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lvl 92 in search

XX R Cbow XX

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Do you like big run-ins?

Get some more Range and Magic levels and join Mayhem Makers!


Have fun michelle.

The Golden Gods
Mayhem Makers
^Will always be in my heart.

Pures, missing since late '08.
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Get your range and Mage up then check out TLP




We are only getting better and better, be apart of the magic!

{ Elder of The Last Pures }


{ Christ lived the life I should, and died the death I deserve. }


{ Proud Moderator Of PW }


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Hey nub, rejoin SD lol


or train up and join MM


If you don't like trianing then help out Eop

IRC Nick - [Derrick] Or [sI13]

Msg me On IRC if you need Help





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  Brian said:



  Scott said:
Your stats are perfect for Epidemic







  Toby said:
Why not try #Epidemic.



Go with Epidemic. Best Up Coming clan around. Beating Clans like TLP, DV, EOP, FI. #epidemic

My Nick is [E]Sirswat


Forums: http://epidemicclan.ipbfree.com/index.php?act=idx

Founder & Leader of Evolution Pures
Former Senior Member of Epidemic| Former Leader of The Hatred| Former Member of NME

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You're perfect for Epidemic. You meet our reqs. We're an active F2P clan with a P2P event on sunday.

We have dayly mini's and around 2/3 30 min preps a week + a lot of action on our saturday trips. Watch our topic on this forum about our trip last saturday. We pull around 60~ to our saturday trips and are concidered a med-high clan.


You would love Epidemic. We have an active forum and have loads of mature members who are willing to get to know you. E have probably the most friendly members ever ( from what I noticed, and comparing them to other clan members from different clans ).


Goodluck with finding a clan ! Epidemic would be happy to have you :D


www.epidemicclan.com | #Epidemic


~<3 Sandra :wub:


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@ sirs stop saying u beat dv every week which you dont and idk where you came up with fi .... you dont even stand a chance you can give them a fight but wont beat them yet you still compete with dp and dv you're not beating them every week..


anyway's you looking for a f2p clan and p2p? #dv_clan also idk why epidemic saying they do p2p on sundays lol..

attackiconc.gif 60/60strengthicon.gif 80/99defenceicon.gif 1/1rangedicon.gif 90/99240wx9k.gif 99/99


Proud EX - DV Events Team

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  m4n said:
Epidemic have posted here saying they are an "upcoming clan" but lets face it. As well as they are against DV and DP, they dont stand a chance against any of the top 3 clans, FI, FOE and MM. In fact, E runs from the top 3 clans. E is like 2- 30 versus them and E doesnt even really P2P pk as they claim they do.


Now of those top 3, FOE and FI stand no chance against MM in f2p. FOE is really competetive vs MM in p2p


Mayhem Makers is the best f2p clan, and we have the most active forums, with 250+ people on at all times. We also have officials from all around the world so no worries about inactive leaders.




Dont regret your choice by picking besides MM

To be honoust if you ask me... Being #1 can't be fun 0.0 You guys need to hunt clans down before they fight you :rolleyes: .

And we have fun with what we do. We have competition in bh and in cw. And at the moment Fi are to good for us. Why would we fight a clan 60 vs 100? That's just suicide. But as I said. We're an active f2p clan and have fun. And that's what counts -> having fun. And we do P2P.. P2P is P2P... doesn't matter how you do it or where or with what. As long as we have fun we're fine right?


Now please stop making E look bad and MM like gods :rolleyes: .


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Guest wcking
  Georgan said:
C'mon Sandra.

Fi blows hard.

m4n E can beat em, E just needs to get their levels up and im pretty sure they will make it.

cmon man

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  m4n said:
Being #1 is fun, we dont lose. From what I recall alot of what E does is crash other clan's trips. Clans come after us too, Fi and Foe but its just recently that its turned to hide and seek. Still a bunch of fun if you ask me.


Your competition atm is watered down clans of EOP and CP, and no offense but I only said those things because you made it sound like you could beat Fi and compete with the big boys which you cant. And you dont do p2p or else we'd hear about you guys more.


Im being honest, not making E look bad but trying to tell the dude the truth and not the lie


I don't think we've crashed a fight now for a good few weeks. Whereas MM crashed 2 of our fights on Saturday. Stop being such a HIPPO CRATE.


Our competition atm is far superior to that of MM's. We have good, clean fights with all of the clans around our level. And don't you worry about us competing with the big boys, we'll be happy to take that #1 spot from you soon enough!

Proud Ex - High Council of Epidemic
Proud Ex - Leader of Enemy
Proud Mayhem Maker

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  m4n said:
Your competition atm is watered down clans of EOP and CP, and no offense but I only said those things because you made it sound like you could beat Fi and compete with the big boys which you cant. And you dont do p2p or else we'd hear about you guys more.


Im being honest, not making E look bad but trying to tell the dude the truth and not the lie

It's my opinion.. I would find being #1 boring since you have no goal anymore and get bored when clans hide or you keep beating them but oh well..


And were did I say that we beat FI and compete with MM/FOE ;) ? Yes Jose said we compete with FI. And I think we can beat them even opt ( although we would have to work on our levels first ). And we've beaten Fi before even opt in cw. :rolleyes:


And E haven't crashed a fight in a while. We've crashed clans we dislike and that crash us. That's how it goes in the wildy when you have rivals. And didn't MM crash our fight last saturday?


And we do P2P lol.. Just because we don't post topics on pc doesn't mean we don't do P2P. Last sunday we pulled around 20 and beat 50% of DP when it was like 20 vs 40 and Dp had 21 ending if I'm right. So don't say that we don't do P2P since that's an lie..


Now lets stick on topic and give this guy what he wants ;) He's looking for a clan. And this isn't clan discussion. So lets end it here and whish him goodluck with finding a clan.


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