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Meady Searching


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Hey guys, my IRL name is Josh Mead and everyone calls me Meady. I've been playing on pures for around 3 years now, and I have been mainly doing team-pking with mates and such, never joined an official clan. I know the basics of warring, and I think the time is right for me to join a clan.


My stats are currently quite low levelled, at the time of writing SwiftKit is down for me so I'll just say my stats for the moment:

40 att

70 str

1 def

68 range

68 mage

1 prayer

61 hp

51 Combat


I can assure you that I am a loyal person, and I will stay in your clan unless something extreme happens. I am searching for a clan with:

- A good community

- Decent staff all around (doesn't rely too heavily on one leader)

- A good mix of clan wars and PVP worlds with weekly events

- Mostly F2P but some P2P


NOTE: Don't worry too much about my current stats; if I like your clan I will train up so that I have your requirements.


Thanks for reading

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Hey Meady, I think you'd enjoy IR (Intense Redemption). We're one of the few clans that [you have the stats for] that does both f2p and p2p, so you get a mixture of both. Not to mention a great, tight-knit community with active leadership and many different events. Just a fun clan all around, any questions/concerns go to:


IRC: #irclan


Website: Http://Irrs.ipbfree.com



I would rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.

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You can be a future app of The Golden Gods.


Being apart of TGG you will realize what a true community is like and you will be guaranteed to have fun in this clan.


Our requirements ATM are 77+ str or range or 82 mage with ancients done.


This is the third week that we have been open for and we already have 70 active member list and our first ever pk trip we pulled 46+ people.


We also do have mini wars daily and prep wars atleast two times a week and just because you will be a future god doesn't mean you won't be participating.


Anyways if your not satisfied with all i've recommended to you then just check out our forums and IRC


http://tgg-rs.com and #TGG


As long as you will train to our full requirements ASAP we would love to have you.


Merry Christmas

Elder of FOE. Never outclassed.

Proud to have been apart of the Ownage.

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Get 70 Magic and Range and check out Eve of Destruction? We're a newer clan with a lot of potential and dedication. You'll find everything you need in #EOD, and the signature is in my forums. Chill with us while working on the dual 70s or 75 Strength to join.

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Hey man, you seem like a really chill guy and I love how you're looking for a clan who doesn't rely on one specific person/leader. It looks like you know what kind of clan you're going to join and you can make the decision for yourself so let me give you a couple really good choices.


Eve of Destruction - I joined this clan roughly 3 weeks ago and I'm really impressed with the staff. The majority of our members are lvl60-70 with a couple of 80s+. In order to meet our requirements, you'd have to get 70 Ranged, so hit us up at #Eod on IRC and we'll chat. My IRC nick is [EOD]Mafia and my RSN is Maf1a_Legend. http://eod-rs.com/


Purity - This clan is led by Inu and Anthoni, two extremely experienced leaders and all around good guys. They're combat levels would better suit you and they've got a pretty awesome community as well. You can find them at #Purity or http://purityrs.ipbfree.com

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Conspiracy is the best choice for you. With a minimum of 1 event, no matter WHAT, we have around 2-3 miniwars a day, and I try my best to get a huge unofficial event 4-6 times a week such as a prep, pkri or pk trip.


We also do fun events in p2p, pking, kbd, clanwars and 2v2 p2p tournaments.


Im sure you'll love our community ;)


Site: http://s1.zetaboards.com/ConspiracyRS

IRC: #CS-Clan


Goodluck ;)

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You can try out Eve Of Destruction. We are growing with 20 members, we have a project in the development(for the clan of course), TeamSpeak 3, amazing forums and a amazing Community. The leaders don't rely on themselves, we ask members for the opinions all the time. Members make the clan grow, not the leadership. We don't make our trips and events as "chores". We let our members have fun.

If you want to check us out,



Forums - Eod-rs.com

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New up and coming Low level pure clan around your combat, Come check us out







Our fight was epic.

Control #1 Med

Accepted To Control 12/10/10
Promoted to Officer Of Control 12/28/10
Promoted to Warlord Of Control 5/1/2011

Founder of Hate - 2k14

Leader of Trauma - 2k14


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