 dll, from http://users.skynet.be/jaguar/mircv6.html (Find info on how to use it there)

To connect to an IPv6 address from SwiftIRC, use: /server irc.ipv6.swiftirc.net or /server ipv6.tadpole.fr.eu.swiftirc.net


Yes I know this is on Swift's forums but I thought it would be helpful to post here >.> I do not take any credit to this what so ever. Syrus is the one who made it :3


But if you do need help you can PM me



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