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Destructive Pures Go Wild

Cronic Ko

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Today DP stepped into the wildy with big expectations. We set out with 58 people hoping for a good trip. Little did we know that we would peak at 71 and maintain a total of 60+ throughout the whole trip.





Video will soon be added!




The first 25 minutes of the trip were actionless. After scouting for a while, finally clans finished massing and headed out. We attempted to hunt CP but as we hopped to get them Malice rushed us.


As DP were clearing most of M, IR then came and crashed the fight.


DP Starting: 60

M Starting: 40 (Claims to have fought MG+V0P+DV)


DP Ending: 55

M Ending: 15
















After IR crashed we called a remass. When finished remassing, we set out into the wildy with 65 people. We wanted to hunt IR to get revenge for them crashing our fight against malice. Soon we saw a few CP members and we went and killed them which led us to fighting IR.


DP Starting: 65

IR Starting: 50


DP Ending: 55

IR Ending: 25-30 Ran into BH
















At this point, we quickly banked and headed out again since we didn't need a remass. When we were walking to chaos alter for prayer, we saw Malice fighting Corrupt Pures. We didn't plan to crash, but it was too late to fall back since all three clans started to fight. Later on as DP cleared the remainder of M/CP, IR had then gotten a small remass and came back to finish our fight. Eventually this ended up as a crash fest.


DP Starting: 68

M Starting: 35~

CP Starting: 30~

IR Starting: 55

E Starting: ?

FI Starting: ?


Not going to include ending opts since it ended as a clusterwar.












After the huge clusterwar, we called a remass. Once we headed back into to the wildy, we decided to look for IR again to beat them once more. After walking around for 5 minute, TLP rushed us at chaos alter. Eventually DP pushed TLP to BH and claimed the win.


DP Starting: 68

TLP Starting: 35


DP Ending: 65

TLP Ending: 10 Ran into BH












After we pushed TLP to BH, we quickly banked and got a fall in. As we were leaving BH, we saw FI standing at the bottom of BH stairs. We quickly ran down and fought them. We managed to push FI into BH and then lure them to graveyard where we pushed them to cwars.


DP Starting: 65

FI Starting: 40


DP Ending: 50

FI Ending: 5 Ran into Cwars










After calling a remass, we scouted CP and went to go get them. Once we hopped to charge them, we ran into TLP who we pushed to BH. As we were pushing, CP came and rushed us so we ended up getting sandwhiched. We managed to get out of the middle and take on both clans and manage to win.


DP Starting: 68

CP Starting: 35

TLP Starting: 30


DP Ending: 25

CP Ending: 0

TLP Ending: 5
















After remassing for the last time, we lost a lot since the trip had dragged on for quite a while. We remassed and set out again with 54 people. IR had then asked us for a PKRI which we accepted. After waiting for 30 minutes for IR to finally get themselves together, we fought. Shortly after Epidemic crashed but DP had the upper hand.


DP Starting: 55

IR Starting: 45+








Since it got crashed, E killed most of IR in non-multi while we went to chaos alter for prayer. We decided to dismiss the trip but about 30 people stayed to fight the remainder of Epidemic. Unfortunately we lost, but we had fun.


Overall, it was a really fun day for the Destructive Pures. We managed to have a 3 hour long trip and peak with a total of 71 members. Thanks to all the members who showed up.


Thanks for Reading!


"Victory is sweetest when you've known defeat."
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What's up with all the startings and endings when it's DP vs Malice

We had 40ish after hitting up MG and DV and this masser clan, then met you with 40ish people, and we had enough returners for 25+ people.

Proud Founder of Carpediem
Proud Founder of Hysteria
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  Inu said:
What's up with all the startings and endings when it's DP vs Malice

We had 40ish after hitting up MG and DV and this masser clan, then met you with 40ish people, and we had enough returners for 25+ people.


I confirmed with your members.

"Victory is sweetest when you've known defeat."
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Decent topic Sean. Good job on the trip. Thought you were going to pull higher, because you guys were all big and mighty on friday, talking about saturday.


Good luck.

Accepted into Epidemic on Saturday, September 09, 2007.
Promoted to Senior Member of Epidemic on Thursday, November 08, 2007.
Other Clans -> [Ex-Absolution High Council, Ex-Corrupt Pure, Ex- Final ownage elite]
Rank change to Officer of Epidemic on Wednesday, 02, 2009.


I'm the #1 aftermath topic maker, quit r00nsk3p.

Be prepared.



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  Lucky Hit3r said:
Decent topic Sean. Good job on the trip. Thought you were going to pull higher, because you guys were all big and mighty on friday, talking about saturday.


Good luck.


Peaked 71 with no sign up's, I think that's pretty good.


And thanks btw :P

"Victory is sweetest when you've known defeat."
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  Lucky Hit3r said:
Decent topic Sean. Good job on the trip. Thought you were going to pull higher, because you guys were all big and mighty on friday, talking about saturday.


Good luck.


Every1 gets big and mighty when they win, including E. And we did pull alot bigger from Friday to Saturday. Nice pull again E.


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  Intense Redemption said:
For the first fight. Can you add that IR had fought M, cp, e x2 before You guys rushed us near ports.


EDIT: Also on the last fight we had 43 i believe.

For the first fight. Can you add that >IR+Eop< had fought M, cp, e x2 before You guys rushed us near ports.


Also on the last fight we had 43 i believe.


Unless you forgot you teamed again :S but ye no problem =D

|Bad Kangaroo|





Team Genocide

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epic trip DP

hopefully we can pull more next week, step it up and challenge E ;)


-Proud member of #TLP
-Proud former member of #Dpures

(14:27:02) <@Furious> Next season I hope there will be a "most biased and hated moderator award" I would hands down win it
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Lol you lost from 68 people to 25 people while crashing a TLP vs CP runin. Nice Job.


Both clans opts added together were 65 and we were sandwhiched inbetween them. Was pretty good. Plus it wasint crashing seeing that neither of the clans had actually attacked eachother yet, So Fighting both Tlp and Cp we did well.

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  Lolnicebones said:
Both clans opts added together were 65 and we were sandwhiched inbetween them. Was pretty good. Plus it wasint crashing seeing that neither of the clans had actually attacked eachother yet, So Fighting both Tlp and Cp we did well.

you took out cp and they had like 15 left inside ruinz when tlp charged you had about 50ish vs our 30 and the survivors from cp and then pushed you north west then like 20 mains came and raped our high lvls so we dipped


was fun tho c ya tomorrow

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  Lolnicebones said:
Both clans opts added together were 65 and we were sandwhiched inbetween them. Was pretty good. Plus it wasint crashing seeing that neither of the clans had actually attacked eachother yet, So Fighting both Tlp and Cp we did well.

Not really lol. CP had 29 People too lol.



Proud Founder Of Corrupt Pures
~Opened May 8th 2005~
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