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DB versus CY 30minute prep!


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IRC: #divine-brutality

Runehead: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=daveswinners


Video by S-a-o--s-i-n



Tonight DB set out for a 30minute prep from any clan that would accept in our level Range, We pretty much asked EVERY low-med and low-level clan out there and NO ONE accepted. So then we set our sights on bigger challenges which we knew would be harder to beat then the average low lvl clans we fight weekly. So Tyler|Bad_1st_Pile Pmed a CY rank for a 30min prep Overs on -/+5(Which wasnt needed) and they gladly accepted. Peaked at 17 this fight with a couple people leaving after the first round.


Now for all you other clans that cry about our leader being lvl 97, and telling us we dont stand a chance against med clans, you're wrong.


(21:58:43) -Vectra[51]- ** (CLANINFO): [DB] Divine Brutality | Total members: 32 | [Avg] Cmb: (F2P: 58.73 | P2P: 58.86)

(21:58:37) -Vectra[51]- ** (CLANINFO): [CY] Calamity | Total members: 57 | [Avg] Cmb: (F2P: 65.77 | P2P: 66.54)



Divine Brutality Versus Calamity ~ 30 Minute prep



Round 1 - DB attacks


DB Starting~ 17

CY Starting~ 14


DB Ending~ 15

CY Ending~ 0



Round 2 - DB defends


DB Starting~ 16

CY Starting~ 15


DB Ending~ 0

CY Ending~ 8



Round 3 - Pkri on Plat


DB Starting~ 15

CY Starting~ 15


DB Ending~ 11

CY Ending~ 0


Respect to CY for putting up a great fight.


Pictures of the Fights -













Proud ±Member of Hostility

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Good job boys. Vid will be up soon.


Proud Ex-Corrupt Pures
Proud Ex-Epidemic Senior
Proud Founder of Divine Brutality
Proud Final Member of The Rising
Proud to have been a part of the Reign of Terro
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well, im just here to clarify some things.

firstly ill give DB the win i could care less.

Second, we were very unorganized. Someone came into vent lagging everyone, so we didnt use vent.

The third round, we were fixing some stuff up, and we got rushed without notice/potting up/praying. So if you guys wanna call that a win, be my guest. i want you to put up the vid and put on round 3. look at how unorganized we were

we also asked for a fourth round but i guess you just wanted to take the win.


Anyways take the win i could care less.

GF DB on defeating us.


also asked tyler to come into vent and check how bad it was, but he refused.



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  P0ke N Die said:
Congratulations on spamming our Ventrilo and making half of our clan Disconnect. Too bad we didn't have an admin online. I'll have fun dcing your leader who was spamming it on all of your trips.

Shouldn't go around threatening people



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Good job on the wins guys, you should change your capes none the less so you have an original one. It could cause confusion when and if you grow to stronger.




Chris you need to have some proof before you go accusing & threatening people.

[Fi]Steve ..::.. Forever Fi ..::.. Fatality
~ Proud Ex - warlord1.gifHigh Council of Fatality ~
Bleeding Green Since '07
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  Ray said:
nice job Db, but try to be a bit more respectful

We were as respectful until they won the 2nd round, they started flaming and saying they own because they won out-opted by one.


The fact that p0ke of all people calls DB out about lagging their vent is hypocritical and ludicrous seeing as you have done it to many ventrilo servers.


With the run-in, don't **** around standing there then when its a run in, you could just ask the leaders to give you a second.

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  true barraqe said:
Why would tyler go in your vent when he's busy in our TS for our war, and p0ke is a known hacker/ddoser and could get tylers IP easily if he went in your vent, so him refusing to go in your vent sais nothing.

poke wasnt on, and im pretty sure you guys knew that.

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Thanks for the support guys.


Proud Ex-Corrupt Pures
Proud Ex-Epidemic Senior
Proud Founder of Divine Brutality
Proud Final Member of The Rising
Proud to have been a part of the Reign of Terro
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Stop copying MM spams -.-


For example


The feast


Proud Founder of Carpediem
Proud Founder of Hysteria
Proud Leader of Malice
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  Inu said:
Stop copying MM spams -.-


For example


The feast


Might I point out that Arooo came from a Snickers advertisement, hence meaning its technically not MMs. And I don't see any MM legitimately complaining. I know Speshls irl and he wouldn't give a ****. Can you also remove Call it a KO from your ML please.


  Reilly said:
"Terror, Sabotage, Assassination. This is Divine Brutality"



"Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future. "

^Hitler did it first.

I know ;-)


Proud Ex-Corrupt Pures
Proud Ex-Epidemic Senior
Proud Founder of Divine Brutality
Proud Final Member of The Rising
Proud to have been a part of the Reign of Terro
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The ever intelligent Adobo strikes again. =)


Proud Ex-Corrupt Pures
Proud Ex-Epidemic Senior
Proud Founder of Divine Brutality
Proud Final Member of The Rising
Proud to have been a part of the Reign of Terro
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