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Guide To Chinning - Pure Style -


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redchinchompa.png Zaney's Guide to Chinning on A Pure redchinchompa.png


This guide will show you the gear,inventory,location, and how to multiply your skeletons. You can also use this guide if you are a main you just need to modify your gear a little then you'll be golden.




  • Started Monkey Madness
  • Wealth
  • 55+ Range (75+ Recommended)
  • 44 Prayer



About Chinning


Red chinchompas are multi-target stackable Ranged weapons requiring level 55 to use. The red chinchompa's are thrown like darts or throwing knives however, it explodes on impact. They can hit up to 9 targets in a 3x3 area. They cannot be picked up again from the ground after being thrown and ava's accumulator does not return them. Also you can start chinning as early as level 75 range and not be wasteing your money. Any lower is questionable but at level 75 you can earn 135-155k experience per hour.


Note: If you die with red chinchompas in their inventory or equipped, the chinchompas will disappear and cannot be retrieved.



How To Get There


  • Traveling via Daero at the first floor of the Grand Tree (East next to Blurberry) to using Waydar Crash Island, and then sailing to Ape Atoll with Lumdo.
  • The teleportation spell Teleport to Ape Atoll, requiring level 64 Magic (after completing the King Awowogei part of Recipe for Disaster).
  • Teleporting to the Agility course using the fairy ring code C-L-R (after completing Fairy Tale III). A small ninja monkey greegree is required to get through the log shortcut to the agility course and the rest of the island.


This map shows the entire dungeon you will be going through. If you somehow manage to get lost just refer back to this map to help find where you are. The first red square is commonly called 'Spot 1', the second one is 'Spot 2', and the third one is 'Spot 3. This guide is going to show you how to chin at spot 3 which is the easiest and most experience.


Gear and Inventory




This is an example of maxed pure gear. Technically pures can't wear barrows gloves but this is my reset prod so i had them on anyway. Pures can alternatively wear their highest RFD gloves or just use spikey vambs.


This will show you alternatives from maxed to lowest.


Headgear: Any mitre > Robin > Coif

Amulet: Amulet of Ranging > Amulet of Fury > Amulet of Accuracy

Cape: Firecape > Ava's Accumulator > Ava's Attractor

Weapon: Red Chinchompa > Gray Chinchompa

Shield: Unholy Book > Book of Balance > Holy Book

Chest: Prayer Robes > Leather Chest

Legs: Black D'hide Chaps > Red D'hide Chaps

Boots: Ranger boots > Frog-Leather Boots

Gloves: Barrows Gloves > Black Spikey Vambs > RFD Gloves

Ring: Ring of Life (For your first few times) > Archers Ring




This is considered max gear for pures. It has a high range bonus aswell as a good prayer bonus. You can substitute gear as you want but you want to keep good prayer bonus along with range.





First Row - 4 Ranging Potions(4)

Second Row - Rocktail - Super Antipoison(4) - GreeGree - 1-Click Telly

Rest - 20 Prayer Potions(4)


Ranging potions boost 11 levels. If you repot when you are at 6 points boost left and are using Eagle Eye prayer then you should run out of prayer potions at the same time as range. The rocktail is for emergencys. The spikes and spiders in the dungeon poison you so antipoison is a must. GreeGree is optional but allows you to logout. One click telly is essential for leaving and emergencys.


Attack Style




The most common arguement about chinning is what attack style to use. There are three attack styles, short, medium and long fuse. Medium has the attacking speed of "rapid" and is faster than short and long fuse. The speed of red chinchompas is the same as a shortbow.






Use the normal prayer book as the curses have less bonus then the normal one. Using Eagle Eye gives you a 15% increase to your range and is strongly recommended. Curses do not work aswell here because they take time to get to their full boost and by the time they do the skeleton is dead making them always be at 10% range boost equivlent to Hawk Eye in the normal prayer book. Protect from Melee is an absolute MUST. The skeletons you will be fighting here are level 142's and using this method you will have 9+ on you at the same time. Always watch your prayer here as if it drops and you have low defence your good as dead.



How to Chin




Red is the starting spot.

Green is the switch spot.


When you first arrive to your spot if it is not already taken then there will be 4 skeletons wandering around the cave. If you are using a greegree they will not attack but if you are not they will become hostile. When you are ready go to human mode and start attacking them. Make sure to pot up and turn on Protect from Melee. Attack the center one so you are fully using the chins 3x3 attack range. Once you kill 2 of the 4 move to the 'switch spot'.



Now continue killing the rest. Now the fun part, the bones on the ground allow the skeletons to come back to life and fight again. You should now have 5 skeletons since there is a bone that always spawns on the 'start' spot. Keep repeating and spreading the bones around so you get a nice group with multiple skeletons stacked ontop of eachother. You should start to have a group. When your finally doing good and made good progress through your trip you should be able to right click your skeletons and see something similar to this




  • You will need to keep moving and 'spreading' the bones out as you kill them so you can keep your 3x3 attack grid going strong.
  • Always, always! Watch your prayer you can die very easily from being distracted.
  • If someone comes to your world don't flame them, ask them to hop nicely, odds are they will.
  • Questers are your biggest nightmare here. They will run through your skeletons and mess up everything. All you have to do is throw your chin at all the far/wandering ones and then go back to the 'start spot' then wait for them to come then go to the 'switch spot'.


How to Figure Out Experience


To figure out your experience gained per chin, and cost per experience you just need to do some simple math.


Experience per Chinchompa -

  1. Find out your total experience gained. (Use Runetracker)
  2. Subtract the amount of chinchompas you started with by the amount you have now.
  3. Divide your experience gained by the amount of chinchompas used.
  4. Now you have your experience per chin used.


256,000 Experience Gained

1,500-308 = 1,192 Used

256,000/1,192 = 214 Experience per Chinchompa


Cost per Experience -

  1. Find out the price of the chinchompas.
  2. Divide the cost of them by the experience gained each.
  3. Now you have your cost per experience.


756gp Each

765/214 = 3.5gp Each Experience




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Feel Free to post any questions/comments. Tell me how i did since this is my first time ever making a guide =)

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Nice guide, will probably use this on my new pure :)


-Proud member of #TLP
-Proud former member of #Dpures

(14:27:02) <@Furious> Next season I hope there will be a "most biased and hated moderator award" I would hands down win it
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Also you can use a ring of life if you aren't paying 100% attention

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