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Bring back 2k10


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  dotfire said:
  employee said:
Pretty much just outlined why 2010 was a great year for EoP, as for Epidemic all they did in 2010 was mass recruit for a month, then suck our ***** into teaming with them against MM, then close when that didn't work and they realised the slump was coming.


hahaha thats ******* rich.


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  employee said:
2010 was a great time for us, at the start for us having a good rivalry with FOE with us fighting at the "foe trees" every weekend, to the E + EoP vs MM + FOE fights, to E dying and EoP getting teamed on and slumped by MM + FOE, to rebuilding and spending every weekend hitting and crashing Fi and DP until DP ended up dying, Fi went to 10 pulls, and we went back to competing for #1 with MM.


However for a lot of the people that are saying 2010 was shite, their clans had a pretty crappy year.


There is no "best year" for clans, its down to peoples opinions and is probably down to whenever their clan was doing the best.


Especially laughed at some of the people going lol2k10 when i know they only started clanning around that time.

No, its 2k6/2k7, more 2k7 because of the clan updates. If you pure clanned around then it wouldn't really be up for debate.

Ex-Fatality Proud Member

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i love how everyone saying "2k10? lol wat a ***" aren't even that old in pure clanning themselves :s


o jonty alrdy said it or w/e, fuk it yolo


2010 was actually really fun for me, it was a different type of pure warring with pvp coming out, clans usually forced to fight in clusters and it really took will and determination to win, also, the barbarian village fights were extremely fun :P


no doubt 2006-2007 was fun, but you guys would probably hate it now.


Proud Leader of Hostility

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  Nippon said:
  Legendary said:
Don't you guys reckon it'd be more fun to have those kind of fights for these last possible months of pure clanning? Instead of hanging around in Single just running? :/


You do realize that the whole vid you posted consists of clans hitting each other in clusterfucks then running to single?




you lead a welfare main clan and crash pure fights nobody care whats you have to say.



OT: go play battlescape if you want clanning kinda like that i guess

Zenith @Leader
Hoot Hoot Its an 0wl

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  0mgi0wnu23 said:
  blue said:
why dont you just play battlescape ?



its basically rs clanning 2010 lol




hi my names Zach and i have to make staff topics about my members playing battlescape.



Zenith @Leader
Hoot Hoot Its an 0wl

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1. lol

2. yeah definitely better when theres more safespots in the wildy than freaking wild.

3. every1 camped single/safe. Every clan but MM never went to pvp zone cuz there was no safe.

4. do i even have to mention this year spawned the meme "tlp hop spot"

5. /facepalm



also what every1 else said, 2k6-2k7 was obviously the best. no1 uses phx necks, whip was the best weapon, and things were honorable and simple.


but I'm going to add something new. I personally enjoyed the first 2 months the wildy returned. It was honestly the most fun I had during runescape since I started in early 2k5. I'm not 100% talking about clan vs clan, but during this time I would wake up at 5-6am just to go out and pk with mm till I had to go to school, then come back and pk all day.



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