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Intense Redemption - The Massacre


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  Scott said:
So goop, you won the PCT fights by massing up 60 randomers and after PCT finished they left and you slumped.


Successful? No. Idiotic? Most definitely.


Bro, Just because thats how you met bob, does not mean thats something i do.


I just explained everything to you in 2 posts, you ignorant moron.

We were pretty successful, Made you guys decline 2 more full outs, i believe thats 6 total now?


#clan-eop www.eop-rs.com

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  Goop said:

Bro, Just because thats how you met bob, does not mean thats something i do.


I just explained everything to you in 2 posts, you ignorant moron.

We were pretty successful, Made you guys decline 2 more full outs, i believe thats 6 total now?


I think you need to learn some basic numeracy. We've declined 3 full outs from you. Where you got 6 from I'll never know. But hey, if you like we could declare on you 6 times now? Even up the playing field. After all, we have the same number advantage over you that you had over us each time you declared!


Also, saying that you have won PCT fights all alone is a completely ignorant and idiotic thing to say. Shows how much you care for the members of your clan. Pretty sure they had more to do with your failure "Success" during PCT. But then again, wouldn't expect more from a graphics artist posing as a leader.


Find it hypocritical that you've called me an idiot in each of your last 3 posts but you can't manage to string a sentence together that actually makes sense without any spelling or grammar mistakes.


You know I'm far more intelligent than you could ever dream to be; stop trying to convince yourself otherwise.

Proud Ex - High Council of Epidemic
Proud Ex - Leader of Enemy
Proud Mayhem Maker

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Everyone on these forums knows that Scott, and the rest of Epidemic here (with the exception of about 5 decent members)...only come here to flame and troll, and the ones that fall for it are almost as stupid as they are.


Goop, why the **** do you talk to children like these guys, each time Scott says something from now on, just remember that time his irl pic was posted in EOP's IRC, and think to yourself, damn this guy is nothing but a kiddo.


All you have ever done scott is try to act like your the top ****, aswell as your clan. Nobody really cares if your clan is better than one another, clans aren't JUST about pulling big numbers. Yeah you guys are perhaps better than EOP at the moment, but thats only because of numbers, and nothing else. Id rather be the weaker clan, with a better community who has just as many events, rather than be in a clan that thinks they are the **** cause they out-pull other clan, and just flames and makes fools of themselves on public forums all day.


Kids like you are the reason I rarely use these forums anymore, the average age of this PW community is probably like 14 or 15, and im sorry, but i've outgrown all the immaturity of these people and simply have moved on and don't have time for it anymore.


And just to sum this post up, Epidemic pulled what to yesterdays trip....47 members, yet all of you flamed about IR teaming with us, if you say you don't care about this game, then why are you here trolling/flaming this topic for 7 pages in a row. Obviously something is bothering you, either that or you simply have no life, and have nothing else better to do. It's none of your business if IR teamed with us, nor should you care half as much as what you are now. We peaked at 80 people yesterday, EOP peaked at 18, and A pulled 6 lol, that means IR had about 56-60 members show up (yes some were AX but those FEW AX members actually apped to IR)....therefore, to prove you a point, I can guarentee that 56-60 IR would easily beat 47 Epidemic in a P2P pkri.


If you think im wrong, don't flame back on this post cause nobody really cares what you have to say, i'd suggest just declaring a 47vs56 P2P war on IR, if you guys win then I take my word back and you win, if IR wins, then my point is proven.


Cheers guys, probably my last post on these forums again for another month. Hopefully some of you guys have grown up by the time I come back.

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Lookin forward to an Epidemic member to think they have the brains to counter such a great argument Old put up.


As Old said, we didn't need to team with Eop to beat you guys, we pulled 55+ by ourselves so stop making excuses for your ****** trip.



I would rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.

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I honostly can't wait to see what IR does next weekend Saturday + Sunday!

Proud Ex Founder of Anxiety
Proud Ex Honoured Member of Epidemic
Proud Ex Elite Member of Destructive Pures
CURRENTLY a Proud Leader of Zenith
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  Old P K 3 R said:
Everyone on these forums knows that Scott, and the rest of Epidemic here (with the exception of about 5 decent members)...only come here to flame and troll, and the ones that fall for it are almost as stupid as they are.


Goop, why the **** do you talk to children like these guys, each time Scott says something from now on, just remember that time his irl pic was posted in EOP's IRC, and think to yourself, damn this guy is nothing but a kiddo.


All you have ever done scott is try to act like your the top ****, aswell as your clan. Nobody really cares if your clan is better than one another, clans aren't JUST about pulling big numbers. Yeah you guys are perhaps better than EOP at the moment, but thats only because of numbers, and nothing else. Id rather be the weaker clan, with a better community who has just as many events, rather than be in a clan that thinks they are the **** cause they out-pull other clan, and just flames and makes fools of themselves on public forums all day.


Kids like you are the reason I rarely use these forums anymore, the average age of this PW community is probably like 14 or 15, and im sorry, but i've outgrown all the immaturity of these people and simply have moved on and don't have time for it anymore.


And just to sum this post up, Epidemic pulled what to yesterdays trip....47 members, yet all of you flamed about IR teaming with us, if you say you don't care about this game, then why are you here trolling/flaming this topic for 7 pages in a row. Obviously something is bothering you, either that or you simply have no life, and have nothing else better to do. It's none of your business if IR teamed with us, nor should you care half as much as what you are now. We peaked at 80 people yesterday, EOP peaked at 18, and A pulled 6 lol, that means IR had about 56-60 members show up (yes some were AX but those FEW AX members actually apped to IR)....therefore, to prove you a point, I can guarentee that 56-60 IR would easily beat 47 Epidemic in a P2P pkri.


If you think im wrong, don't flame back on this post cause nobody really cares what you have to say, i'd suggest just declaring a 47vs56 P2P war on IR, if you guys win then I take my word back and you win, if IR wins, then my point is proven.


Cheers guys, probably my last post on these forums again for another month. Hopefully some of you guys have grown up by the time I come back.


Seriously, half of your post is completely irrelevant as you flame me and Epidemic but continue by saying you don't have time to flame on these forums because you've outgrown it? Someone is either a compulsive liar or in denial.


As for your comment about my IRL pic, if you're talking about the one that was posted 5 years ago (No exaggeration either) then judging by that evidence you can call me a child. But until you know who I am, what I look like, my age or more importantly my intellectual capacity you have no right to label me as a child.


This brings me on to your statement about Epidemic being nothing but numbers. Quite hypocritical if I must say so myself. Before you declared the full out wars on Epidemic, you had a memberlist of approximately 70. After a surge of applicants (most of which were recruited at soul wars through the "Eop Chats" CC) you hit a memberlist of 120 people. Then you declared on us when we had a memberlist of 90 people. Even though the times were inconvenient we most likely would have declined anyway due to the sheer numbers EOP had. Then, after we declined your memberlist dropped to around 70 again and you began pulling 10-20 to trips. At this stage EOP were humble, the leaders and members were very cool with all other clans and never interfered with things they shouldn't have. Then came the PCT. What happens again? EOP somehow gain another 30-40 members in a period of a week and seem to re-gain their confidence and cockyness. You start talking **** and lose several even opt fights with Epidemic in PVP. After the PCT ends, your memberlist drops to around 70 again. So tell me Old, who are really "all numbers"? Because the facts point towards EOP being that clan.


Yesterday we peaked at 55, not 47. TAODC peaked at 80. So, 80 - 20 EOP members =60 IR. I already had it confirmed that A pulled between 12 and 15 so lets take that off as well. That leaves IR with 45 people. Now, I certainly fancy my chances against IR in a 45 vs 55. In fact, I'm 110% percent sure that Epidemic would walk away with an easy victory with those numbers. I would be suprised if IR could kill more than 10 of us in a fight like that. But hey, miracles happen. So, if anyone has a point to prove it's IR, not E. They are the ones struggling to keep up with a F2P based clan on their home turf, resorting to cheap tricks like hugging single, returning with one item and teaming with three other clans.


So, lets see if you fail to take your own advice and respond to my "troll" post.


Oh yes Zo, I do have brains.

Proud Ex - High Council of Epidemic
Proud Ex - Leader of Enemy
Proud Mayhem Maker

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  WillT said:
LMFAO, they WOULD say that.. ******* idiot. Il give T adrenaline the benefit of the doubt and assume you made that up though


Who said I got the quote from Alexis?




And Zo, on the previous page Old admits Eop peaked at 20. We've already beaten you in p2p outopted by no less than nine, and now that IR are renowned for consistently getting funneled, I'm positive we would have won. Thank you, good day.

Proud Ex - High Council of Epidemic
Proud Ex - Leader of Enemy
Proud Mayhem Maker

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  JD said:
I don't quite know who you're calling the "******* idiot" seeing as that Scott's made some pretty intelligent posts whilst you cannot even spell "I'll"..

"I don't quite know" is a beginning to a sentence that goes against the unwritten rules and ethics of the English language. Perhaps you meant "I don't quite understand" but then you cannot tell someone else how smart they are, when you should look at yourself first.



I would rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.

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  Zo Is Legend said:
"I don't quite know" is a beginning to a sentence that goes against the unwritten rules and ethics of the English language. Perhaps you meant "I don't quite understand" but then you cannot tell someone else how smart they are, when you should look at yourself first.


How people see themselves has no influence on their perception of other people.

Proud Ex - High Council of Epidemic
Proud Ex - Leader of Enemy
Proud Mayhem Maker

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Scott and Jack stop arguing here. You have a better chance getting a dog to speak fluent english than convincing these idiots that their clan is not exactly "Good".

[E]Bawb or Bawb[AFK] in #Epidemic.
Don't hesitate to PM if you need anything.

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Ill quote Omni from earlier:


  Omni said:
This topic will be locked for a moderator to view/clean/suspend and will be reopened upon the request of the original poster. (after the cleaning is done.) When a moderator is online please get a hold of them to take care of this topic. For some of you I doubt we'll be hearing from you this following weekend.


This topic will now remain open. Warns have been given out, Posts have been deleted and members that have been reporting posts noted down. May this be a strict warning to you all that any flame bait/trolling/spam/off topic replys will be dealt with.


I Miss you all muchly <3 bjiq7t.gif
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