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P2p or F2p?


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Just asking what are your thoughts on P2p and F2p.

Which do you think weight more on a clan?

And why? please give a good reason.


Example- I believe P2p takes a lot more hard work because it doesn't matter about numbers.

Just on how your can work on wrapping around the other clan without getting barraged and chin themselves.

Also it take a lot of discipline because you don't want to hit your own members.


It's just my opinion on the matter and please don't be offended as this is just a simple question.

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Foe vs Fi F2P Full Out Saturday Auguest 11, 2012

Retired Runescape 2/1/2012

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I think F2P weighs more on a clan because literally any clan can compete in F2P. It really comes down to attendance and activity at that point just to prove superiority over others





And I don't think F2P or P2P takes too much skill anymore. You don't even have to kill everyone in the other clan anymore, all it is is just FIGHT -> PUSH -> SUCCESS

AWARDS: BestCaller.png - bestf2ppker.png - bestf2ppk.png - coolestmember.png - bestscout.png - besttripvids.png

PK Video:

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F2p, Fights are not spread out, having "sides" or whatever clans call them in p2p. Its 200 people (at points) in a very small area. Trying to find a enemy to attack, while watching Hp, following vent callers, staying in the small area, Map glitch's. I think its far more personal skill in f2p. P2p is more of a statistical skill. If you have the stats, you will win.



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F2P is regarded as "more important" rightly or wrongly, which is why the pulls to p2p are significantly less than F2P for most clans.


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p2p is the more important imo, greater use of tactics etc compared to f2p

p2p shows that your not just a one trick horse, everyone can be good at f2p if they have decent leaders and put the effort in.

Mithril Pride
Oddish Poke-Power
Attack 70/75 Strength 81/99 Defence 20/20 Range 91/91 magic 91/94
Cooking 90/90 Fishing 83/90 Woodcutting 82/90 Hunter 95/99


(21:56:00) <+[Foe]Chad> know your place E

(21:56:08) <+[Foe]Chad> EPIDEMIC LEARN YOUR ******* PLACES *****

Spoken like a true warrior

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recruiting (p2p clans usually recruit pures with all around good stats while f2p clans only look for 1 good stat so is harder for us to get recruits)

pray switching

returning (cash)

not barraging/chinning your clan members


in p2p you could win out numbered in f2p is all about numbers.


sadly most of the pure community/pure warfare have **** stats, aren't good at this game and cant afford $7 so they do the easy, f2p and say its harder/imporant

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atk.gif [60/60]str.gif [76/90rng.gif[76/90]] mge.gif [93/94]


Everything wuld eventually come to an end,so try to savour tha moments
cos time fly dont it?the beauty of life its to make it last for the better
cos nuthin lasts fo'eve...Nothin Last forever...Lost Tapes
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You can say P2P doesn't rely as much on numbers just like anyone can say F2P doesn't rely as much on stats. What makes a clan "Stronger" than another? Having more people or having better stats?


It's down to personal preference I think.


In F2P, everyone can compete.

[E]Bawb or Bawb[AFK] in #Epidemic.
Don't hesitate to PM if you need anything.

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  Bob said:
You can say P2P doesn't rely as much on numbers just like anyone can say F2P doesn't rely as much on stats. What makes a clan "Stronger" than another? Having more people or having better stats?


It's down to personal preference I think.


In F2P, everyone can compete.


Having more people. E already proved that. :banana:

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Typical P2per response "You're not P2P because you can't afford it".... No. I'm not p2p because its a free game, those that wish to pay more can do so, those that don't wish to.. don't. It has nothing to do with being poor irl, some of us just have better things to spend money on.


This is about the XXXth post this year on this topic and the outcome is the people that prefer f2p ***** at the people that prefer p2p and vise versa. It differ's from person to person, from clan to clan.


At the end of the day who cares, play it because you either enjoy it or don't.

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F2P War's/Pking are more chilled and relaxed to me, I enjoy them mostly because of the fact no ones frozen :P Also, as I have a hard time myself obtaining membership because I dont have a credit card and my moms a bch, I dont want to leave the F2P Members out and only focus on P2P.


Also, another to F2P same as Goop mentioned, its harder to ko someone in F2P, it takes more time, organization and skill in that aspect, instead of pulling out some d claws and cheaping it up. (lol at pun as d claws are very expensive :X)


However, P2P is more of an intense type of RuneScape, which takes more skills and is very entertaining, with high hits and surprises everywhere. I myself plan on having TGG focus on P2P much more than previously, as I believe it will give us overall strength as clan with a wide variety of ownage :P plus id like to compete with clans like IR, C, E, TLP and the other P2P Gods.

Ex-Founder of The Golden Gods
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They each have their own perspective but I believe it takes more skills in P2P because you have to focus on so much more things than just watching your HP and pushing them. You have to watch out for barrages and chins on each other, watch your prayer switches and if you think it's easier to kill someone in P2P you're wrong, in fact it's harder. With better food and phoenix necklaces you can pretty much out tank anyone. And the fact that good P2P clans have good stats, you have to be more careful on how you do things. That's just my view on it.








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Well after reading the post so far, this is what I got.



-Returning (in decent gear)

-not chinning and barraging your own members

-Flanking and warpping around the other clan.

-tanking specs and prayer switching

-You can win outnumbered





-Calling a push at the right time.


-usually on a larger scale. (more people)

- More than likely, you can't win outnumbered

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Foe vs Fi F2P Full Out Saturday Auguest 11, 2012

Retired Runescape 2/1/2012

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I think P2P relies more on individual effort & skill, the statistics of each person in the clan and the bank value aswell. F2P relies more on clan unity and working as a team.


You can't really compare each other in a clan environment and rate one over the other. F2P seems to have more pull in the clan world though, it's more active in general and that's where most new clans start off.

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If you f2p and p2p regularly, you'd definitely know that p2p pk run-ins take more skill. Let's compare each aspect:


Tanking: In f2p, you have swordfish, pizzas, and a staff, and when you get piled, just simply drag back. In p2p you have sharks, brews, pizza/pie, choc bomb, restore, ice barrage, blood barrage, necks, pray switches, and when you get piled, you can barrage back, drag, stay in one spot and tank it, or maneuver to get them clumped.


Returning: In f2p, you can either run back or hop from p2p world. In p2p, you teleport to bh/cwars/zombies/obelisk and get right back in the fight much faster than in f2p.


Pushing: In f2p, you just run in and start attacking people. In p2p you gotta run in staying spread out while pushing


Weaponry: In f2p you got bow and scim, nuff said


Numbers: In p2p you can win severly outnumbered. That's all that matters. When people say that you have more people in f2p, that doesn't mean anything because a 50v50 is no different from a 90v90. You still fight the same way.


Organization: P2p has the same amount if not more clan organization then f2p does, but on top of that you have your personal skill as well. In f2p, just stick with the purple dots and push when told. In p2p, stick with the purple dots but make sure there is always one square between you and everyone else. There's one major thing that p2p has and f2p lacks. In p2p, you gotta work together with the guys beside you (specing, barraging, tanking, etc). In f2p, you don't gotta worry about that at all.




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  Bob said:
You can say P2P doesn't rely as much on numbers just like anyone can say F2P doesn't rely as much on stats. What makes a clan "Stronger" than another? Having more people or having better stats?


It's down to personal preference I think.


In F2P, everyone can compete.


In p2p everyone can compete that can afford spending $5 a month.


I find f2p like communism - it targets the large poor population and trying to even out the "best high lvl pkers" with "low lvl pkers". Difference between a lvl 60 in mith and maxed out pure is no where near the difference it creates in p2p.


I believe p2p is absolutely, by far, takes more skill than f2p due the fact there are SO many things to look for in a p2p war. If you blink at the wrong time you can die instantly, in f2p even if you are piled you have lots of time to recover and tanking is far easier in f2p.


I also noticed that every single person who said f2p on this thread has never been a party of a large p2p pure war (with a few exceptions)

Ex FOE Co-Leader



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I would have to add in that tanking in f2p takes 100x the skill than tanking in p2p does. It's just that nobody utilizes their full tanking abilities in f2p so it seems easy. It's the easiest thing ever to put on a staff, start eating, and dragging/hugging. Actual tanking in f2p is quite difficult.




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Not that any of this matters to me at all, but if you think about it, you will see how p2p and f2p differ in skill. Obviously more skills are required for p2p pking/warring since you use magic and attack. Compared to f2p trips/wars you don't rely on high magic or attack since the weaponry is much different. But other then your runescape stats, we still call piles, spam, push and win. The only differences I see is the stats we use.


Let's put a mainly f2p based clan like epidemic against final ownage elite. Knowing that FOE is more comfortable in p2p, their stats are already in play when it comes to fighting. Now saying that epidemic didn't have many members with p2p stats such as 60+ attack and 82-94 magic, and FOE did have those stats. Who do you think will win? the mainly f2p based clan that mainly f2p pks, or the clan that has been p2p pking for years and has always had the stats they needed to succeed in p2p combat?


Like some of you said, it always comes down to the clans stats. I wouldn’t judge a clan on only one side of the face.

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