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EoP Closes


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Walli you take this game so seriously....so what we did what we want? It's a game and we all had fun, also had fun smashing your clan in F2P for 90% of our existance. :P


As for EoP....been an awesome 7 years, met so many great people and had so much fun it was unbelievable. Never expected to make it this far, considering when I made EoP forums, i only made them for fun and I didnt actually intend on leading a pure clan, things kinda just fell into place and we formed a legacy from there. Thanks to every member who stuck it out til the end, you guys are awesome. Keep in touch. :wub:

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  Old P K 3 R said:
Walli you take this game so seriously....so what we did what we want? It's a game and we all had fun, also had fun smashing your clan in F2P for 90% of our existance. :P


As for EoP....been an awesome 7 years, met so many great people and had so much fun it was unbelievable. Never expected to make it this far, considering when I made EoP forums, i only made them for fun and I didnt actually intend on leading a pure clan, things kinda just fell into place and we formed a legacy from there. Thanks to every member who stuck it out til the end, you guys are awesome. Keep in touch. :wub:

I don't know how someone can bite the hand that fed them lol



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  Goop said:
Oh walli, oh fatality.


Walli it's a shame you werent able to do much with foe regardless of the momentum cha0s pure and new recruits left for you. I blame you for foes downfall over the years. A downfall I never even thought possible by foe and it's large amount of followers. However you proved me and everyone else wrong. Even with the small community we had these 'scumbags' I promoted surpassed you leadership wise in every way. And to think, solo k1ng came from a w57 cc and yet was able to help keep eop unlike yourself even with everything foe had going.


And fatality, you closed before eoc. Your clan simply could not handle the thought of 'another' 4 year slump.


Mm had the fact that they were the first ever pure clan backing them up the whole time, thus a giant community. Foe had fame and fortune. Eop had nothing yet still left a far greater impression on the pure world than fi ever could or would have, regardless of if they hated us or if they loved us, there was a damn good reason for doing so. Hate = fear = power = conquest.


And that's why no one will remember your name.


dat 1 def advantage


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  Goop said:
Oh walli, oh fatality.


Walli it's a shame you werent able to do much with foe regardless of the momentum cha0s pure and new recruits left for you. I blame you for foes downfall over the years. A downfall I never even thought possible by foe and it's large amount of followers. However you proved me and everyone else wrong. Even with the small community we had these 'scumbags' I promoted surpassed you leadership wise in every way. And to think, solo k1ng came from a w57 cc and yet was able to help keep eop unlike yourself even with everything foe had going.


And fatality, you closed before eoc. Your clan simply could not handle the thought of 'another' 4 year slump.


Mm had the fact that they were the first ever pure clan backing them up the whole time, thus a giant community. Foe had fame and fortune. Eop had nothing yet still left a far greater impression on the pure world than fi ever could or would have, regardless of if they hated us or if they loved us, there was a damn good reason for doing so. Hate = fear = power = conquest.


And that's why no one will remember your name.


lol we closed because we didnt want another 4 year slump, what a ******* joke. It's simply because our members didn't want to play the game, lol.

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  Goop said:
  walli said:
yawn goop, fact and fiction.


you can have all the shots you want at it, it doesnt change what your clan was. Deal with it, live with it.


I didnt mind you, but you just disappointed me to stand by and let solo and tayyab mug you off

Tayyabs beef with foe was a solo ordeal. I was the one behind the order of malicious retaliation, none of which was carried out by them. I told anyone who had access to malicious software to do what needed to be done when I saw green capes in rune armor or our ts was taken out first etc.


Once tayyab got access to his **** he just started attacking his grudges and gloating about it days later. None of which I ordered.


Too be honest we never used ddosing as a tool to win with, but as an act of retaliation. I've always been open about it and never hid it. If we really hated everyone you believed we ddosed don't you think everyone's forums would have gone off for weeks like fis did lol?

was that before or after you'd sit at all of fi's preps with a booter and take off ranks for fun

»15:40:10« <@Jay> You're not even close to being intelligent enough to speak to me.


^ Why would you cite me on the quote, when my name's clearly in it...


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Never really liked you guys, but hope you guys accomplish what you want irl. Except for tayyab and solo they're pathetic and will amount to nothing in life, that is all.


Rofl edit: Just read the rubbish you guys are spewing, you can believe what you want but you were good for a year? maybe a year and a half? And your domination was nowhere on the level of Fi's in late 07/all of 08, just saying.

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  badger said:
  Goop said:
  walli said:
yawn goop, fact and fiction.


you can have all the shots you want at it, it doesnt change what your clan was. Deal with it, live with it.


I didnt mind you, but you just disappointed me to stand by and let solo and tayyab mug you off

Tayyabs beef with foe was a solo ordeal. I was the one behind the order of malicious retaliation, none of which was carried out by them. I told anyone who had access to malicious software to do what needed to be done when I saw green capes in rune armor or our ts was taken out first etc.


Once tayyab got access to his **** he just started attacking his grudges and gloating about it days later. None of which I ordered.


Too be honest we never used ddosing as a tool to win with, but as an act of retaliation. I've always been open about it and never hid it. If we really hated everyone you believed we ddosed don't you think everyone's forums would have gone off for weeks like fis did lol?

was that before or after you'd sit at all of fi's preps with a booter and take off ranks for fun









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  Real Teddy said:
  badger said:
  Goop said:
  walli said:
yawn goop, fact and fiction.


you can have all the shots you want at it, it doesnt change what your clan was. Deal with it, live with it.


I didnt mind you, but you just disappointed me to stand by and let solo and tayyab mug you off

Tayyabs beef with foe was a solo ordeal. I was the one behind the order of malicious retaliation, none of which was carried out by them. I told anyone who had access to malicious software to do what needed to be done when I saw green capes in rune armor or our ts was taken out first etc.


Once tayyab got access to his **** he just started attacking his grudges and gloating about it days later. None of which I ordered.


Too be honest we never used ddosing as a tool to win with, but as an act of retaliation. I've always been open about it and never hid it. If we really hated everyone you believed we ddosed don't you think everyone's forums would have gone off for weeks like fis did lol?

was that before or after you'd sit at all of fi's preps with a booter and take off ranks for fun



How's that awkward lol, it's common knowledge o.O





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  walli said:
2 years ago?


eop has been labelled scumbags for the last few years ongoing.


What was embarrassing was it was primarily down to retards like marty originally who was a ***** but 'wasnt' eop and just their host but just acted on behalf of them to do all his dirty work... that went for a while but mainly it was just idiots like tayyab and solo king...


since one of the worst dox ive seen sent tayyab into hiding we can all see why he was so eager to try and thug online and then as for solo king i will never get other his constant threats in irc pms of what he was going to do to me and / or my clan.


You havnt done much, certainly not a lot of what you have claimed or claim on this post... all you brought to the pure community was excesive ddosing and hacking. Scumbags.


p.s. i should edit in i suppose there were some good guys, just a real shame they didnt have the balls to stand up to those who ruined it for them and their clan... you will always be labelled because of those people


Can't even understand what you're saying but unfortunately your opinion will never be taken seriously because you:


a) Allowed teleporting on FOE's trips when you still had a massive youtube base to recruit off

B) Allowed adamant when you still had a massive youtube base to recruit off

c) Give up on F2P in late mid 2011 and attempt to use us as bait until I tossed you around

d) Cancelled FOE's trips then brought them back again within a week for no reason whatosever

e) Made extremely long posts that no one would read on your forums and got less than 20 replies

f) Complained on your leaderboards whenever something was going downhill, and took cheap shots at your ranks, some of whom were still learning

g) You ****** off so many people in your clan and thus caused their departure from the clan solely based on your dirty work

h) You came up with excuses whenever you pulled **** to a trip because herp derp "We have people going out".. yeah like non other clan have members who go out as well. You were just afraid of admitting the truth and ruining your reputation, don't know what kinda rep you think you had then but w/e lol

i) Lying on PW saying FOE doesn't participiate in ddosing or hacking when we leaked evidence from your leaderboards/admin showing that you did


I personally was willing to admit that I did ddos Fi's boards for over a week straight because I was ****** off how they were surprisingly unable to create Nippon's mains, but it was never for the intention for killing their momentum because at the time we were still doing better than them. After that I never did ****. I had access to your acp, leaderboards and IRC/TS multiple times but I never did anything extreme. The first time I gained access I pmed an op telling them that there was a leaked database and some people still hadn't changed their passes yet. Sure we did leak your leaderboards but hey you were just an addition to our collection, and at the time anyway the only thing that pushed me to doing it was your ******** posts on your leaderboards attempting to use us, bahaha.


Goop, myself and w0w2many took a clan that had no youtube subscriptions and a small forum community and built a strong core that lasted for over 2 years until we rose to the top. You had the youtube, you had the forums, and I will give you credit for being undoutedly the greatest P2P clan to exist but your ex-leaders are the ones who made FOE what it once was, not you, certainly not you.


Now walk along with whatever little dignity you think you have left... whilst all of us here laugh at your outstanding work turning an amazing clan into an absolute junk.

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  badger said:
  Goop said:
  walli said:
yawn goop, fact and fiction.


you can have all the shots you want at it, it doesnt change what your clan was. Deal with it, live with it.


I didnt mind you, but you just disappointed me to stand by and let solo and tayyab mug you off

Tayyabs beef with foe was a solo ordeal. I was the one behind the order of malicious retaliation, none of which was carried out by them. I told anyone who had access to malicious software to do what needed to be done when I saw green capes in rune armor or our ts was taken out first etc.


Once tayyab got access to his **** he just started attacking his grudges and gloating about it days later. None of which I ordered.


Too be honest we never used ddosing as a tool to win with, but as an act of retaliation. I've always been open about it and never hid it. If we really hated everyone you believed we ddosed don't you think everyone's forums would have gone off for weeks like fis did lol?

was that before or after you'd sit at all of fi's preps with a booter and take off ranks for fun

Was after your dad died :thumbsup:


Proud Ex @High Council of EoP

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  Mark said:
I don't know why you keep saying MM is closed, I mean look at this post on zybez:


  Goop' timestamp='1355029720 said:
We were the last Major pure clan to close, 7 year old clan. Was a good run boys. Voted #1 pure clan by RSC 2011


At least Solo is trying to set your straight


  Solo' timestamp='1355045603 said:
RIP had fun leading this clan

but tbh, even despite having 30 def levels on average over MM, which we expected to help us carry us to #1, they still managed to win our rivalry with relative ease:\


Props to them.


P.S Goop, they are still open ^^


  Umb' timestamp='1355034454 said:

So there's no other pure clans left now?


Rip lol

MM is, Goop is trying to claim eop to be the last pure clan ever lol.




Anyways, it sucks to see you close as you were our primary competition. We'll be pulling the plug soon


Thank you for the response but it's a shame that someone from MM had to pretend they were myself and post retarded comments, fairly sure I don't even remember my pass on there lol.




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just the fact alone that I had access to Foe's leaderboards for months on end shows why walli's opinion will never matter to me or any of EoP's leadership



lmfao big up solo k1ng biggest bad ass of all time


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reel them in.


lets face it, we were better in every way.


you have to fight so hard to try and justify anything you did.


scumbags and worthless through and through.


'Eop did what we wanted and we had fun'


you did what clans let you do and had fun with the scraps


good boys



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