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Top clans of all time


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I think control would be above enemy; we were able to to pull 65+ for a month and a bit I think. We also took it to Fi and Cp etc and did work on them. We also had 50+ pulls for 5 months in a row I think, i'd check on p0ke's topic on control site but I can't find it ;3


Edit: Also the prep record was amazing, even more so due to the average combat difference between most of the clans we fought.

Final Ownage Elite

Home of the Greatest. Legends of P2P





Azrael Warned on Feb 6 2012, 03:01 AM View Topic

Added to warn level: Did I just see a ***** made of adamant? I think so.

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P2P and F2P. Years of dominance. Full outs/Preps. Wildness.

*Factor accounted for*

1.Foe - Has been dominate for years and have been the best in both severs. Never falling into a big slump and maintain respectable pull throughout the years.

2.Mm - One of the few clans that can rival Foe and have been dominate in F2P but because they have never really come close to beating Foe in P2P compared to us almost beating them. So, I rank Foe higher.

3. Eop - Many clan may disagree however Eop is the only clan that has taken up the spot that Fi left behind. Even though, they might have only been in the "top 3" for a couple of months I consider them to be stable enough to take in the top 3.

4. Fi - Even though you are no longer the monster of a clan you uses to be you have at least earn this spot. With the 2 years of dominate you display in F2P were the first you lack in being stable now hurt your chances of being rank anything higher than 3 in my eyes.


I could only manage to 1-4 as I believe no one has shown to be great enough to take #5.

Want to join the best? Go to http://Foe-rs.com

Foe vs Fi F2P Full Out Saturday Auguest 11, 2012

Retired Runescape 2/1/2012

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This topic is a waste of time as like 75% of this site a 09 prods, anyways I'll shot my opinion in there


(Greatest clans off all time)


1.FOE (P2P domination, not so bad @ F2p aswell.)

2.MM (F2p domination, not so bad @ P2p aswell.)

3.E (My favourite times in clanning no doubt, pulled god knows how many and dismantled MM)

4.EOP (Always has been a great F2P clan.)

5.Fi (Held #1 F2P for like 2 years? where did it go wrong? :( inb4101sins)

6.TLP (Amazing P2P game, powerful in f2p aswell)

7.CP (Always has been good @ F2P pulled like 130 in there prime, happy to say I was in CP back then)

8.DV (Epic at f2p and p2p)

9.TH (Really powerful oldschool clan)

10.TGG (Good F2P clan)

11.IR (Mediocre in both servers, have been around for a while.)

12.A (Not sure why, was never involved with A's community but heard they were a good clan)



(Insert newfag clans here)


Might of missed a couple of clans out.

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F2p as i couldn't give less of a **** about p2p, which could be just summed up by putting #1 FOE #2 everyone else.


MM - been at the top forever, their sig which says somethign like it's not glory in getting to the top but getting back up each time they fall or something. They will always regain #1 in f2p, it's inevitable.

FOE - had a pvp time where no one could touch them and all they could do was crash everyones fight.

EOP - wanted to put FI above them but I guess they've had several stays at the top now

FI - had an era where they were untouchable.

E - 1 month at the top and regularly beat MM forcing them to team with FOE.

CP - Chain69 massing horn got 120 pulls but was for like 1-2 weeks and did next to nothing with it as scout system was seriously flawed and was just able to chase foe/eop about.

Founding Leader of Enemy
Officer of Corrupt Pures
Honoured Member of Epidemic
Leader of Eruption of Pures
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My list is going to be based off of Peak vs Peak in F2P


1. MM/Epidemic - Both clans arguably take this spot due to the fact that when they were at their best (120+ pulls) both were untouchable in F2P. I'd also go out on a limb and say both would beat the below clans in matched 100+ fights in the wilderness.


3. FOE - Dominated for years, if not #1/2 then definitely number 3

4. Fatality Pre-2007 were absolutely untouchable, post-2007 not so much

5. EoP - See above, although starting to become a major threat in F2P again. Could see you move up this list in the future

6. CP - Even though they have arguably had the biggest pull of all pure clans, most of them were massed inbreds brought in by the CHAIN69 CC era. Still good in their prime, but that was a long time ago now.

7. TLP - Always been a P2P clan and always will be. Nevertheless dominated F2P for some time.

8. TH - Prior to the MM war they were an absolute powerhouse. Faded and never really recovered after the war.

Proud Ex - High Council of Epidemic
Proud Ex - Leader of Enemy
Proud Mayhem Maker

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1. FOE- No one seems to remember their original F2P domination of this era, but I do. They've been top of p2p for god knows how long. They'll be #1 forever unless a clan takes #1 P2P and F2P consistently for like 2 years.

2. MM- some people don't like em but they're a damn good clan, have been top contenders in this whole era.

3. EOP- In the last 3 years they've had ups and downs but almost consistently reign in the top of all clans.

4. TLP- While they may not have had #1 in either server for more than a couple weeks, they're still consistently good and haven't ever fallen too far.

5. Epidemic- Their short time alive puts them down here, although they were no doubt an awesome clan in their time.

6. FI- Maybe not the best right now, but they used to be the most dominant f2p force there was. I remember in 2007 when I'd be afraid to go anywhere near GDZ for the simple reason of FI possibly being there.

7.. CP- Like TLP, they've been consistently there. Harder for them in recent times, but I'm sure they'll bounce back.


It get's harder to rank other clans because they've all had similar periods of ups and downs, but I think this is the best list.

»15:40:10« <@Jay> You're not even close to being intelligent enough to speak to me.


^ Why would you cite me on the quote, when my name's clearly in it...


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The topic is based on Peak vs Peak, not legacies or sustained impact on the pure world.


1.) EOP

2.) FOE

3.) MM

4.) E

5.) CP

6.) Fi

7.) TLP

8.) DP

9.) TH

10.) AAO



  Davld said:
Also the fact that you're basing this list on f2p pulls and calling it "top clans of all time" just doesn't really make sense.

What? It makes perfect sense, pulls are now, and have always been the most important thing in F2P. If Bloody Vikingz pulled 120 at tonights Saturday trip, its stupid to say they wouldn't take #1 for the day. It's called "Top clans of all time" because Im trying to get some discussion going about clan strength at peak. A clans strength at peak is USUALLY when they pulled the most, with obvious exceptions such as having Freelancers at about #13 in my OPINIONATED list



  Devour said:
i like how uve completly based ur top clans off of their pulls...


Yes as mentioned above, thats the most important element in judging a clans strength at peak, explain to me how thats wrong?


  Suicide said:
I agree with this. Why base success on the amount someone pulls? Med clans can have just as succesful trips as the big guys, without the numbers. Its only one way to look at it.


SMH, another person who hasn't read the topic. This topic is about clans at their PEAK, A med clan can have the most intense, action packed, ridiculously fun trip EVER, smashing 25 clans and PK'ing for 6 hours straight. It means nothing to this topic because at the end of the day, they pulled 40 people and in a PEAK VS PEAK fight, they'd still lose against anyone on the list.



  Fat_DemonPK said:
no offence to epidemic, but you were at the top for a matter of weeks and then you closed... i would rank clans like th above epidemic lol.


No offence taken, but like I said this topic isn't about legacies its about peak vs peak. Epidemic could be "at the top" for a matter of 3 minutes and they'd still have that spot, because this is about who would win if Epidemics strength for that 3 minutes fought MM's peak strength.



  Furl said:
foe > mm > fi > eop > tlp > e > dp > cp > ct > tgg > th > aao > dv > ir > cy > m > etc... nme isnt old enough to be a top clan of all time. acheivment wise nme has done near nothing other than an 80 pull ehile being like 4-5 months old (no offense).


Yeah this is about peak vs peak (still), and NMEs spot is bang on due to the 80 pull. Going from brand new clan with a combat cap of 48-65 to an avg level of 82 combat and a top 5 clan for the better part of 2 months, in the space of "4-5 months" is doing quite alot I'd say, not that it matters. The 80 pull would mean if at that point in time we fought anyone below, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say we'd win. Needless to say, even if it was about achievements you've ranked CT, TGG (???) higher than AAO, and CT higher than TH.


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Here's my list (I'll give my reasons):


1) FOE (Best at P2P Fullouts/preps. They are good in F2P)

2) MM (Best at F2P Fullouts, oldest pure clan. They dominate in F2P when have the numbers)

3) Fi (One of the best F2P clans of all time, dominated in 2008 and before. They may not be as good now, but at least they are open)

5) TLP ( One of the best P2P clans after FOE, by far. Good history. Like EOP, only but they have a history. They were also the best at P2P/F2P matched for a while)

4) EOP (They would be #2, but they only been good since the end of 2010)

6) E (Would be ranked higher, but they closed)

7) CP (They had their peaks)

8) Zenith (Would be higher, but this is overall and you guys are newfags :P)

9) Nme (^)


I've been the pure community since July 2010, Idk much. They are just my opinions!

Ex Council of Simple Kill

Ex Proud Member of Destructive Pures

Current High Council Of Fatality




NEW SITE: http://www.clan-fi.com/forums/

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Considering both F2P and P2P (all time. I'm not even considering the joke that is/was the chain69 era for cp.)


Malice - undisputed ownage clan of all time


--Power Gap--


MM - always been near the top. most consistent clan of all time. have always been able to compete/excel in both servers

FOE - right behind MM. i'd say their dominance in p2p is greater than mm's dominance in f2p, but i feel like all their titans and what not is the reason for that now. inb4 lol mm are 8485309-0 against them in f2p. at least they have the balls to war you in your server

FI/EOP - have had extended reigns at #1, have been at least competitive in both servers at some point or recently

TLP/CP/E - all are/were great in their respective servers at some point, but could never be a consistent competing/dominant force in the other

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Alright, this is imo the best clans when comparing their peaks:


1) Eop- I think it 06 or 07 summer, but I just remember they dominated the game entirely. Don't think anyone fsu like they did during their reign.

2) Fi- Until recently (well like '10 or '09, idk about now), they've always been a great f2p clan and definitely one of the greatest.

3) FOE

4) MM

5) TLP

6) CP

7) TH

rest suck



1) FOE

2) MM

3) TLP



1) FOE

2) MM

3) EOP

4) FI

5) TLP

6) CP

7) TH


These are biased upon a clans peak based on my experience (Before 2010), and I doubt anyone recently has overthrown them.



Quit RS February 2010, join the club? Sold Pker D o M Btw, if anyone cares.
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