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KJ`R4in F4ll

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  Bob said:
Thanks for proving my point.


I'm showing him his clan or other clans are just as bad if not worse, I'm not trying to start bashing on any clan. You don't see me generalizing to the whole clan.

You just said you aren't generalizing to the whole clan, yet you took Goops statements to say "his clan or other clans are just as bad if not worse".

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  Ryan- said:
You just said you aren't generalizing to the whole clan, yet you took Goops statements to say "his clan or other clans are just as bad if not worse".


I miss-expressed myself. I am showing him that some individuals of his clan and other clans are just as bad.


You dont see me running around saying OMG ALL X CLAN ARE SPAMMERS cause one or two idiots spammed my irc. That's my whole point.

[E]Bawb or Bawb[AFK] in #Epidemic.
Don't hesitate to PM if you need anything.

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rofl bob hi5 on eop spam


[02:21] -R-Ya-RdY-KiDZ:#irclan- You **** with me, I'll just get you harder

[02:21] -ButtS3cksz:#irclan- W A R N I N G - THIS IS A RAGE TEST

[02:21] -ButtS3cksz:#irclan- You **** with me, I'll just get you harder

[02:21] -ButtS3cksz:#irclan- You **** with me, I'll just get you harder

[02:21] -Downie-Patrol:#irclan- W A R N I N G - THIS IS A RAGE TEST

[02:21] -[iR]Bot:#irclan- W A R N I N G - THIS IS A RAGE TEST

[02:21] -R-Ya-RdY-KiDZ:#irclan- W A R N I N G - THIS IS A RAGE TEST

[02:21] -Downie-Patrol:#irclan- W A R N I N G - THIS IS A RAGE TEST

[02:21] -[iR]Bot:#irclan- W A R N I N G - THIS IS A RAGE TEST

[02:21] -R-Ya-RdY-KiDZ:#irclan- W A R N I N G - THIS IS A RAGE TEST


[02:21] -Ch[]de:#irclan- Have fun with some spam.

[02:21] -[iR]Bot:#irclan- W A R N I N G - THIS IS A RAGE TEST

[02:21] -R-Ya-RdY-KiDZ:#irclan- W A R N I N G - THIS IS A RAGE TEST

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Since you're getting tired of this, I'll keep this one quick. I'm getting tired as well. If you don't feel like reading this now, come back to it later. This post will always be there for you.


Last time you clearly said we porn bombed your forums hence why I had to contact Anthony to prove you were making up ****. This time I read over your wall of text and confused you saying IRC instead of forums. I'm sorry for that.


Either way, you NEVER pmed me or any rank about that member spamming porn in your IRC. Yet you blame the whole clan for one guy?


Not saying that the entirety of Epidemic liked to porn bomb other clans. I am claiming that Epidemic has a staff member that does.


I'm cool with a few EOD ranks and I haven't got a single PM from any of them regarding this. I haven't heard about it from anyone but you. Once again, show me evidence or I can just say your whole clan spammed my IRC and no-one but me saw it, I whoisd them all.


I am probably mistaken for the EOD spam. Sorry about that accusation. The point I was trying to make is that Epidemic has members and staff that spam other clan's IRC's. My point still stands.


There is no way in hell we crashed you nearly every week.


<[A]T_Adrenaline> ya it wasnt crashing nearly every week

<[A]T_Adrenaline> when i said 3 times a month

<[A]T_Adrenaline> thats about how many times we'd die to you


<|Tyler|> You have crashed us

<|Tyler|> but not nearly every week

<|Tyler|> that might be a little far fetch

<Bawb[AFK]> thank you


Don't give me that **** dude. I know we did crash you a few times, most were unintentional cause I was cool with some A members and Anthony, some were when we targetting someone on our "crash list" and you happened to be fighting them.


My point is not about how often Epidemic crashes. I don't keep a tally of how many times you crash us. It can very well range from occasionally as your interviewees state, to nearly every week as I state. The amount doesn't matter. My point is that you crash us a considerable amount and we forgive you for it and have never taken retributive action. We understand that you were just walking around when you happened to run into us, or you were trying to hit another clan and we were caught in the crossfire. I personally don't agree with the latter, and I am quite annoyed when your vengeance is more important than our planned run-ins, but I understand. When we finally crash you unintentionally, you go to far extents to get revenge on us. You are not the only clan that we have unintentionally crashed though. There have been a few other times where we accidentally ran into another clan while they were fighting, but all they did was crash us back. I understand their doings, but I cannot understand the extent that Epidemic had to go to.


Yes I'll keep my opinion. What goes around comes around. If you crash us, expect to be crashed back. You don't have to agree with that one and I'm not denying it. Also I know a lot of leaders go by that so saying "I don't think anyone does" is wrong. Either way, I consider myself smart enough to make an opinion for myself, it's not because the majority of our little runescape community thinks something is right or wrong that I have to think this way.


<Bawb[AFK]> Is it right to crash back a clan that crashed you?

<[EoP]Goop> I think so yeah

<[EoP]Goop> Karma


Isn't that your leader? I can see that I'm obviously the only one thinking this way.


I can understand that if you get crashed by another clan, you would want to crash them back. The scenario that I presented forth had nothing to do with that. I was wondering why you would crash a BH prep war. When clans go out on their Saturday trips, they expect to be crashed at least once. It's a part of Saturday pking. If nobody ever crashed, then it would be no different from pcl. When clans have a BH mini/prep though, it is not meant to be crashed. The clans are just getting bored of clan wars classic. Massing up and crashing a BH prep like you did is on a whole different level than crashing a Saturday trip.


Oh please do so. You also pmed me saying you were responsible for our hacking last September. I can go dig it up, but I really don't have the effort to. Stop making up ********.


Again, I don't really need to dig out the proof if my point was already proven. You intentionally crash a lot more fights than any other clans do.



I was never there in the first place or I wouldn't have let it happen. I still apologized because I represent my clan. What I was saying is that people made it out to be bigger than what it was. HALF the clans there teamed up vs. the other half pretty much. Epidemic was the only clan people pointer fingers at. No matter what you say, the truth is, it was blown way out of proportions.


I respect that you realized BSing TGG's event was wrong and you wouldn't have done it yourself. I am not blaming the entirety of the clan on this one incident, but I am criticizing that Epidemic has a leader, several staff, and a large portion of members that enjoy doing this kind of thing. CP and EOP aren't exactly angels either. The difference is that EOP realized that they were wrong, while Epidemic doesn't realize at all and showed a great deal of disrespect on that topic. I'm glad that at least you see that it was wrong and you apologized for it.


You are extremely biased against Epidemic. I've read several posts from you on PC's staff board and you basically blame Epidemic for every bad aspect of the pure world. Let's see, your leader spam (has been doing it for several weeks), your leader agrees with me on the fact that you should crash someone who crashes you intentionally, you have your fair share of members who flame, what's next?


If you can read posts from PC staff boards, that's a bit of an issue. As I have stated already, I in no manner agree with the wrongdoings of EOP staff and I will leave if things get worse. As for your last statement, I can understand that crashing leads to crashing back, but it's got to stop there. If someone crashes you, you don't need to spam out their IRC and tell them that they need to close, nor do you need to crash their BH prep wars.


Lmfao. I have to face my crimes? How can you contradict yourself so much in the same post. People can crash me and I shouldn't crash them back but I have to face my CRIMES? Give me a break. I don't care about the haters, they're entertaining. I see them telling me to face my crimes lmfao.


You speak as though crashing is the only thing that I criticized you about.


Honestly Ray you have to face the truth. You're holding a runescape grudge because one of our staff acted upon being mad and nothing was carried out. Your arguements are total crap.


I have already faced the truth. I do have a grudge against you and it started off with the Ascendency incident. Ascendency and Epidemic were pretty close back then and I can honestly say that I liked you guys. Then you suddenly betrayed us and treated us like an enemy. I can understand if we were already your enemy and you treat us that way, but it hurts because you were our friends.


EDIT: As Plode said, you said nothing of importance backed up with proof. Except for that TGG Xmas trip which I already apologized for. I'm probably done replying here, I already wasted enough time. Go ahead and write another wall of text, I probably won't read it.


I admit I probably required more evidence when I accused you of spamming EOD. Everything else you admit to. I don't know why you or Plode threw in that argument when it's not true. This discussion is not about me trying to prove you did any of that, it's about why you did it.


If you would like to talk more when you are more interested in walls of text, I'd be up for that. I am also sorry if I made you angry or anything. I just felt like having a discussion about something. I actually don't care nearly as much as I make myself look.




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for ray to even talk about the xmas eve shows how ******* dumb he is. EOP member? LOL. E + EOP were both together, and we did not start the bsing, but when the first few leaders got bsed we teamed together. E and EOP. you are a member of EOP.



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  KJ`R4in F4ll said:
Bob over the summer you got a fall in on H Drop Nub ( 70 Defence in Full Rune ) And he lead Epidemic in a planned run in with Fi on sperm hill as you guys rushed Followed behind a tank which was pretty sad, Also another full runer was in there named Ownage Milk so yeah idk about that " respect for FI " part but whatever.


On xmas eve Epidemic were the the ones bsing everyone and when all of the clans want to team up and pick on Epidemic once again they always beg other clans for help and Cp and EoP happen to have gave in this time :/. Thanks for your apology though that was thoughtful :).


Also about the spamming yeah a rank of EOP excuse me, a " -> Free <- " Rank of EoP has been spamming #TGG all night last night and all today when no ops / halfops are around so yeah its [EoP]S_U_W_0_0_P ( The guy who got warlord in EOP after being in them for less than 1 month ) to clear things up :o .




I haven't really ever made a deal out of this, but while you are critisizing other clans for using mains, i attended a mini with a low level clan called insignia a few weeks ago.


Now, Tgg had mostly level 80+, insignia had level 50-70s. I understand thats just your clan and the other clans level differences, but then one guy alog'd one of your members and turns out he was 48 def.


It's cool that Tgg brings 48 defence to a mini vs a low level clan. I know its just a mini war, but i find it sad that Tgg have to do that sort of stuff. You also feel big when epidemic decline a prep with you because its on at the same time as their trip.


But whatever, you run your clan how you want.





@High Council of the #1 pure clan.


If you don't like how we run our clan, we're doing it right.

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  Ray said:
Not saying that the entirety of Epidemic liked to porn bomb other clans. I am claiming that Epidemic has a staff member that does.


and I am claiming that the whole staff of ascendency were associated with 9/11. Where's your proof?



  Ray said:
I am probably mistaken for the EOD spam. Sorry about that accusation. The point I was trying to make is that Epidemic has members and staff that spam other clan's IRC's. My point still stands.


As I said, the whole ascendency staff like to associate themselves with terrorist organizations. Once again, where's your proof?



  Ray said:
My point is not about how often Epidemic crashes. I don't keep a tally of how many times you crash us. It can very well range from occasionally as your interviewees state, to nearly every week as I state. The amount doesn't matter. My point is that you crash us a considerable amount and we forgive you for it and have never taken retributive action. We understand that you were just walking around when you happened to run into us, or you were trying to hit another clan and we were caught in the crossfire. I personally don't agree with the latter, and I am quite annoyed when your vengeance is more important than our planned run-ins, but I understand. When we finally crash you unintentionally, you go to far extents to get revenge on us. You are not the only clan that we have unintentionally crashed though. There have been a few other times where we accidentally ran into another clan while they were fighting, but all they did was crash us back. I understand their doings, but I cannot understand the extent that Epidemic had to go to.


I cba to write a paragraph:

1) As I said, most of the time we crashed A's fight it was unintentional. I was and still am friends with Anthony, I know I use to try and stay away from your fights as much as possible.

2) We have different views on this so there's no point. We will not crash someone who unintentionally crashed us once but when it's blatently intentional and it happens more than once, we will pay back the favor.

3) Once again you're obviously making it look like we're the only bad guys. You're making it seem like no-one crashed you but us. I'm not saying that makes it ok. I'm just using this to prove my point that you're obviously biased towards us.

<[A]T_Adrenaline> the whole clan world's mindset was skewed back then

<[A]T_Adrenaline> back when foe crashed everyone

<Bawb[AFK]> my mindset wasn't skewed

<[A]T_Adrenaline> it made it seem okay



  Ray said:
I can understand that if you get crashed by another clan, you would want to crash them back. The scenario that I presented forth had nothing to do with that. I was wondering why you would crash a BH prep war. When clans go out on their Saturday trips, they expect to be crashed at least once. It's a part of Saturday pking. If nobody ever crashed, then it would be no different from pcl. When clans have a BH mini/prep though, it is not meant to be crashed. The clans are just getting bored of clan wars classic. Massing up and crashing a BH prep like you did is on a whole different level than crashing a Saturday trip.


Once again, we have different views on this. We have done this once in nearly 3 years of being open. I think it's safe to say we had a good reason. I don't really care about explaining the reason and what really happened cause you obviously think differently and that's your choice.



  Ray said:
Again, I don't really need to dig out the proof if my point was already proven. You intentionally crash a lot more fights than any other clans do.


Once again, you don't need proof but what you say is already proven? You're smarter than that Ray. Please explain me how did you prove that we crash more fights than other clans?


Let me bring that quote again.

<[A]T_Adrenaline> the whole clan world's mindset was skewed back then

<[A]T_Adrenaline> back when foe crashed everyone

<Bawb[AFK]> my mindset wasn't skewed

<[A]T_Adrenaline> it made it seem okay


And another...

<Bawb[AFK]> Do you think Epidemic crashes more than other clans?

<[CP]honey> lol NO



  Ray said:
I respect that you realized BSing TGG's event was wrong and you wouldn't have done it yourself. I am not blaming the entirety of the clan on this one incident, but I am criticizing that Epidemic has a leader, several staff, and a large portion of members that enjoy doing this kind of thing. CP and EOP aren't exactly angels either. The difference is that EOP realized that they were wrong, while Epidemic doesn't realize at all and showed a great deal of disrespect on that topic. I'm glad that at least you see that it was wrong and you apologized for it.


As I said, Epidemic was single'd out on that event and pointed fingers at. The people who attended simply defended themselves. If EOP would've been single'd out I'm sure the same would have happened. Can't prove it though as that's an "if". It's just logic anyone can understand.



  Ray said:
If you can read posts from PC staff boards, that's a bit of an issue. As I have stated already, I in no manner agree with the wrongdoings of EOP staff and I will leave if things get worse. As for your last statement, I can understand that crashing leads to crashing back, but it's got to stop there. If someone crashes you, you don't need to spam out their IRC and tell them that they need to close, nor do you need to crash their BH prep wars.


You mix everything together.

I go by the saying an eye for an eye. If everyone went by it and everyone had a brain, no-one would do anything as they don't want to lose their eyes. I'm not going to let myself get walked over and forgive those who don't give two ***** about me. When's the last time we crashed a clan outside of one time FOE vs MM in almost 2 months? When's the last time another clan crashed us in the last two months? I think it's safe to say that my way of thinking as done a lot more good for the community than yours.


Nearly everytime we crash someone, unintentionally or provoked, we have a few idiots spamming our IRC. We hit someone before they have a planned fight when no-one told us anything, we get our IRC spammed. I barely get complaints from other clans that my members spammed IRC. The few times I did, there was consequences. You're trying to make it seem like Epidemic as a clan encourages spamming people's IRC channels when your OWN leader does it nearly everyday.



  Ray said:
I have already faced the truth. I do have a grudge against you and it started off with the Ascendency incident. Ascendency and Epidemic were pretty close back then and I can honestly say that I liked you guys. Then you suddenly betrayed us and treated us like an enemy. I can understand if we were already your enemy and you treat us that way, but it hurts because you were our friends.


I never treated Ascendency like an enemy. You treated us like an enemy because one member acted upon being mad and nothing was carried out. Don't try and blame this on us. You had something against Epidemic that wasn't backed up by any facts, or at least, very poor facts. You just need to blame someone for whatever crap that happens.



  Ray said:
I admit I probably required more evidence when I accused you of spamming EOD. Everything else you admit to. I don't know why you or Plode threw in that argument when it's not true. This discussion is not about me trying to prove you did any of that, it's about why you did it.


By saying why we did it you're basically assuming it's true and trying to convince others that it's true. We do not encourage our members to spam other people's channel, we don't crash more than other clans and we certainly don't crash without a good reason. I already explained why we did everything you did. Yes you are throwing a lot of **** without proof and you're exaggerating everything else.



As I said several times, I was friends with Anthony and other Ascendency members and I still am. You're the only one who took personal the fact one of our members acted when being mad and made threats to your clan and nothing was carried out.




@Jonty: I understand what you mean but I don't think TGG leaders approve that. They probably didn't know or it was a new rank or something. I really doubt they would approve it. =/

[E]Bawb or Bawb[AFK] in #Epidemic.
Don't hesitate to PM if you need anything.

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And another...


<Bawb[AFK]> Matt

<Bawb[AFK]> as an ex clan leader do you think Epidemic crashes more than other clans?

<Iced_Havoc> no

<Iced_Havoc> rofl.

[E]Bawb or Bawb[AFK] in #Epidemic.
Don't hesitate to PM if you need anything.

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  Bob said:


I talked with Anthony (Ascendency's Leader) the last time Ray said our members porn bombed Ascendency's forums and he said that you got spammed but there was no proof whatsoever that it was from Epidemic.


I just pmed Sefket (EOD Leader) about Ray's claim of "a group of members spamming EOD's IRC" and here's the result...

<Bawb[AFK]> Did a group of Epidemic spam your irc recently?

<[EOD]Sick> I think we did get spammed today

<[EOD]Sick> didnt see names,

<Bawb[AFK]> Was it Epidemic?

<[EOD]Sick> not sure mate


He's the main leader and he's not even sure if it's Epidemic yet Ray knows it's us right? To me that just proves my point that he's a biased idiot.


Let me add in that I am friends with both of these leaders and I am more than positive they would alert me if my members were being idiots like that. Hell, Sefket warned me about one of our applicants last week, he wouldn't PM me about my members spamming his IRC? Give me a break.


As for the "threats an Epidemic rank made". I apologized for that in the past, that member had acted while he was mad. Want to know why?


He was mad because Ascendency had crashed one of our fights since you were mad we had killed you earlier while you weren't even in a fight. Oh wait? Did you crash us? Then you must've "hit an innocent" clan as well?


Want to talk about the crashing? We have reasons to crash certain clans. We have kept off several fights, we have ACed several fights, don't give me the **** like "omg we are the big bad guys who crash all the innocent clans".


I don't recall crashing any Fatality fight. I always had respect for them, even when we took #3. I've been leading the majority of trips for the past year and I'm 100% sure we did not crash a Fatality fight.


For the TGG xmas event. BSing started that wasn't caused by Epidemic members and E/CP/EOP members teamed up to fight everyone else. Epidemic was singled out because of a few MM and FOE haters fueling the fire. Hell, I even apologized in leader's section for whatever some of our members did when I wasn't there.


I won't even argue with the fact that he says our community has gone downhill. As I said in my first reply, you are absolutely clueless.


alrite.. Epidemic didn't spam EOD... EOP did spam which [EOP]S_U_W_0_0_P, {Mike}, [EOP]Milky, and [EOP]GOop was spam in #TGG when Zell, Shroom, 8x7, Karl, Jay, and Omni was not on...




why did u guys crash our xmas event without respect? is plodeh is an idiot leader or something?


If we crash your event how u feel it? same with us. Crash is really rude and no respect at all.

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  Jonty said:


I haven't really ever made a deal out of this, but while you are critisizing other clans for using mains, i attended a mini with a low level clan called insignia a few weeks ago.


Now, Tgg had mostly level 80+, insignia had level 50-70s. I understand thats just your clan and the other clans level differences, but then one guy alog'd one of your members and turns out he was 48 def.


It's cool that Tgg brings 48 defence to a mini vs a low level clan. I know its just a mini war, but i find it sad that Tgg have to do that sort of stuff. You also feel big when epidemic decline a prep with you because its on at the same time as their trip.


But whatever, you run your clan how you want.



What member had 48 defence?


And it isnt kJ's clan, its my clan.


But again, please, which member had 48 defence?

Ex-Founder of The Golden Gods
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  Bob said:
And another...


<Bawb[AFK]> Matt

<Bawb[AFK]> as an ex clan leader do you think Epidemic crashes more than other clans?

<Iced_Havoc> no

<Iced_Havoc> rofl.

coming from the guy who recently closed 90% of his clan into you.... so we're all that dumb? LOL B)


btw watch out ray.... mav might leave and ddos some forums again :huh:

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  Safe said:
coming from the guy who recently closed 90% of his clan into you.... so we're all that dumb? LOL B)


btw watch out ray.... mav might leave and ddos some forums again :huh:


so thats gonna be MM's next excuse :confused:


poison and prateek now owe me some money. i won the bet.


Epidemic forever<3
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  Alex said:
so thats gonna be MM's next excuse :confused:


poison and prateek now owe me some money. i won the bet.

whats going to be mm's next excuse? i can't begin to describe how stupid you are LOL


youve had about 4 clans close into you and thats not an excuse its a fact lol

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  Safe said:
whats going to be mm's next excuse? i can't begin to describe how stupid you are LOL


youve had about 4 clans close into you and thats not an excuse its a fact lol

Yes because 10 malice members joining E is a whole clan :banana: Also, MM got a few Malice applies aswell. Should we also say 1 clan closed in MM? That would make no sense and you know it.


Please name the 4 clans that closed into E?


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