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wut is NH


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2 letters in the alphabet.


Jk its having none of what dictionary.com says



  /ˈɒnər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [on-er] Show IPA

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1. honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions: a man of honor.

2. a source of credit or distinction: to be an honor to one's family.

3. high respect, as for worth, merit, or rank: to be held in honor.

4. such respect manifested: a memorial in honor of the dead.

5. high public esteem; fame; glory: He has earned his position of honor.

6. the privilege of being associated with or receiving a favor from a respected person, group, organization, etc.: to have the honor of serving on a prize jury; I have the honor of introducing this evening's speaker.

7. Usually, honors. evidence, as a special ceremony, decoration, scroll, or title, of high rank, dignity, or distinction: political honors; military honors.

8. (initial capital letter) a deferential title of respect, esp. for judges and mayors (prec. by His, Her, Your, etc.).

9. honors,

a. special rank or distinction conferred by a university, college, or school upon a student for eminence in scholarship or success in some particular subject.

b. an advanced course of study for superior students. Compare honors course.

10. chastity or purity in a woman.

11. Also called honor card. Cards.

a. Bridge. any of the five highest trump cards, as an ace, king, queen, jack, or ten in the trump suit, or any of the four aces in a no-trump contract. Compare honor trick.

b. Whist. any of the four highest trump cards, as an ace, king, queen, or jack in the trump suit.

12. Golf. the privilege of teeing off before the other player or side, given after the first hole to the player or side that won the previous hole.

–verb (used with object)

13. to hold in honor or high respect; revere: to honor one's parents.

14. to treat with honor.

15. to confer honor or distinction upon: The university honored him with its leadership award.

16. to worship (the Supreme Being).

17. to show a courteous regard for: to honor an invitation.

18. Commerce. to accept or pay (a draft, check, etc.): All credit cards are honored here.

19. to accept as valid and conform to the request or demands of (an official document).

20. (in square dancing) to meet or salute with a bow.


21. of, pertaining to, or noting honor.


22. be on or upon one's honor, to accept and acknowledge personal responsibility for one's actions: West Point cadets are on their honor not to cheat on an exam.

23. do honor to,

a. to show respect to.

b. to be a credit to: Such good students would do honor to any teacher.

24. do the honors, to serve or preside as host, as in introducing people, or carving or serving at table: Father did the honors at the family Thanksgiving dinner.

Also, especially British, honour.



1150–1200; (n.) ME (h)on(o)ur < AF (OF (h)onor, onur) < L honōr- (s. of honor, earlier honōs); (v.) ME < AF (h)on(o)urer < L honōrāre, deriv. of honor


Related forms:

hon⋅or⋅er, noun

hon⋅or⋅less, adjective



1. probity, uprightness. Honor, honesty, integrity, sincerity refer to the highest moral principles and the absence of deceit or fraud. Honor denotes a fine sense of, and a strict conformity to, what is considered morally right or due: a high sense of honor; on one's honor. Honesty denotes the presence of probity and particularly the absence of deceit or fraud, esp. in business dealings: uncompromising honesty and trustworthiness. Integrity indicates a soundness of moral principle that no power or influence can impair: a man of unquestioned integrity and dependability. Sincerity implies absence of dissimulation or deceit, and a strong adherence to truth: His sincerity was evident in every word. 3. deference, homage; reverence, veneration. Honor, consideration, distinction refer to the regard in which one is held by others. Honor suggests a combination of liking and respect: His colleagues held him in great honor. Consideration suggests honor because of proved worth: a man worthy of the highest consideration. Distinction suggests particular honor because of qualities or accomplishments: She achieved distinction as a violinist at an early age. 5. distinction. 13. esteem, venerate.



1. dishonor, dishonesty.

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  Arron said:
That's just a stupid definition lol.


So if you're a ranger, fighting a meleer with the same cmb etc - It isn't an honour fight? Loled.

You didin't make sense and just made yourself a *******.

Ex- Co Leader of Divinity
Ex- Mithril God of The Golden Gods
Ex- Senior Member of Eruption Of Pures

Eop, Defying All the Odds.
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  P0ke N Die said:
It doesn't mean anything now. The only reason the Pure Community is so big now is because clans stopped caring about teleporting and pjing and so memberlists grew 50%.

No, I think that's just you.

non yo bsns
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- No honor -

Eating above 20 hp (extreme safing)

Eating anymore than one kind of food

Attacking someone

Using magic of anykind

Not dying


- Honor -

Letting the other person win

I Vode I

40 Attack | 99 Strength | 1 Defense | 91 Range | 1 Prayer | 91 Magic | 65 Combat

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