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e-mm is gaining on u

mm-can beat e if the opts are close

eop-watch out for foe, if their numbers get higher ur doomed

foe-if they had about 10 more to trips they would destroy eop

dp/cp-numbers are close, goes either way every saturday

fi-numbers are the only problem, pull consistent 65-70s and ud be #5 easily

tlp-good in clw, good in matched opts, need #s like fatality

tgg/ir-not sure about this one

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1. E

2. MM - looks a lot better then E when the opts are close, keep up the high pulls like last saturday


3. EOP

4. FOE - pull 5-10+ more and you could take down eop


5. DP/CP - back and forth, you got us last saturday

6. CP/DP

7. Fi/TLP - not sure, seems like fi are slipping a little, idk

8. TLP/Fi


9. IR/Dv - looks like you 2 are getting competitive again :) (with above possibly)

10. Dv/IR

11. TGG

12. Calamity


Sorry if I forgot anyone.





3. TLP

4. E

5. C/DP - seems like ur slipping a little Carnage

6. DP/C

7. DV/IR

8. IR/DV

9. Fi

10. EOP - if you go out

11. CP - gl on ur signups this sunday, if you pull well you're obviously higher.



1. MM

2. FOE

3. E

4. DP

5. TLP

6. Fi

7. DV/IR

8. IR/DV

9. EOP - don't do p2p trips atm i think?

10. CP/C - CP obviously goes higher if you do well. C could do good in f2p just don't choose to try.


Always remember:

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  true barraqe said:
Saturday Preds


1.Mayhem Makers



3.Eruption Of Pures

4.Final Ownage Elite

--Small Gap--

5.Destructive Pures/Corrupt Pures - Both should pull in the low 70's again, and hopefully we can have the same amount of fights we had Saturday, without the crashing..



8.The Last Pures

9.Devastation/Intense Redemption/The Golden Gods


Sunday Preds


1.Final Ownage Elite/Mayhem Makers



4.The Last Pures


6.Destructive Pures



9.Devastation/Intense Redemption/Corrupt Pures

nice list :o



suprised that u joined DP btw haha. uve been in quite the clans!! :)




1. E still

2.Mm- closign

3.FOE- still has this rank in f2p tbh, more detication than EOP

4. EOP

5. DP

6. FI/TLP- holding this position strong from below


8. IR/DV- full out f2p



get on my lvl^

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f2p preds

#1 E, gonna pull big to show mm who's boss

#2 MM

#3 EOP

#4 FOE - I guess? They better perform well, or they're gonna lose this spot soon

#5 CP/DP - Hopefully some clean fights.

#6 ^

#7 FI/TLP - TLP have numbers but FI have organization

#8 ^


p2p preds


#2 ^

#3 TLP

#4 E, could see you competing with TLP depending on your pull

#5 DP

#6 C, can easily compete, with DP though..

#7 IR

#8 DV

#9 FI i guess? haven't seen you guys in p2p for a few weeks




-Proud member of #TLP
-Proud former member of #Dpures

(14:27:02) <@Furious> Next season I hope there will be a "most biased and hated moderator award" I would hands down win it
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time for my saturday preds:


1. Epidemic - Wouldn't suprise me if they come back stronger than ever after losing to MM last week.

2. Mayhem Makers - Will be interested in seeing their pull, if its similar to last week, they may beat E.

3. Eruption of Pures - Enough to beat all below, not enough to beat those above.

4. Final Ownage Elites They need to fight CP/DP in order to prove themselves worthy of this spot. However they seem fired up, and if their pull can match EOP's, could beat us.

5. Corrupt Pures - I think their superb leadership will help them beat DP again, and become #5 outright.

6. Destructive Pures - Lacking organization to beat CP, enough numbers to hold #6.

7. Fatality - It's hard to estimate their pull, but regardless they should have enough to hold above those below.

8. The Last Pures - Numbers to beat those below, not enough to beat those above.

9. Intense Redemption - Numbers are improving, if they can pull well may be able to compete with TLP.

10. The Golden Gods - Haven't heard much from you guys for a while, but i presume would beat Dv.



@High Council of the #1 pure clan.


If you don't like how we run our clan, we're doing it right.

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Honestly, mine was deleted?


1. MM - Did Good. I think they will do good again

2. E - :D

3. EOP - Lol fight E on Saturday please

4. FOE - Orlly. Pull good, and you can beat EOP

5. CP - Could take over #4 if we pull good and FOE pulls bad

6. DP - Possibly could take #5, but doubt it. Hopefully we can get some good clean fights and we'lll see

7. FI - Not doin so hot

8. IR - Ok

9. TGG - Will most likely beat TLP, IR, and DV, but let's see

10. TLP/DV - Kewl doods. Get betr

Plnkaroundme | Proud Ex-Corrupt Pures General | Ex-Warring God
I Don't Scape Anymore
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  Pinkaroundme said:
Honestly, mine was deleted?


1. MM - Did Good. I think they will do good again

2. E - :D

3. EOP - Lol fight E on Saturday please

4. FOE - Orlly. Pull good, and you can beat EOP

5. CP - Could take over #4 if we pull good and FOE pulls bad

6. DP - Possibly could take #5, but doubt it. Hopefully we can get some good clean fights and we'lll see

7. FI - Not doin so hot

8. IR - Ok

9. TGG - Will most likely beat TLP, IR, and DV, but let's see

10. TLP/DV - Kewl doods. Get betr

Honestly, we all learn eventually.

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Not enough clans do P2P.

Want to join the best? Go to http://Foe-rs.com

Foe vs Fi F2P Full Out Saturday Auguest 11, 2012

Retired Runescape 2/1/2012

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F2P Predictions- If you don't agree with my constructive criticism, then don't read it.


1.Mayhem Makers - they will most likely have another good pull and beat all below. The only thing they have to worry about is holding this spot.


2.Epidemic -Will also have a big pull but will find that numbers only give them so much. Also If they don't watch it Foe might be on their tale in F2p.


3.Final Ownage Elites - I got a feeling that they might have a good pull in F2p, as holiday breaks are done. If they can pull at least 80+ they can might even be able to take on E. But numbers is your biggest problem ,F2p you need numbers to be close or its just suicide.


4.Eruption Of Pures - will have a nice pull but Foe will bridge the number gap and Eop will find themselves back at #4. And the same thing that happen to them in their matched opt war.


5.Corrupt Pures -Will take control of this spot and maybe start competing with Eop when numbers are there. But until then they would be better off fighting Dp or Fi.


6.Destructive Pures - Will lose their momentum but hold #6 with their numbers. I don't see you breaking back in the Top 5. Best thing to do is encourage you members to raise their "quality" aka training stats and asking clans for fight on weekdays for practice.


7.Fatality - To be honest, I think this is it for you. I don't see you reclaiming your "Top 3" spot ever again. Your older members got you to the top 3 but now they are gone along with your chances of becoming your former selves. Your new leadership needs to step up and start having fights with Dp outnumbered or not.


8.The Last Pures - Struggles in F2p and will most likely stay in this spot for a long time. You are know for your P2p but to be a "Top Clan" you need both. I think you should get to teaching your members the basic of F2p wars and apply it on pk trips.


9.The Golden Gods - After your reopening you haven't been able to get the number pull that you uses to have seeing how you barely manage to pull 30-35 out of a 70+ member list. But you can pull this around by having some fight will Tlp and Ir.


10.Intense redemption - Even though most clans think your going to die out, but you might be able to pull it around if you can get your member to want to go on your pk trips. I suggest having some fights with Tgg.




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  I Pa I said:
F2P Predictions- If you don't agree with my constructive criticism, then don't read it.


1.Mayhem Makers - they will most likely have another good pull and beat all below. The only thing they have to worry about is holding this spot.


2.Epidemic -Will also have a big pull but will find that numbers only give them so much. Also If they don't watch it Foe might be on their tale in F2p.


3.Final Ownage Elites - I got a feeling that they might have a good pull in F2p, as holiday breaks are done. If they can pull at least 80+ they can might even be able to take on E. But numbers is your biggest problem ,F2p you need numbers to be close of its just suicide.

There is constructive criticism and then there is just being wrong.

Another good pull by MM would be 110+, E having a big pull would be 100+, saying 80+ FOE can take out 100+ E is retarded. E have beaten MM outnumbering them by 6 in the past, we may rely on numbers sometimes but saying 80+ foe can beat 100+ E is just stupid. Or perhaps you just want someone like me to react to your "constructive criticism"


nows to lighten the mood


Saturday Preds:

1. MM/E

2. ^

3. EOP

4. FOE


Founding Leader of Enemy
Officer of Corrupt Pures
Honoured Member of Epidemic
Leader of Eruption of Pures
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P2P Predictions- If you don't agree with my constructive criticism, then don't read it.


1.Final Ownage Elites - Even though Mm has gotten the better of you I don't see why people are ranking them above you since Foe is most consistent in P2p. After talking with some of your members, only thing your doing wrong is learn to pick the right fights and don't Dd in mult.


2.Mayhem Maker - Even though you are #2 in P2p you have the potential to be #1 if you can beat Foe on a consistent bases. Just keep your numbers up and just keep doing what you doing.


3.The Last Pures - Honestly I don't know why you are here. You manage to stay quiet for a while and couple weeks later you decide to try and fight Mm or Foe. Just be more consistent in general, because if you don't I can see E taking your spot very soon.


4.Epidemic - I know a lot of the other clans give you **** for having one of the lowest Magic averages. But if you can pull at least 70+ you can take down Tlp. Other than that I suggest you ask other clans to fight you on the weekdays for practice so your members get a hang of P2p.


5.Carnage - You know how to P2p, there is no doubt about that, but you need more members to retake #4.

I suggest you try to get your clan name out there so more people are likely to join your clan.


6.Destructive Pures - I think what's hurting you the most is the majority of your members don't know how to P2p. Try setting up some fight against other clans in P2p and see if things don't improve.


7.Fatality - I know for a fact you can P2p but you numbers again, is the problem. Beside your pk trips you are relatively inactive and don't have much going on the weekdays. Try fighting some big name clans in F2p or P2p and maybe you can really get out of your old leadership shadow.


8.Intense redemption - Your biggest problem is that you have no one to compete with in P2p the lower clans don't want to P2p, so you are left with either running from a bigger clan of dying to them. Honestly, unless the other clans give it a shot you are stuck here.




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  I Pa I said:
This is not just base on 1 weekend prediction like everyone else I am basing this like 2-3 months down the road.


At first I was like I don't think that could happen but when you said "2-3 months" anything could happen.


Predictions P2p







Edit- nice list.

Want to join the best? Go to http://Foe-rs.com

Foe vs Fi F2P Full Out Saturday Auguest 11, 2012

Retired Runescape 2/1/2012

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This weekend is going to be a toss up. Many clans are having sign ups but again consistency over the next month who's the best :happy: .


F2P Preds.


MM / E - Going to come down to organization in the fight IMO. With Jibs not knowing what a map glitch is / does I think we got this lmfao.

E / MM - E is having big sign ups with the hopes of 120 people or so I'm hearing. Best of luck to you.

FOE - Big sign ups as well and the rivalry with EOP is growing.

EOP - You'll try hard but in the end your organization is your down fall.


P2P Preds.


MM / FOE - Will be tough since FOE are having a big weekend but only focusing on F2P. However the numbers should carry over.

FOE / MM - See above.

Epidemic - Numbers will put you past TLP. Hope we can find you in Sunday.


If you want the truth and nothing but the truth click my sig.
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall
If you have any questions about MM or in general click .
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  I Pa I said:
6.Destructive Pures - I think what's hurting you the most is the majority of your members don't know how to P2p. Try setting up some fight against other clans in P2p and see if things don't improve.

How can you say that? Would help me if I knew what clan you were in/around to see where you're coming from. Like say you're CP you can't really say "the majority of your members don't know how to p2p". No offense to CP, you're just not very active in p2p. Just wondering, it's not constructive cricticism that you're posting, it's an opinion and I'm curious on where you're coming from.


Anyway f2p preds:


1. MM/E - tie like 1-1 or 2-2

2. E/MM

3. EOP - numbers holds ur spot

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F2P predictions-


1.Mm - will most likely beat E again.

2.E -needs to either improve their quality or get comfortable to #2 F2p.

3.Foe/Eop - should be fun. :blush:


5.Cp/Dp- most likely if numbers are close give it to Cp.


7.Fi - needs number to move up.

8.Tlp - if they focus on F2p they could compete up to #5 F2p.

9.Tgg- needs to try and get something going try fighting Tlp or Fi.

10.Ir- just hang in there and try and fight Tgg.


P2p Predictions-


1. Foe - Kings of P2p beside Mm giving us some healthy competition.

2. Mm - has been doing good lately.

3. Tlp - Probably going to fight E and hold #3.

4. E - just needs a better pull and the can get #3 P2p.

5. C - Can bounce back and take E out.

6. Dp - just needs to try and fight E or C more.

7. Fi - numbers are your problem.

8. Ir - just needs someone to fight.

Want to join the best? Go to http://Foe-rs.com

Foe vs Fi F2P Full Out Saturday Auguest 11, 2012

Retired Runescape 2/1/2012

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  Speshls said:
This weekend is going to be a toss up. Many clans are having sign ups but again consistency over the next month who's the best :happy: .


F2P Preds.


MM / E - Going to come down to organization in the fight IMO. With Jibs not knowing what a map glitch is / does I think we got this lmfao.

E / MM - E is having big sign ups with the hopes of 120 people or so I'm hearing. Best of luck to you.

FOE - Big sign ups as well and the rivalry with EOP is growing.

EOP - You'll try hard but in the end your organization is your down fall.


P2P Preds.


MM / FOE - Will be tough since FOE are having a big weekend but only focusing on F2P. However the numbers should carry over.

FOE / MM - See above.

Epidemic - Numbers will put you past TLP. Hope we can find you in Sunday.



After hearing MM TS during a fight; I am now confident that even our alternate callers beat the **** outta MM's best callers (Btw, I heard you were their best caller, and weren't you the guy jumping out of your chair yelling '**** THEM UP GUYS' ?). Lmao. Oh and the only 'map glitching' was what happened to you in the first fight.


Sat Preds-


MM/E- MM members don't have the motivation, nor the leadership to keep up the pulls.

MM/E-We'll see what happens.

FOE-Heard you got sign ups (?)

EOP-Don't know if you can take on FOE srsfaces.

CP- Leadership/Vent team - Solid. Members - Weak.


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  WEE-MAN said:
How can you say that? Would help me if I knew what clan you were in/around to see where you're coming from. Like say you're CP you can't really say "the majority of your members don't know how to p2p". No offense to CP, you're just not very active in p2p. Just wondering, it's not constructive cricticism that you're posting, it's an opinion and I'm curious on where you're coming from.


Anyway f2p preds:


1. MM/E - tie like 1-1 or 2-2

2. E/MM

3. EOP - numbers holds ur spot


u mean so u can flame his clan because you disagree with his opinion lulz



1) MM

2) E/Foe

3) E/Foe/Eop

4) Eop/Fi

6) CP/DP


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