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Fayth's 40/45 Attack Pure Guide


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If you have time to read this, you have time to leave a comment telling me anything else you wish for this guide to cover.


First thing's first: This guide is directed mainly at P2P pures who want to maximize their gear and training on a 40 Attack Pure.I really Recommend getting 45 Attack as it is alot better in Accuracy when f2p pking, and allows you to attain both Addy Gloves AND Ancients. I will also include some information for the recommended 45 Attack and 50 Attack respectively.



Table of Contents


Section 1: Starting Out

Section 2: Quests for 40/45 Attack

Section 3: Quests for Prayer

Section 4: Misc Quests

Section 5: Extra Gear

Section 6: Explorer's Ring

Section 7: Gravite 2h

Section 8: Training (Coming Soon)

Section 9: Gear Profiles (Coming Soon)

Section 10: Pk Tips (Coming Soon)

Section 11: FAQ (Coming Soon)




Section 1: Starting out



I recommend starting out f2p to use your p2p more efficiently.


After getting out of the Tutorial the first thing you want to do is visit Barbarian Village, or directly north of it at least. Going through the Stronghold of Player Safety will net you 10k Gp, some Gloves, and 2 lamps giving 1000 experience total.



You'll want to navigate through to get to the lever.



Pull the lever then go through the gate highlighted in the picture above.



After buying a few pieces of food, Head through the Stronghold of Security to get another 10k Gp and Some Boots by collecting the "prize" at the end of each floor.


Floor 1 (2000 gp)



Floor 2 (3000 gp)



Floor 3 (5000 gp)



Floor 4 (Boots)



Section 2: Quests for 40/45 Attack



You'll want to quest 40 Attack, we'll be doing it in such a way that allows you to attain Addy Rfd gloves later.

NOTE:: If you'd rather have Ancients at 40 attack instead of Addy gloves, replace Tree Gnome Village with Waterfall Quest.


The Quests for 40 Attack:

Vampire Slayer(Do this early on at 1 Attack to get exactly 20)

Death Plateau(Rock Climbing Boots)

Tree Gnome Village(MM Req)

The Grand Tree(MM Req)


These 4 Quests will get you Exactly 40 Attack (From Level 1)


For 45 Attack


All Quests Above +

Fight Arena(If staying 40 Attack, do this as well, only until you get the Khazard Armour, DO NOT FINISH)

Waterfall Quest(Dt Req)


For 50 Attack


Train from 45 if staying 1-13 Prayer


Section 3: Quests for Prayer



11 Prayer (Ancient Magicks)


Priest In Peril (1,406)

Restless Ghost (125)

This actually leaves you with a very small margin until 12.


12/13 Prayer (Ava's Accumulator)


Animal Magnetism (The quest itself does not give you prayer. But making 20 Ecto-Tokens gets you 180 prayer xp. You can get 13 Manually here if you plan on staying 13)

--Ernest the Chicken


31 Prayer (Superhuman Strength)


Ghosts Ahoy (2,400)

Spirits of the Elid (8,000)

Recruitment Drive (1,000)

--Black Knight's Fortress

--Druidic Ritual

Mountain Daughter (2,000)(Also gets 1,000 Attack xp. If you followed the guide to quest 45 attack, this is fine. Check to see if you have the clearance to be able to do this quest first)

Making History (1000)(You'll be 31 before this quest, but if you started this all at 1 prayer and followed the guide, you'll still be 31 after this quest)


37 Prayer (Protect from Magic)


Rag and Bone Man+Extended (5,500)

--Creature of Fenkenstrain

--Zogre Flesh Eaters

----Jungle Potion

----Big Chompy Bird Hunting

--The Lost Tribe

----Goblin Diplomacy

----Rune Mysteries

--Horror from the Deep

----Alfred Grimhand's Barcrawl

--Mogre Mini Quest

----Plague City

Another Slice of H.A.M (3,000)

--Death to the Dorgeshuun

--The Giant Dwarf

--The Dig Site

Land of the Goblins (2,000)

--Fishing Contest

Spirit of Summer (5,000)

--Wolf Whistle


40 Prayer (Protect from Missiles)


Swan Song (10,000)

--Garden of Tranquility

--One Small Favour

----Shilo Village


43 Prayer (Protect from Melee)

Sorry! You'll have to train this one manually. It's only 10,000 Experience!


44 Prayer (Eagle Eye)


Dealing With Scabaras (7,000)(You can do this earlier, but it is highly recommended not to do this without Overhead Prayers.)

--The Feud


----Gertrude's Cat

----Icthlarin's Little Helper

----Prince Ali Rescue

45 Prayer (Mystic Might)


Until 47 Prayer, there's no more questing available for Prayer xp if you want to say 1 def. So train up.


52 Prayer (Smite)


Rum Deal (7,000)(Only available at/after 47 Prayer)

The Great Brain Robbery (6,000) (Only Available at/after 50 Prayer)

--Cabin Fever

--RFD: Saving Pirate Pete


Section 4: Misc Quests



(1 Prayer)


Adamant Gloves:


RFD: Cook

-Cook's Assistant

RFD: Dwarf

-Fishing Contest

RFD: Goblin Generals

-Goblin Diplomacy

RFD: Pirate Pete

RFD: Evil Dave

-Gertrude's Cat

-Shadow of the Storm

--Demon Slayer

--The Golem

RFD: Skrach Uglogwee

-Big Chompy Bird Hunting

RFD: Awowogei

-Monkey Madness




Mountain Daughter (DO NOT FINISH THE QUEST, Only do up to the part where you obtain the Bear Head unless you want addition Attack and Prayer Xp)


Prayer Books:


Horror From The Deep

-Alfred Grimhand's Barcrawl



Crystal Bow: (In Order)


Plague City


Underground Pass


Roving Elves



(11 Prayer)


Ancient Magicks:


Troll Stronghold

-Death Plateau

Waterfall Quest

Priest in Peril

Temple of Ikov

Digsite Quest

The Tourist Trap


Desert Treasure.

(For those having trouble with Kamil. Pm me for a safespot location where even the barrage wont hit you. Fayth or Myk)


(12/13 Prayer)


Ava's Accumulator:


Ernest the Chicken

Priest In Peril

The Restless Ghost


Animal Magnetism



Section 5: Extra Gear


Imbued Rings:


These things are GODLY and so easy to get when you boost. If you can afford the time, I'd recommend getting all 3: Berzerker Ring, Seers Ring, and Archer Ring. The added +4 is too good not to get.


Runecrafter Robes:


Best Magic Bonus in f2p. If you're a clanner, get them.



Talisman Staff:


Same as above. Just too good when tanking.



Gravite 2h Sword:


From personal experience, this weapon is godly. If you're 25 Prayer, it's even better.

Read the tips for G2H below before use though.



Gravite Rapier:


If you actually plan on never getting 50 Attack, or waiting a LONG time, get this to train, its god.



Section 6: Explorer's Ring


First thing's first, you wont be getting this at 1 prayer. The Restless Ghost alone will get you 2 prayer. So either stay there, or go up to 12/13 with Priest in Peril later on.




The Restless Ghost

Rune Mysteries

Dragon Slayer (Started only to where you can get the shield from the Duke) DO NOT finish this quest ever unless you want to get 33+ def.

30 Mining

30 Fishing

36 Smithing

5 Runecrafting

31 Magic

30 Woodcutting

30 Firemaking

40 Cooking

16 Crafting


^These Requirements will get Explorer's Ring 3.The highest version you will actually need, unless you want addition spell castings or like to use bones to bananas alot. If you find yourself wanting Ex Ring 4, here's the additional requirements.


68 Smithing

50 Crafting

59 Magic

50 Cooking

45 Prayer

50-57 Runecrafting

60 Firemaking


The ring's have usage though. Taken directly from Zybez


Explorer's Ring 1 allows you to replenish your run energy by 50% once a day.

Explorer's Ring 2, in addition to Ring 1's abilities, it allows you to recharge your run energy by 50% twice a day, cast low alchemy 30 times (provided that you have level 21 Magic, and gives you a chance of getting extra Fire, Earth, Air, or Water runes when crafting them.

Explorer's Ring 3, in addition to Ring 2's abilities, allows you to recharge your run energy by 50% 3 times a day and lets you teleport to the cabbage fields south of Falador.

Explorer's Ring 4, in addition to Ring 3's abilities, allows you 27 superheat item casts per day, allows you 15 free high-level alchemy casts per day, 50% chance of not using runes when casting 'Bones to Bananas' 10 times per day.


Section 7: Gravite 2h



Here's some tips for you G2H users. Hope they help.


-When getting the 63/64 Dungeoneering DO NOT use a spear.

-If your computer lags, DO NOT try to Range/2h Crush switch.

-The G2H itself doesn't get you Def, you get Def xp when switching back from Crush style, your Bow will be on Longrange.

-When you die, ALWAYS switch back to strength attack style (with no weapons equipped) as when you die with 2h equipped on Crush, you're normal attack style will be switched to Defense.

-If Strength based you can safely pk using a Rune Sword on Slash or a Gravite Rapier.

Proud to have been a +Member, +Legend, and ^Council of Enemy
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My guide:

1. Make account

2. Run through strongholds.

3. Get 30 Attack and 30 Strength at monks.

4. Bot Strength at Al-Kharid Warriors until your goal level.

5. Get 31 pray if you want.

This worked for me, I went from 1 everything to 40/80/1 in 4 days.

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  Riggz said:
power ammy not str ammy


explorers ring 4


u seem to use god in alot of sentences.


Thanks for the feedback, I'll add explorer's ring and retake my screenshot with the strength ammy.

Proud to have been a +Member, +Legend, and ^Council of Enemy
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  DazMUFC said:
Nice guide so far. When you finishing it?


adding little by little everyday on my clan site. When i get a full section i'll update on here.

Proud to have been a +Member, +Legend, and ^Council of Enemy
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  `Myk said:
  DazMUFC said:
Nice guide so far. When you finishing it?


adding little by little everyday on my clan site. When i get a full section i'll update on here.


Ok cool im using this to start of my pure. Ive quested up to 15 prayer but waiting till you finish guide so i cn carry on with prayer

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Umm The part where you said that training with a gravite rapier is very good... don't you have to recharge it after 10 hrs of combat? :thumbsup:


Proud Master of Negative.

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yeah, you do have to recharge it after 10 hours, it's 1m. But in all honesty, you should have made atleast 1m in 10 hours. I've been training with rapier for over 2 months, the recharge really hasn't affected my training, and imo it more than makes up for the saved time.

Proud to have been a +Member, +Legend, and ^Council of Enemy
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Added a Prayer Quests section, still incomplete (I have to add links and requirements)

Proud to have been a +Member, +Legend, and ^Council of Enemy
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  `Myk said:
yeah, you do have to recharge it after 10 hours, it's 1m. But in all honesty, you should have made atleast 1m in 10 hours. I've been training with rapier for over 2 months, the recharge really hasn't affected my training, and imo it more than makes up for the saved time.


In that case, a good addition to the guide would be mentioning this + adding good training spots which would allow you to make enough cash for the recharge. :)


Proud Master of Negative.

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Cool guide i have a baby pure i may turn it into a 40 att pure :P

"So count your money, ill count my friends, we will see who's richer in the end."


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  • 3 months later...

Using this guide to train my pure :)

Any suggestions on quests for range quests?

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oshiz I forgot i made this. Must update.


And panda, there's really not any quests you can do or a range boost. If you want no hp xp just use range guild or a cannon.

Proud to have been a +Member, +Legend, and ^Council of Enemy
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Nice guide mate, very nice guide.

-Proud to have been a member of Enigma
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