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F2p overall


1. MM

2. FOE

3, FI


btw i thought eop doesnt use pw anymore?

11j2cfd.gif[Retired- High Council]| Since 09' | #Clan-CP | www.cp-rs.com |
"Could we even recognize ourselves, and if we did, would we know ourselves?
What would we say to ourselves? What would we learn from ourselves?
What would we really like to see if we could stand outside ourselves and look at us?"
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  8loodyarcher said:
one good pull doesnt put you above

you have to be consistent


They have been quite consistent for about 2 months now, on the other hand you have pulled about 40 for the last 3 weeks.


1. MM

2. Fi

3. FOE

4. DP

5. EOP



@High Council of the #1 pure clan.


If you don't like how we run our clan, we're doing it right.

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Overall F2p

MM - Holds this spot easily.

Foe - Has the edge over Fi imo.

Fi - Been pulling 70+ 3 or 4 weeks in a row, been pulling 60+ for 2 months+ safe to say they're #3.


Overall P2P

Foe - Holds this spot

MM - Can beat Foe on our day

Fi - Solid numbers can compete with the above even though they might not win.

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  Pinkaroundme said:
Thats not a little :thumbsup:


Keep getting trolled FI LOL



Today - Legit List

1. FI - Dominant today

2. MM/FOE - ??

3. FOE/MM - ??

4. CP

5. DP

6. EOP

idk how this is considered trolling, u must be rly bad at it, u give "advice" which seems pretty logical, someone responds intelligently, you proceed to say "keep getting trolled FI LOL"


ur bad @ this







eop/cp - eop gaining

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Overall F2P


1. MM

2. Fi

3. FOE

4. Dp/EOP - Eop will take this if DP continue to have bad weekends and EOP continue to progress.

5. ^

6. Tlp/CP - Tlp leading this atm as they're improving their F2P game.

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P2P Preds


2. ^

3. FI


5 ^


-Proud member of #TLP
-Proud former member of #Dpures

(14:27:02) <@Furious> Next season I hope there will be a "most biased and hated moderator award" I would hands down win it
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  Steve` said:
Louzy goes to school with Alec in real life and has been helping with the forums, he's a nice guy.

Opts didn't keep us at that spot, we are just as equally organized as any clan on there with high numbers now. Considering in a fight vs FOE we started 82 and ended 86 when we pushed to BH and got a fall in. We aren't desperate for #1, it's pretty much for our taking at this point.


so because some1 in Fi knows him in real life its ok for him to delete Ch's memberlist or whatever **** he did. i see, and yes opts kept you there, you pulled 20 above both mm and foe which kinda sealed it that the opts put you there. you have barely competed with foe or mm even opts recently, you have just had like 60 pull then 70 pull then 80 pull now 90 pull, your opts grow alot weekly so you havnt had a chance to have weekly even opts with foe and mm, its not your fault its just my opinion. And yea you might be on the verge of getting #1, but you'll find out the hard way being cocky about it wont get you places




1. MM

2. Foe

3. Fi

4. Dp

5. Tlp


Proud Ex-Dv Co Leader ~~0wnage__pks~~

R o y al

99/99 Range
94/99 Mage
98/99 Str
75/75 Atk
89/99 hp
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Lol i can't believe Fi are claiming to be '#1'



MM - We've had a **** pull this weekend, Fi still haven't wrecked us for longer than a month neither have they done a Fullout to claim #1

FI - They have great pulls due to clans closing in on them, Cockyness won't get you anywhere.

Foe - Need to work on your pulls, If matched with FI, you will destroy them.




Foe/MM - MM haven't full out you guys yet, but we're pulling pretty good in P2p which gives us that advantage of making both of us #1. Obviously we'd lose in a fullout.

Rest of the world - Up your game.

FI aren't all numbers... they just can't defeat MM on login with equal opts :(
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BANKS1 no need to be hurt Fi were #1 today. Not sure many have claimed Fi are number 1 overall. Clans haven't closed into Fi aha you could be gracious #1s and stop making excuses. You sound very hurt.


P2P Preds

1. FOE

2. Fi

3. MM

4. TLP

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p2p preds;


1. FOE

2. Fi

3. MM

4. TLP

5. DP


6. EoP


hope we can get some more fun fights with some of the other smaller p2p clans, ima hit the sack, australia game 2moro XD



@High Council of the #1 pure clan.


If you don't like how we run our clan, we're doing it right.

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F2p Overall



Fi - Humble yourselves young bucks.


P2p Preds






@Fi, you guys are doing pretty good and stuff but you need to stay humble and stop acting like cocky, mass recruited 010 prods. You guys have a rich history and are an original top 3 clan, stop portraying yourselves as an 08 like DP or some **** clan like that. You’ll find if you continue to act cocky when you slump you’ll slump even harder because you can’t back up the **** you started.


Stay humble young bucks.

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  CnG said:
BANKS1 no need to be hurt Fi were #1 today. Not sure many have claimed Fi are number 1 overall. Clans haven't closed into Fi aha you could be gracious #1s and stop making excuses. You sound very hurt.


P2P Preds

1. FOE

2. Fi

3. MM

4. TLP

Not really. I'm pretty happy seeing as you still haven't fought the #1 pure clan for ages. Remember when we made you guys slump well the cockyness will get you nowhere. You usto get cocky before you slumped, i'm feeling Déjà vu coming on. :whistling:



MM #1 cos we can back it up!

FI aren't all numbers... they just can't defeat MM on login with equal opts :(
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  bl00d` said:
Stay humble young bucks.

If you were an actual member of RoT You'd know that being honest never gets anyone anywhere.

Also I kinda feel bad you have a member like Banks1. He's really giving some bad reputation.


P2P Preds:

#FI/MM/FOE - Too many variables to guess.

#TLP/DP - I believe TLP will take the win.




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This matched opts **** you guys are trying to spit is bull ****. We 27-0'd FOE, we were gooing to match opts MM in a F2P prep but we ended up pulling 68 and they backed out I guess so we had to just go Pking instead. Don't act like were all numbers, and if you think we are feel free to prep us. I am not saying we are better then MM matched opts, cause we haven't fought yet. I am saying we are a very organized clan believe it or not. With that being said:


Overall F2P:

1. Mm - Need to pick up the #'s

2. Fi - Not behind MM what so ever, but haven't had enough weeks to claim #1 just yet.

3. Foe - Options lack and even when you prep they still arn't quite enough in the F2P server, however still very oganized at times.

4. Dp - Consistency over the below but could either gain or drop it's up to them.

5. Cp/Eop - Not sure here, both look to be strong at this point.

[Fi]Steve ..::.. Forever Fi ..::.. Fatality
~ Proud Ex - warlord1.gifHigh Council of Fatality ~
Bleeding Green Since '07
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  Ssj4 said:
If you were an actual member of RoT You'd know that being honest never gets anyone anywhere.

Also I kinda feel bad you have a member like Banks1. He's really giving some bad reputation.


P2P Preds:

#FI/MM/FOE - Too many variables to guess.

#TLP/DP - I believe TLP will take the win.

Yea except no matter how much you whine like a little *****, MM's reputation will always be top notch even with members like me.


  Steve` said:
This matched opts **** you guys are trying to spit is bull ****. We 27-0'd FOE, we were gooing to match opts MM in a F2P prep but we ended up pulling 68 and they backed out I guess so we had to just go Pking instead. Don't act like were all numbers, and if you think we are feel free to prep us. I am not saying we are better then MM matched opts, cause we haven't fought yet. I am saying we are a very organized clan believe it or not. With that being said:


Overall F2P:

1. Mm - Need to pick up the #'s

2. Fi - Not behind MM what so ever, but haven't had enough weeks to claim #1 just yet.

3. Foe - Options lack and even when you prep they still arn't quite enough in the F2P server, however still very oganized at times.

4. Dp - Consistency over the below but could either gain or drop it's up to them.

5. Cp/Eop - Not sure here, both look to be strong at this point.

LOL Prep FI? You guys massed like 60 members before asking MM for a 30 minute prep, seriously you'd actually go that low.


You know where MM's clan section is, Make a full out application whenever you feel its neccesary.



MM #1

FI aren't all numbers... they just can't defeat MM on login with equal opts :(
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