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The 2012 clan shifts, what might be expected.


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  -Jared- said:
MM - Will kill people in f2p


FOE - Will kill people in p2p


NME - Will keep up the 'opsession' with cp


CP - Will learn to spell 'obsession'


CR - Will reopen and become #1

You seem quite opsessed

Plnkaroundme | Proud Ex-Corrupt Pures General | Ex-Warring God
I Don't Scape Anymore
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eop tlp and fatality will accept 40 def, foe will star accepting 40 def to 'compete' and 'adapt' other med clans will follow, they will still argue that 40 defence is pure, pw will allow 40 defence to post topics and bump the cap up to 60 or something, because hell karl wants as many friends here as possible doesnt matter if they are mains


LPC... not sure what will happen, will either take off in a big way or wittle away into nothing, i really dont see any mid ground.

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It's funny how all of you are concerned with other clans. I personally only care for the clan I'm in.

Darkness Reigns ~ Mental Peace


"My strength has been tested. I wear the scars that prove." - All That Remains

"If we fail following our hearts, can you blame us?" - Atreyu

"These Demons will never leave me. But I control them, not the other way around." - We Came As Romans

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  hippodude23 said:
oh did i forget df will probably re-open at some point


Darkness Reigns ~ Mental Peace


"My strength has been tested. I wear the scars that prove." - All That Remains

"If we fail following our hearts, can you blame us?" - Atreyu

"These Demons will never leave me. But I control them, not the other way around." - We Came As Romans

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  `Peter said:
  Eruption said:
to be brutally honest, no offence intended to any clans


mm - will continue to compete for #1 f2p and #2 p2p, while still doing hardly any clw


eop - will continue to compete for #1 f2p, but until both 13th & speshls retire, won't be able to lock it down permanently, will battle mm whenever we pull high enough, and if not will be all over the clans in the 3/4/5 spots to prevent them from rising up and being a threat


foe - will probably maintain #1 p2p and will have little to no competition for it, considering how weak hf is getting they might become their main rivals in that server. Probably won't get past #3 f2p for any consistent period of time


fi - every year everyone predicts they will break back into the top 3 and it doesn't happen, it won't happen this year either, and will probably stay about where they are now, being hunted by the top 3 but being able to dominate most of the rest


tlp - seemed to have shaken off the rep. as being a clw only clan for the first half of last year with some nice pulls, but in the last few months have gone down a lot, and with dissy and a few other ranks going inactive or retiring, i don't see tlp going anywhere up in the rankings unless another p2p med clan closes into them. Will probably continue to be good at 30v30 preps, and will hopefully finally start prepping foe in p2p again so that eop isn't their only competition. Probably the only old school clan i'd consider in danger of closing this year.


cp - will continue to **** off all the other med ranked clans, could possibly rise up in the rankings if they go all chain69 like december 2010, but otherwise will stay where they are, but my tip of the day is that their p2p matched game will become a lot better over the course of this year.


z - had a lot of hype for a month or two a few months ago, now that its died down they'll probably be bait for fi and cp for most of this year, may close if fi and cp pursue them hard enough


nme - won't be able to pass the likes of fi/cp/z unless they start accepting more defence, and if they don't i don't think they'll survive 2012


npo - seem to have good pulls in p2p, will probably have good fights with tlp in the p2p server around the #5 spot, but will also probably close, no offence its just that its very rare for new clans to last that long.


everyone else will either close or stay pretty much the same, unless some mergers happen

damn spot on


Agree with that! :D



Corrupt Pures [@Warlord]
#Clan-CP | www.cp-rs.com
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i predict nothing will change and 1 year from this date we will all be posting the exact same predictions for 2013..if the world doesnt end.

TLP's longest leader... Rip 9/23/2012

TLP's longest member

Longest continuous pure clan leader




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  Gotcho said:
i predict nothing will change and 1 year from this date we will all be posting the exact same predictions for 2013..if the world doesnt end.


yeah because ancient mexicans ran out of rocks for calendars or got bored of charting the stars with 5000 year cycles the world is going to end.


sorry but derp cory.

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-I think IR, NME, FI, and WAR have alot of good progress coming :)


-#1 P2P is going to remain FOE's, with TLP behind them and MM behind them


-#1 F2P will be MM, followed by EOP then FOE


-CP will continue to **** every other clan off by sticking their nose where it doesn't belong.


-the biggest thing to change during the new year, however, is LPC's. They're going to become extremely popular again. Especially with bots gone. We're already seeing 3-5 (?) new LPC's spring up, and i do not see that stoping any time now.



  `Peter said:
i sometimes think cp is the only honest clan left in the world =(

(23:32:02) <[CP]Toxine> You just got into the pure community
(23:32:06) <[CP]Toxine> you're talking to the guy who inovated it

Ohhh to be young and so confused <3
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Within the next 1-2 Years


- MM will slump once 13th gets off the game, or they will get 30def and take #1 P2P.


- FOE will go no honor, and build the new generation of youtube people. Also once EOP TLP FI accept 40def they will also.


- EOP will accept 40 def+, and get hit by rot for trying to hard to be them.


- TLP will accept 45 def+, and still never be a top 3 clan.


- FI will accept 40 def+, will start have big pulls as long as no one leaves, and then slump with a new leadership & members like every year because the leaders have to quit.


- CP will some how get LPC clans to close into them, and start destorying F2P, but slump few months later.


- NME leaders will retire or build a new community with MM & the LPC clans.


- Zenith will merge with some clan, or the ranks will retire & close.


- NPO will try to get another clan to merge with them, or just keep their community as it is.


- Little clans I can't think of will start accepting 1-45def or join the community with NME/MM.




- Pure Warfare will shut down, which will leave Pure Community which will also close once sefket gets busy irl.


- Clans will be forced to post on RSC, but only to get flammed by bigger clans.


- 60% of every clans leaderships will retire, and actually go on with their lives instead of focusing on a video game.


- New update will come out that will force clans to get 40+, or they will once again get dominated pking.


- More trolls with lower IQ's then dissy will start forming new clans, and soon there will be topics on a new community site everyday saying "IS 45 Def Pure".


- I will have no internet hopefully

LOL! Who still plays this game

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Fun fact of 2012: Pure Warfare will no longer be know as the "Home of the Defenceless."


Just as, "Home of Rune".


If your were around in 2005-6, and enjoy pure community and TRUE pure clanning like myself, you'll be ashamed at these chages to your community. I hope whoever runs and admisiter this site takes a good hard look in the mirror, becacuse for years PC let Higher Force post topics on their boards.


With Pure warefare, and even in the late stages of Pure community, HF was shunned for being rp's/tanks. Whats the difference when the enevitable happens and "pure" clans allow rune to trips + all the mains they bring to take control of fights?


How is that any different from HF? Or other RP/tanks clans from 2006-2010 that where shunned likewise from this community?


Too many newfags here sorry to say, I really hope someone comes back to take charge of a true "Pure Community", because honesty you have lost all your IDENTITY as a SPECIALIST build based on DEFENCE levels that caters towards a SPECIFIC community.


Blah Blah Runescape has changed, nah boys. This community has changed, and gone are most of the true advocates of pure pk'ing - like or not.

|Rodney__King| |Proud Higher Force Council | |Runescape's #1 Runepure + Tank Clan|
|HF Site| |HF IRC: #higher-force| |HF Requirements| |HF Tube|

(17:26:36) <@TB|King|Lives|Here> no james
(17:26:39) <@TB|King|Lives|Here> u are wrong
(17:26:46) <@TB|King|Lives|Here> 500k worth of wrong
(17:26:52) <+[HF]James> we'll see


^Famous last words?
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  Rodney--King said:
Fun fact of 2012: Pure Warfare will no longer be know as the "Home of the Defenceless."


Just as, "Home of Rune".


If your were around in 2005-6, and enjoy pure community and TRUE pure clanning like myself, you'll be ashamed at these chages to your community. I hope whoever runs and admisiter this site takes a good hard look in the mirror, becacuse for years PC let Higher Force post topics on their boards.


With Pure warefare, and even in the late stages of Pure community, HF was shunned for being rp's/tanks. Whats the difference when the enevitable happens and "pure" clans allow rune to trips + all the mains they bring to take control of fights?


How is that any different from HF? Or other RP/tanks clans from 2006-2010 that where shunned likewise from this community?


Too many newfags here sorry to say, I really hope someone comes back to take charge of a true "Pure Community", because honesty you have lost all your IDENTITY as a SPECIALIST build based on DEFENCE levels that caters towards a SPECIFIC community.


Blah Blah Runescape has changed, nah boys. This community has changed, and gone are most of the true advocates of pure pk'ing - like or not.

If a clan allows 40 defence, it is not allowed to post here. Yours allows 99. Not that I think that adamant or even mithril is pure, but that is the stand that was taken.





QUOTE (Kingrang3194 @ Jul 21 2012, 07:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

rofl why is a banana






Silly Caucasian girl likes to play with samurai swords.

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  Davld said:
  Gotcho said:
i predict nothing will change and 1 year from this date we will all be posting the exact same predictions for 2013..if the world doesnt end.


yeah because ancient mexicans ran out of rocks for calendars or got bored of charting the stars with 5000 year cycles the world is going to end.


sorry but derp cory.


the dude doing the calendar died, thats all it was, and everyone else was like **** that ****

TLP's longest leader... Rip 9/23/2012

TLP's longest member

Longest continuous pure clan leader




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  101 said:
Within the next 1-2 Years


- MM will slump once 13th gets off the game, or they will get 30def and take #1 P2P.


- FOE will go no honor, and build the new generation of youtube people. Also once EOP TLP FI accept 40def they will also.


- EOP will accept 40 def+, and get hit by rot for trying to hard to be them.


- TLP will accept 45 def+, and still never be a top 3 clan.


- FI will accept 40 def+, will start have big pulls as long as no one leaves, and then slump with a new leadership & members like every year because the leaders have to quit.


- CP will some how get LPC clans to close into them, and start destorying F2P, but slump few months later.


- NME leaders will retire or build a new community with MM & the LPC clans.


- Zenith will merge with some clan, or the ranks will retire & close.


- NPO will try to get another clan to merge with them, or just keep their community as it is.


- Little clans I can't think of will start accepting 1-45def or join the community with NME/MM.




- Pure Warfare will shut down, which will leave Pure Community which will also close once sefket gets busy irl.


- Clans will be forced to post on RSC, but only to get flammed by bigger clans.


- 60% of every clans leaderships will retire, and actually go on with their lives instead of focusing on a video game.


- New update will come out that will force clans to get 40+, or they will once again get dominated pking.


- More trolls with lower IQ's then dissy will start forming new clans, and soon there will be topics on a new community site everyday saying "IS 45 Def Pure".


- I will have no internet hopefully

all 100% going to happen for sure this guy is like the new jesus haha :teehee:


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  Rodney--King said:
Fun fact of 2012: Pure Warfare will no longer be know as the "Home of the Defenceless."


Just as, "Home of Rune".


If your were around in 2005-6, and enjoy pure community and TRUE pure clanning like myself, you'll be ashamed at these chages to your community. I hope whoever runs and admisiter this site takes a good hard look in the mirror, becacuse for years PC let Higher Force post topics on their boards.


With Pure warefare, and even in the late stages of Pure community, HF was shunned for being rp's/tanks. Whats the difference when the enevitable happens and "pure" clans allow rune to trips + all the mains they bring to take control of fights?


How is that any different from HF? Or other RP/tanks clans from 2006-2010 that where shunned likewise from this community?


Too many newfags here sorry to say, I really hope someone comes back to take charge of a true "Pure Community", because honesty you have lost all your IDENTITY as a SPECIALIST build based on DEFENCE levels that caters towards a SPECIFIC community.


Blah Blah Runescape has changed, nah boys. This community has changed, and gone are most of the true advocates of pure pk'ing - like or not.

Yeah there's a difference between being able to wield addy and being able to wield defence cape (t) thought I would throw that out there.


Work on your spelling btw lol


Www.mm-rs.org I'm sure you can post there btw ;)

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