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How To Start A Revolution


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Posting on behalf of Scott, this has nothing to do with me.

  Scott said:
Aaah, revolution. A word that is often ignorantly used in our modern society. A community cannot begin a revolution when a minority group of people want one, only when the majority needs one. When an aspect of daily life has become commonplace, generally too commonplace that it is beginning to effect each individual member of the community drastically. When this aspect needs to be diminished, exterminated, eradicated or destroyed; a revolution ensues.


Yes, revolutions are generally reserved for real life communities, but by definition Pure Warfare in itself is a community. Why should it therefore be excluded from a revolution? In Layman's terms: it shouldn't. You all should know what I'm getting at by now. If you don't, you should take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror.


There is a lot of hate for 30 defence lying within the walls of this secluded community. People have become frustrated, aggravated and even extremely annoyed at the abundance in which this “plague” is being distributed amongst clans. And rightly so if you ask me. But you didn't, so I won't bother. Many of you have disgraced everything that us pures used to stand for. If our ancestors from years ago looked down upon us now, viewing the state we have got ourselves into they would turn away in utter disgust. And where does the blame lie? At the feet of each individual leader.


You, and you alone have allowed this community to be infested with this shiny green material that had been outlawed many a moon ago. I agree that in order to prosper, sacrifices should be made. However, one should never lose its identity when making this sacrifices. From an objective (and aged) perspective, we have lost our collective identity.


But fear not, we can revert our ways to how they should be. As the Roman's used to say: Carpe Jugulum. I think I speak for everyone (apart from a select few) when I say a revolution is in order. Not because I want one, but because the community needs one.


The most common cause of a revolution is anger, an emotion which is shown in every other post upon these dear forums. Therefore, the basis for this revolution is already firmly established. We must now identify the opposition. In general terms, revolutions commonly occur to overthrow dictators. So who are the dictators causing this infestation of adamantite? The leaders of each clan that accepts it, that's who. You have allowed this community that was in a state of prosper to wither into almost complete death. No-one cares if you allow 30 defence but limit the armour your members wear on trips. We want it gone.


Scarce are the days when members with thirty defence could be counted upon one hand. Now the majority of clans have 50%+ members infected. So what do we need to do? Rebel. Make your voices heard. Demand change. Leaders do not control a clan, members do. If you can build enough support within your clan then you will force action to be taken. Even the harshest of dictators must listen when they stand alone.


But why? Why is a revolution necessary? It is necessary because we need to be freed from the shackles thrust upon us by our negligent choices. Sometimes, for prosperity to come forth, evolution is not the way forward. Devolution is. We must devolve back into the vision that our predecessors had of the community when they first made the pure build way back when. Not just for my sake or for your sake, but for everyone's sake. Changes must me made, rebellion is imminent.


So, what are you waiting for? Revolt with me.

IRC Nick - ``Karl
"You lost me at biased."
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I shall now be lobbying for Enemy to not only accept 30 defence and Addy, but to make it Mandatory wear Addy armour on Trips. #ANTISCOTTLEEDSCUNT

Founding Leader of Enemy
Officer of Corrupt Pures
Honoured Member of Epidemic
Leader of Eruption of Pures
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It's a revolution topic, not a complaint, not a way for certain clans to pass other clans. Look at it from the view of an entire community, rather than the small spectrum of one single person.

Proud to have been a +Member, +Legend, and ^Council of Enemy
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Wearing robes on a trip instead of addy isnt a revolution? It's just ignorant kids refusing to cause drama. A revolution would be rebuilding from the bottom, lowering the def reqs on clans, but we all know the leaders have no balls and it will never happen.




Proud Founder of Hazard
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  Sup im James said:
Wearing robes on a trip instead of addy isnt a revolution? It's just ignorant kids refusing to cause drama. A revolution would be rebuilding from the bottom, lowering the def reqs on clans, but we all know the leaders have no balls and it will never happen.

you have to start somewhere, welcome to step 1

Proud to have been a +Member, +Legend, and ^Council of Enemy
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  Gooby said:




if you bothered to read or even look at its like this,


bringing clanning back to how it used to be years ago when i started, as of today we will not be accepting anything higher than 20 Def<--and nearly if not maxed out. still not as pure as i used to love but its a step we are taking like it or not.


No More Defence For Fury

Proud Ex @Leader / Ex @Warlord Of Exiled Force
Stepped Down After 8 Months Of ******* **** Up
Retired From Pure Clanning `2006-2012
Sadly Came Back To RS
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So how are you going to lead a revolution? It takes action, and frankly, it's all talk right now. MM decided its place in this when we crashed rvb and were banished from this place. How are you going to change how it is?


It takes the leaders of the community to make a change, and seeing how the leader of this community site doesn't want to initiate change himself, there are fewer options. If you're serious about what you say, back it up with actions, because a revolution is only successful if it has an impact, these topics do nothing.



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  Sup im James said:
Wearing robes on a trip instead of addy isnt a revolution? It's just ignorant kids refusing to cause drama. A revolution would be rebuilding from the bottom, lowering the def reqs on clans, but we all know the leaders have no balls and it will never happen.


Enemy took the risk and did it. We started out as level 50's but we have worked our way up and now we're competing againt the adamant lords.


Now it's up to the other clans to take similar actions.

Former DP Leader

Proud Leader of Enemy

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This is so stupid. Karl just man up and don't allow any clan that accepts 35 defense to post on pure warfare. I'm tired of all these tl;dr post about this problem. Ofcourse pure community might have more traffic but just like in scott's post sacrifices must be made. So ban the clans and help the LPC/MPC scene rebuild.



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