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The 2012 clan shifts, what might be expected.


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Curious to know what you guys think is going to happen in 2012, and lets not make stupid comments like clans are going to close. tanx :)


My Prediction is,


MM will Remain top 2 f2p over foe or eop,


Foe will be battleing tlp to hold their #1 p2p spot in the wildy, with mm/eop inches behind.


Eop will either gain a massive amount of members and def levels, or go into a slump of pulling 45s and still be a matched powerhouse in the wildy.


Tlp will keep up f2p matched domination with hard work, and give foe a run for their money in p2p, as usual.


Fatality, the unexpected is about to come from you guys, on the rise and you have not showed your skills since the 2008 pcl era, ever since then you guys have been pretty horrid. Def see you giving eop/tlp a good run this year.


Honorable mentions


Cp - you guys can always get up their, i been here to long and i have seen what cp does, massed or not massed.


Nme - Time to get those f2p numbers and pro warring abilities into effect.


Havoc - Will be fighting Npo/Z/ later on during the year.


Npo - Numbers may be what are helping you win, prove the community wrong and own.


Zenith - Not as consistant as i though u guys would be, but you can give almost anyone a challenge.


As for any other clans, i have not noticed anything "amazing" yet. im sure every clan will have surprises this year though.



----- Clan history -----
----- Founder of Iron Legion 2009 -----
~~~~~ Council of The Last Pures 2010 ~~~~~
Iron Legion for life, and The Last Pures till i die.
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FOE decides to become nh clan (accept teleports, already considering as we speak), others clan follow


I feel some other clan will go to 40 def and make 5 paragraph essay on why they pures still....


Fatality will rise, I agree


MM vs EoP F2P fullout eventually this year, MM wins 3-0...


TLP vs EoP fullout, could go either way but if its p2p I give advantage to TLP


I'll get laid

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Mayhem Makers #1 P2P and F2P pure clan.
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EoP - Will stay a top F2P clan and will continue to get better in P2P.


MM - Will keep fighting EoP and transitioning from #1/#2 F2P.


FOE - Will stay a top P2P clan and will stay good at F2P matched.


TLP - Top matched in both servers, I expect pulls to increase within a few months.


Fi - Pulls will keep increasing and so will skill in both servers.


CP - Pulls will increase for a few months and then they'll drop down to ~35 again.


NME - They'll keep doing their thing and wrecking F2P.


Z - Pulls will increase and so will matched skill in both servers.


H - Pulls will go back up to around ~40 and they'll do work on the other ~40 pulling clans in P2P.


NPO - Pulls will stay 45+ for a few months and then members will start leaving in a few months.


Hi - Pulls will go up to about 35-40 and they'll do work on clans like IR.

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EOP will take #1 f2p and run with it. MM will secure #2 with FOE a longshot behind despite the addy. TLP will eventualy take the #3 from FOE and try to get #2.



FOE will have it all year


Individual clans:

Z- Will become a strong force in f2p&p2p

CP- Won't do much

TLP- Will become better at f2p trips

V- will get their pulls up and get up there on the rankings.

  Azrael said:
Stop it! Stop it! Can't you see you're tearing us apart!?!?

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Z - Don't think they can do much

NME - Members going out of control with some insulting topics about their leadership on forums

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"Could we even recognize ourselves, and if we did, would we know ourselves?
What would we say to ourselves? What would we learn from ourselves?
What would we really like to see if we could stand outside ourselves and look at us?"
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  8loodyarch3r said:
Z - Don't think they can do much

NME - Members going out of control with some insulting topics about their leadership on forums


haha those topics gave me some laughs

- Ex @Overseer of Intense Redemption -
Proud Ex +Legend of Enemy
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FOE - Will remain #1 in P2P


MM - Will remain #1 in F2P, possibly MMvEOP fullout and MM wins


EOP - Probs hold #2 in F2P, without the numbers there not much


TLP - Will stay best matched clan, maybe a TLPvEOP fullout and TLP will win due to there quality


FI - Will continue growing, possibly give TLP a run for there money in matched fights?


Z - There quality will slowly diminish after seeing there last prep lol, possibly a closure and will reopen in the summer


NME - Nothing, or they'll merge into MM


CP - Will continue their steady growth as a clan :)



Corrupt Pures [@Warlord]
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TLP - Already #1 Matched in both servers, sharing P2P with FOE, will only keep on improving to become #1 in wilderness.


FOE - #1 wilderness, TLP/MM will give them hard time in 2012 tho. Basically sharing #1 P2P matched with tlp.


EOP - will become #2 in f2p, idk


FI - will slump as always, they always have their peaks that last several months and then they crawl back into their hole again. been there done that.


CP - can do much in f2p, just needs numbers


Zenith - will become strong force in both servers, matched/wildy, giving tlp/eop a hard run, beating Fi constantly.


NME - will keep on complaining about 30 def

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I disagree what you said about Fatality, they had a huge spike when Carnage/CY joined them right before their anniversary. Had they not started beef with EOP they could've stayed there and passively waited to take EOP out, but sadly they got hit hard constantly and their elders who got on for their anniversary stopped showing up again lol


^ Is on this btw:"on the rise and you have not showed your skills since the 2008 pcl era, ever since then you guys have been pretty horrid."



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Mayhem Makers - Best F2P not matched in wildy.

Final Ownage Elite - Best P2P not matched in wildy.


The Last Pures or Final Ownage Elite - Best P2P matched in preps. (Always a close battke.)

Eruption Of Pures - Best F2P matched in preps.

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  Pugwest said:
MM will Remain top 2 f2p over foe or eop,


Foe will be battleing tlp to hold their #1 p2p spot in the wildy, with mm/eop inches behind.


Eop will either gain a massive amount of members and def levels, or go into a slump of pulling 45s and still be a matched powerhouse in the wildy.


Tlp will keep up f2p matched domination with hard work, and give foe a run for their money in p2p, as usual.


Fatality, the unexpected is about to come from you guys, on the rise and you have not showed your skills since the 2008 pcl era, ever since then you guys have been pretty horrid. Def see you giving eop/tlp a good run this year.


Honorable mentions


Cp - you guys can always get up their, i been here to long and i have seen what cp does, massed or not massed.


Nme - Time to get those f2p numbers and pro warring abilities into effect.


Havoc - Will be fighting Npo/Z/ later on during the year.


Npo - Numbers may be what are helping you win, prove the community wrong and own.


Zenith - Not as consistant as i though u guys would be, but you can give almost anyone a challenge.


As for any other clans, i have not noticed anything "amazing" yet. im sure every clan will have surprises this year though.



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TLP - #1 Matched Clws, #2 F2P wildy (behind MM), #2 P2P Wildy (behind FOE)


EoP - Pulls decreasing


MM - Taking #1 F2P, #3 P2P


Foe - #1 P2P in wilderness, #3 F2P in wilderness


Z - Only clan to come near the top 4 in F2P/P2P, will stay open throughout 2012 and only improve


H - Great matched clan wars clan, not so great in wilderness still above NPO and stuff though


NPO - Closing, no flame intended.


NME - Will increase pulls and compete in F2P, slowly improving P2P little by little.

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  Rino-Addy said:
FI - will slump as always, they always have their peaks that last several months and then they crawl back into their hole again. been there done that.








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CP - Owning all the time no one stops us.

Nme - still will give us no fights / but will do good vs other clans that decline addy (ex. Relapse, Activation, Archaic)

z - ??

tlp - good clan matched

eop - good clan in wild when they don't lie doe

mm - good clan wild/clw

foe - owns pcr list.

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  JubJub said:
FOE decides to become nh clan (accept teleports, already considering as we speak), others clan follow


I feel some other clan will go to 40 def and make 5 paragraph essay on why they pures still....


Fatality will rise, I agree


MM vs EoP F2P fullout eventually this year, MM wins 3-0...


TLP vs EoP fullout, could go either way but if its p2p I give advantage to TLP


I'll get laid


lol @ last part :thumbsup:

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