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how come there are so many clans that are now accepting 30 defense as part of their definition of the term "pure", and do you agree with this concept?


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you missed the complain train m4n



besides, i see better addy pkers than mith anymore. I keep my 1 defence though

»15:40:10« <@Jay> You're not even close to being intelligent enough to speak to me.


^ Why would you cite me on the quote, when my name's clearly in it...


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  Gotcho said:
lol.. good ol new kids.. you have no idea how the old wildy was, or ud know 30 def was pro. soron, 0wn3d75, totalynectar...hiei..lol comon now

implying hiei was 30 defence when the old wild was around heheheheh

lifes a ***** n then ya die
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  Reilly said:
  Gotcho said:
lol.. good ol new kids.. you have no idea how the old wildy was, or ud know 30 def was pro. soron, 0wn3d75, totalynectar...hiei..lol comon now

implying hiei was 30 defence when the old wild was around heheheheh


implying you were around to know heheheheheh


jk love u

Violent Demise - Low Requirement Pure Clan
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But you still lose most of the time with 1 def cap, so i'd say your argument is invalid.


What makes 20 def pure? You said "People got 20 def for initiate, it was frowned upon but accepted", could say the same thing about 30, except you can actually get turmoils and handcannons at it.


So actually, that makes MM the only non-pure clan, only clan to decline pures who gain defence for offensive purposes, but accepts pures who get def for "initiate".



*Proud To Be Warlord of The Eruption Of Pures

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  S U W 0 0 P said:
But you still lose most of the time with 1 def cap, so i'd say your argument is invalid.


What makes 20 def pure? You said "People got 20 def for initiate, it was frowned upon but accepted", could say the same thing about 30, except you can actually get turmoils and handcannons at it.


So actually, that makes MM the only non-pure clan, only clan to decline pures who gain defence for offensive purposes, but accepts pures who get def for "initiate".

why did u leave out mystic when u quoted him?

Attack Big Alex 67(Level-85+10)/ 2 more options





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  Big Alex 67 said:
  S U W 0 0 P said:
But you still lose most of the time with 1 def cap, so i'd say your argument is invalid.


What makes 20 def pure? You said "People got 20 def for initiate, it was frowned upon but accepted", could say the same thing about 30, except you can actually get turmoils and handcannons at it.


So actually, that makes MM the only non-pure clan, only clan to decline pures who gain defence for offensive purposes, but accepts pures who get def for "initiate".

why did u leave out mystic when u quoted him?


To make my argument more solid obviously B).


Not that 5 combat levels for a slightly higher mage accuracy bonus is justified.



*Proud To Be Warlord of The Eruption Of Pures

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Sig is highly relevant, who's mad???????????????????????????????


Anyways, the only people who complain about 30 defence either a) don't have it or B) are stuck in the past, pure clans must either adapt or die.


There was a time when 10 defence was regarded as pushing it, and more recently 20 defence was right on the edge, much the same way that 30 defence is now, and much the same way that 35 defence will be soon enough. I laugh at clans that accept 25 defence and not 30 because 30 is more pure than 25 in my eyes. At 25 you gain almost nothing, getting 25 from 20 is mostly a defensive thing, while getting 30 from any level just increases your offensive power ie;hand cannon or turmoil. I can't wait till there are more updates that encourage pures to get defence, it's been happening for a long time now and it's slowly changing the way we perceive defence on pures.


The reason I have 30 defence is simply because I don't pk, I only enjoy clanning and perhaps most simply of all; because it's accepted into pure clans. If there is a day when 40 Defence is allowed in pure clans, you can be sure I'll be one of the first wearing rune armour standing at the front lines dragging your monk robe covered ass into my clan for a easy one bang. I proudly wear my adamant, it does nothing but help my clan and creates a large advantage for me compared to these trash kids in monk robes. Punt is my second account with 30 defence, and I'll never stop suggesting for my friends and clan mates to get defence.


In regards to pking, if I ever feel the need I'll use a main because pures are a joke nowadays, other than clanning you'd be hard-pressed to find a good reason to stay pure.

Proud to have been EoP's longest serving @Leader 2006-2012.
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  Ever said:
nathan your either eop and cp. or ex epidemic



though I am insulted you thought I could be from Chain69 cc, or even worse.. ex-epidemic, as both were ****, but atleast CP is still open.

Proud to have been EoP's longest serving @Leader 2006-2012.
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  Ever said:
why did you get 30def?

I believe it was in my previous post, please allow me to get it for you!


The reason I have 30 defence is simply because I don't pk, I only enjoy clanning and perhaps most simply of all; because it's accepted into pure clans. If there is a day when 40 Defence is allowed in pure clans, you can be sure I'll be one of the first wearing rune armour standing at the front lines dragging your monk robe covered ass into my clan for a easy one bang. I proudly wear my adamant, it does nothing but help my clan and creates a large advantage for me compared to these trash kids in monk robes. Punt is my second account with 30 defence, and I'll never stop suggesting for my friends and clan mates to get defence.
Proud to have been EoP's longest serving @Leader 2006-2012.
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some clans just enforce their members to get higher defence



think about it, we all know how eop hides in safe or teams with other clans most of the time. Think about it, if either foe or mm had the same % of addy in clan, eop would probably call off all of their trips lool



30 def to compete the top clans

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  Martin said:
some clans just enforce their members to get higher defence



think about it, we all know how eop hides in safe or teams with other clans most of the time. Think about it, if either foe or mm had the same % of addy in clan, eop would probably call off all of their trips lool



30 def to compete the top clans

Yeah man, that's why we do so well in matched opts 1/10/20 Defence caps@@@@@


Winner winner chicken dinner

Proud to have been EoP's longest serving @Leader 2006-2012.
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lol at these arguments


where was your 30 defense argument a couple of years ago? the only reason pure clans have accepted more def is due to more competitiveness between each other clans and the need for 2nd rate clans to try to compete with the big boys, like foe and mm. Old wildy didnt present this problem, less competition between clans because alot of trips were about hunting rune idiots.


unfortunately, even foe accepts 30 def now :/

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  Ever said:
20-30 is like 4 lvls? im not sure. Anything over 10def isn't pure


there's no such thing as a pure clan.


30def turm 60att or even with 75+att you can do work if you know what your doing...Nectar and soron had no problem pking in the "old wild". unless you mean bunch of clans that accept any 30def accounts without offensive stats for tanking purposes because pures were meant to tank. "60/70s in mith/addy". Yeah those kids wont be pking anything lol..

look at the kid punt from eop he was like 79 range 80 str 90 magic 75 combat and 30 defence lol.


EDIT: his stats are worse then i thought. 71 str.

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  Nathan said:
  Martin said:
some clans just enforce their members to get higher defence



think about it, we all know how eop hides in safe or teams with other clans most of the time. Think about it, if either foe or mm had the same % of addy in clan, eop would probably call off all of their trips lool



30 def to compete the top clans

Yeah man, that's why we do so well in matched opts 1/10/20 Defence caps@@@@@


Winner winner chicken dinner


lolol, nah, its more like a clan statement to gain more applicants, you havent done much matched opts and you just got beaten by foe



ohh that was offtopic, anyway



OT: 30 def to compete the big guys!!!

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