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KJ`R4in F4ll

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For the X-mas thing, you do know Goop was in our vent the whole time and it was initially his and someone else in E's idea right?


Yes, and had he not realized that it was wrong and given TGG a formal apology, I wouldn't be in EOP today. The difference of what Goop did and what everyone else in E did was that Goop kept it ingame. He did not boast about it afterwards and post kill pics. I'm more than forgiving when people realize when they do something wrong and are sorry for it.




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This is not a flame war, it's a civilized discussion regarding a serious matter.




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Nah this topic's just getting interesting. This is the way the clans of old argued, hope it goes back to that way.



Metabots.. FIGHT!

Accepted into Epidemic on Saturday, September 09, 2007.
Promoted to Senior Member of Epidemic on Thursday, November 08, 2007.
Other Clans -> [Ex-Absolution High Council, Ex-Corrupt Pure, Ex- Final ownage elite]
Rank change to Officer of Epidemic on Wednesday, 02, 2009.


I'm the #1 aftermath topic maker, quit r00nsk3p.

Be prepared.



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You make up alot as you go along ray, it's quite funny.


My mistake, it was actually MM that BSed TGG's xmas event. I read all the names wrong.


If you care to contribute, then by all means say something contributing.




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Wouldn't be suprised, you've done stupider things before.


That was actually a decent comeback, but it still didn't address anything important.




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I never said E porn bombed our forums, not this time or the last time we spoke, but you keep on saying that so you can deny it. I said that you guys spammed porn in our IRC. It's not hard to tell that it's E because once I whois the guy, it turns out as a registered E nick.


Last time you clearly said we porn bombed your forums hence why I had to contact Anthony to prove you were making up ****. This time I read over your wall of text and confused you saying IRC instead of forums. I'm sorry for that.


Either way, you NEVER pmed me or any rank about that member spamming porn in your IRC. Yet you blame the whole clan for one guy?



As for EOD, good job for not spamming them today, but I'm not talking about today. I'm talking about last week and Sefket wasn't there. Once again, it's not hard to tell that it's people from E when I just whois them and it turns out as a registered E nick.


I'm cool with a few EOD ranks and I haven't got a single PM from any of them regarding this. I haven't heard about it from anyone but you. Once again, show me evidence or I can just say your whole clan spammed my IRC and no-one but me saw it, I whoisd them all.



Now as for the threats that one of your leaders made back then. You crash us occasionally, nearly once a week. We understand that you guys were just walking around and happened to saw us and just attacked. We forgave you every time you did that without asking for an apology. Then we accidentally crashed you guys for the very first time. There are only two BH worlds and you guys were fighting right outside clan wars. I don't know how you expect not to get crashed. Instead of just talking to us about it, you decided to intentionally crash us, spam out our IRC, flame, and make threats to us. Maybe from your point of view, you only threatened to make us slump/close because you're mad, but from our point of view, Epidemic has a reputation of carrying it out. We see the kinds of things you did to EOP, IR, and Cy. When you threaten to do the same to us, we're not alright with it. What bothers me is that you believe that you can crash us all you like because we don't have to have good trips, but when we crash you just once, it's the end of the world and we must close down for it.


There is no way in hell we crashed you nearly every week.


<[A]T_Adrenaline> ya it wasnt crashing nearly every week

<[A]T_Adrenaline> when i said 3 times a month

<[A]T_Adrenaline> thats about how many times we'd die to you


<|Tyler|> You have crashed us

<|Tyler|> but not nearly every week

<|Tyler|> that might be a little far fetch

<Bawb[AFK]> thank you


Don't give me that **** dude. I know we did crash you a few times, most were unintentional cause I was cool with some A members and Anthony, some were when we targetting someone on our "crash list" and you happened to be fighting them.



As for intentionally crashing, I don't find that right at all, I don't think anyone does. Since you are not denying it and you see nothing wrong with it, I'll let you keep your opinion.


Yes I'll keep my opinion. What goes around comes around. If you crash us, expect to be crashed back. You don't have to agree with that one and I'm not denying it. Also I know a lot of leaders go by that so saying "I don't think anyone does" is wrong. Either way, I consider myself smart enough to make an opinion for myself, it's not because the majority of our little runescape community thinks something is right or wrong that I have to think this way.


<Bawb[AFK]> Is it right to crash back a clan that crashed you?

<[EoP]Goop> I think so yeah

<[EoP]Goop> Karma


Isn't that your leader? I can see that I'm obviously the only one thinking this way.



As for crashing Fi, when some people in Fi including myself complained about it, Plode said something along the lines of "You declined our run-in so we had to crash you. What else were we supposed to do?" If you want, I can go dig it up, but I really don't have the effort to.


Oh please do so. You also pmed me saying you were responsible for our hacking last September. I can go dig it up, but I really don't have the effort to. Stop making up ********.



In the TGG xmas event, people didn't point their fingers at you because of MM and FOE. Just look at the topic. All I see are Epidemic members and staff, and even a leader boasting about it and posting kill pics. I don't find the slightest bit of respect in that. It wasn't just something bad that a few of your members did. Your leader and staff were there. This act does not represent the misconduct of a few immature members, it represents your clan. I'm glad that you apologized in the leader boards, but it doesn't make it right that you did it in the first place.


I was never there in the first place or I wouldn't have let it happen. I still apologized because I represent my clan. What I was saying is that people made it out to be bigger than what it was. HALF the clans there teamed up vs. the other half pretty much. Epidemic was the only clan people pointer fingers at. No matter what you say, the truth is, it was blown way out of proportions.



Now for our other post about EOP staff spamming, don't think for a second that I'm not against it. I'm taking action to stop that kind of thing, and if it gets worse, I can assure you that I won't be wearing an EOP tag for a long time. Don't think I'm biased against Epidemic. If EOP ever becomes like you, I will hate them just as much.


You are extremely biased against Epidemic. I've read several posts from you on PC's staff board and you basically blame Epidemic for every bad aspect of the pure world. Let's see, your leader spam (has been doing it for several weeks), your leader agrees with me on the fact that you should crash someone who crashes you intentionally, you have your fair share of members who flame, what's next?



I can understand that as a clan leader, your job is to protect the reputation of your clan, but you have to face your crimes. People will hate you for what you do.


Lmfao. I have to face my crimes? How can you contradict yourself so much in the same post. People can crash me and I shouldn't crash them back but I have to face my CRIMES? Give me a break. I don't care about the haters, they're entertaining. I see them telling me to face my crimes lmfao.




Bob over the summer you got a fall in on H Drop Nub ( 70 Defence in Full Rune ) And he lead Epidemic in a planned run in with Fi on sperm hill as you guys rushed Followed behind a tank which was pretty sad, Also another full runer was in there named Ownage Milk so yeah idk about that " respect for FI " part but whatever.


We got a fall in on H Drop Nub? Really lol? Can you show me a picture/vid/proof? We never had a fall in on him lmao I don't know what you're on about. Ownage Milk shows up at the odd trip but he doesn't attack other clan members in fights.


Wait wasn't it Fatality beind led by that Delinius main a couple months ago?



On xmas eve Epidemic were the the ones bsing everyone and when all of the clans want to team up and pick on Epidemic once again they always beg other clans for help and Cp and EoP happen to have gave in this time :/. Thanks for your apology though that was thoughtful :).


I was not there so I won't talk about stuff that I don't know. All I know is that several Epidemic member who were there said they didn't start the BSing. I have trust in my members and ranks when they tell me **** like that.



Honestly Ray you have to face the truth. You're holding a runescape grudge because one of our staff acted upon being mad and nothing was carried out. Your arguements are total crap.





EDIT: As Plode said, you said nothing of importance backed up with proof. Except for that TGG Xmas trip which I already apologized for. I'm probably done replying here, I already wasted enough time. Go ahead and write another wall of text, I probably won't read it.

[E]Bawb or Bawb[AFK] in #Epidemic.
Don't hesitate to PM if you need anything.

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if by a couple months ago u mean nearly a year, then yes


I don't really care. I'm not here to tell you how to run your clan but when someone makes up ******** about my clan when his own clan did it a while ago, I find it rather amusing.


EDIT: Wow... For some reason KJ is still in FI in my head. My bad. I know it was a while ago and it doesn't even matter. Whatever my point still stands, we never had H Drop Nub leading us in a fight.

[E]Bawb or Bawb[AFK] in #Epidemic.
Don't hesitate to PM if you need anything.

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who cares.... clans crash.


get over it and stop being pussys


I don't think it's about being a ***** or not. However some people have to stop living in a fairytale. Life isn't pink everywhere and you can't let people walk over you.

[E]Bawb or Bawb[AFK] in #Epidemic.
Don't hesitate to PM if you need anything.

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Nope, community clans are done with. In the older times community clans were a lot more successful because people on rs were respectful and were out there just to have fun. After pvp/bh worlds came out, clans are faced with a fork in the road where they either crash fights or have boring trips. The clans that chose the latter were punished for it, but they still survived. Now that clans are always flaming, hacking, spamming IRCs, crashing for the sake of crashing, etc, there is just no place in rs for respectful clans.

What this wise asian said.

Elder of FOE. Never outclassed.

Proud to have been apart of the Ownage.

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For you, Ray:


[01:15] <+[EOD]Mafia> <Volt> did Epidemic spam you guys within like the past month?

[01:16] * lia_aiti ([email protected]) has joined #eod

[01:16] <+[EOD]Mafia> No but IL, TGG, Malice, Purity, Np, Blairnubs and like 20 others did

[01:16] <+[EOD]Mafia> Hi lia_aiti

Resurgence | 65+ Stat, 45+ Combat | Site | Recruitment Topic


#OMNI @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
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<Bawb[AFK]> did Epidemic spam you guys in the past month?

<ruwnskepe> nope lol why?

<Bawb[AFK]> cause Ray's making up ****.


He is in EOD as well.

[E]Bawb or Bawb[AFK] in #Epidemic.
Don't hesitate to PM if you need anything.

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Ray speaks sense, I get that feeling too, although I think once clans have established themselves (certain ones anyways like E and EOP) they seem to tone down on the flames considerably... But that's the way it goes I suppose.

Everything you said is 100% lies, the things in parenthesis are 150% lies.

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Bawb you're telling Ray to stop blaming the entire clan for one or two members behavior. Yet you're here using single individuals opinions and statements to argue against all of his points.


Thanks for proving my point.


I'm showing him his clan or other clans are just as bad if not worse, I'm not trying to start bashing on any clan. You don't see me generalizing to the whole clan.

[E]Bawb or Bawb[AFK] in #Epidemic.
Don't hesitate to PM if you need anything.

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We got a fall in on H Drop Nub? Really lol? Can you show me a picture/vid/proof? We never had a fall in on him lmao I don't know what you're on about. Ownage Milk shows up at the odd trip but he doesn't attack other clan members in fights.


Wait wasn't it Fatality beind led by that Delinius main a couple months ago?





I was not there so I won't talk about stuff that I don't know. All I know is that several Epidemic member who were there said they didn't start the BSing. I have trust in my members and ranks when they tell me **** like that.



Honestly Ray you have to face the truth. You're holding a runescape grudge because one of our staff acted upon being mad and nothing was carried out. Your arguements are total crap.





EDIT: As Plode said, you said nothing of importance backed up with proof. Except for that TGG Xmas trip which I already apologized for. I'm probably done replying here, I already wasted enough time. Go ahead and write another wall of text, I probably won't read it.



I wish i still had the picture :(



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I wish i still had the picture :(


You do realise H Drop Nub is an Ex-member? We would let an Ex member lead the clan? You're wishing you had something that never existed.

[E]Bawb or Bawb[AFK] in #Epidemic.
Don't hesitate to PM if you need anything.

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