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Community Forums.

Old P K 3 R

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Ahh, community forums, where to start?


Lets start by asking ourselves this question, Do you think having community forums (PC, PW etc.) has ruined the relationships amongst pure clans in the past 1-2 years?


There is an advantage and disadvantage, the advantage is that it is easier to communicate with the community, and let other clans, and players of this particular game, know whats going on within the game. Such as who beat who, which clans have closed, which clans are available, etc...sure, there is alot of discussion amongst these community forums, but half of this discussion is pointless, and consists of flaming, "trolling", and ignorance for the most part. Yes there has been serious discussions, and that is a good thing, but do you think it has somewhat ruined the community of pures in a way?


The disadvantage, is that it gives people the chance to start arguments, cause drama, and start rivalries with other clans, most of the time it is because of something stupid, irrelevant, and utterly pointless and meaningless. Examples of this is the "Top 10 list", Other clans "Pk Trip Summary Topics", and so on. Alot of people post ignorant posts, and alot of the time it is on purpose, this often results in major flaming, which other people (even people from different clans) join in on the arguments, and getting their clan involved in the drama aswell. It causes alot of hatred towards individuals, and to clans as a whole. Where was the respect that everyone used to have towards each other? Those days have long gone - will they ever come back?


There will always be Community Forums from this point onwards, do you think that things will just get better, or get worst? I remember back in the day, it was like all pure clans had respect for each other, and supported each other more, hell, there was even more fun-events back then in which all clans had the chance to participate. Sure, some people will say it's just a game, and that is exactly what it is, but we don't play this game to hate on each other, we play it for fun, don't we?


The only people that can fix this, is ourselves, but it seems nobody is willing to step up to benefit the community of pures. We have come a long way, at one point, Pures were never heard of in the game of runescape, we built a base (especially for the old-school pures back in that era), and we continued to grow from this base, and eventually more pures were spotted, and pure clans were formed, at first it was almost like a community of it's own, pures had respect for each other, and instead, most of them disliked people we call "mains", people with defence, now it's more or less pures hating other pures, especially in the clanning communities. We let our pride, and respect for one another, completely slip away, all because of something stupid, something that could have been stopped - but nobody bothered to stop it.


Once Community forums came along, Pure Community, Pure Warfare, etc. things had began to change, even at first on PC, people had respect for each other, then the "bad apples" came in and played a role on ruining this tight community that we once enjoyed. It has only grown from there, day by day, week by week, month by month. Do you think clans will ever have the same respect for each other as they once had, or do you think that our community will just keep getting worst, until it comes to the point that it is not even fun anymore, and not even worth logging on to see what has become of the Pure Era?


Feel free to discuss, this topic should really be kept flame-free, and troll-free, seeing as that would completely defeat the purpose of this topic. Looking forward to seeing everybody's replies. :cool:

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community forums are the reason for pure clan existance. Without them, pure clans would just be like pk teams. The only reason why clans go this far to beat other clans is because PC/PW set competitive standards so high. A clan's #1 priority is to attain the highest rank possible. Without PC/PW, ranks don't exist, and clans would only exist to pk.




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  Ray said:
community forums are the reason for pure clan existance. Without them, pure clans would just be like pk teams. The only reason why clans go this far to beat other clans is because PC/PW set competitive standards so high. A clan's #1 priority is to attain the highest rank possible. Without PC/PW, ranks don't exist, and clans would only exist to pk.


Wrong. Clanning was more fun before these community forums came out. I remember when a clan lost a run-in, they would return to edgeville, and wait for the victory clan to come so they could exchange their "good fights", and "nice efforts" etc....nowadays, when a clan loses, they flame each other, and make up ******** excuses to explain their loss.


Having no community forums, would hardly effect pure clanning as a whole. Each clan would have its own forums, in which case they would be active on those, instead of a pure community forum.

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  Ray said:
community forums are the reason for pure clan existance. Without them, pure clans would just be like pk teams. The only reason why clans go this far to beat other clans is because PC/PW set competitive standards so high. A clan's #1 priority is to attain the highest rank possible. Without PC/PW, ranks don't exist, and clans would only exist to pk.



I remember clans still had healthy competition long before PC was ever thought up. Just the communities were contained within each clans personal forums

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Seems as if you're blaming the community boards?


The community boards have no effect upon clans letting their rules slip away. Clans have rules of no flaming, yet their members walk around and flame the **** out of everyone.


Until the clans do something, the community board can't do anything. We can't change YOUR CLAN MEMBERS, that is your job. We're here to put forth a community for RuneScapers, which is mainly pures, to post on.

|Tyler| - #Zulus
8818 person to achieve 99 Mining

Omni was here lOL
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  Kyle said:
Ah yes, I almost forgot about those. You'd lose a run in so you'd all stand in edge and wait for the other clan to come down and you'd congratulate each other and talk about it. Good times.

Reminiscing ^_^

|Tyler| - #Zulus
8818 person to achieve 99 Mining

Omni was here lOL
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  Kyle said:
Ah yes, I almost forgot about those. You'd lose a run in so you'd all stand in edge and wait for the other clan to come down and you'd congratulate each other and talk about it. Good times.


You're giving me nostalgia!




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I think the addition of the community forums is correlational, not causational. Tbh I think you can track the "NH" activity of clans by the ****** updates of Jagex.


The more bad additions to the game the less fun we have. The less fun we have the more serious we take everything. The more serious we take the game the more offensive every loss and flame bait is. I think that is the issue, not websites like these.

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Community forums were good. Back in the day you would say oh we found so and so. We would run into them, oh apparently they got mad good out of no where and we had no idea about it so we just got steamed :D



Proud Founder Of Corrupt Pures
~Opened May 8th 2005~
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After reading the first paragraph;


the only way I can put it is that the 'community' (PW/PC, etc.) is more like a meeting place and the clan members are the people meeting. Like any other meeting place, there are going to be disruptive people, it gets worse if you encourage them. They get warned, and eventually kicked out.


Respect seems to be something long forgotten that is either; withheld by few, who have been around long enough to understand it or simply tossed out the window.

Omni is my one. My only.
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  Old P K 3 R said:
Wrong. Clanning was more fun before these community forums came out. I remember when a clan lost a run-in, they would return to edgeville, and wait for the victory clan to come so they could exchange their "good fights", and "nice efforts" etc....nowadays, when a clan loses, they flame each other, and make up ******** excuses to explain their loss.


Having no community forums, would hardly effect pure clanning as a whole. Each clan would have its own forums, in which case they would be active on those, instead of a pure community forum.


Member of EOP 10 FEB. 2010
99 Magic on 23 FEB. 2010
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  Old P K 3 R said:
Wrong. Clanning was more fun before these community forums came out. I remember when a clan lost a run-in, they would return to edgeville, and wait for the victory clan to come so they could exchange their "good fights", and "nice efforts" etc....nowadays, when a clan loses, they flame each other, and make up ******** excuses to explain their loss.


Having no community forums, would hardly effect pure clanning as a whole. Each clan would have its own forums, in which case they would be active on those, instead of a pure community forum.


Pure clans back then had their primary focus being pking and secondary focus being warring. A successful trip would be one where you go into the wilderness with an inventory of food and you leave with a full inventory of loot. Pure clans would have wars to test their organization skills against a skilled opponent instead of the same old full rune guy running his ass off. That's when wars were respectful. The direct cause of it is the clan ranking system that these forums promote. The fact that we have put so much importance on clan rankings has made people unwilling to accept defeat, and that's where conflicts arise. When clans fight each other, all they care about is victory. Back then, everyone still wanted to win, but the fun you have, the skills you gain, and the ties you make with other clans is just as important. The reason for that is because all a loss means is that you have things you need to improve on. In today's world, what would we call the old pure clans? We would call them pk teams. Just like NP or TC, their primary focus is going out there and killing random people for loot, and then having wars and run ins for something more challenging. Regardless of being called a 'clan', clans in this day and age are different than clans back then.


The major contributor to the state of today's pure world is the clan ranking system. If PC/PW did not have the clan discussion area or the clan run-ins area, and were designed to help people make pures instead, things would be a lot different.




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  Ray said:
Pure clans back then had their primary focus being pking and secondary focus being warring. A successful trip would be one where you go into the wilderness with an inventory of food and you leave with a full inventory of loot. Pure clans would have wars to test their organization skills against a skilled opponent instead of the same old full rune guy running his ass off. That's when wars were respectful. The direct cause of it is the clan ranking system that these forums promote. The fact that we have put so much importance on clan rankings has made people unwilling to accept defeat, and that's where conflicts arise. When clans fight each other, all they care about is victory. Back then, everyone still wanted to win, but the fun you have, the skills you gain, and the ties you make with other clans is just as important. The reason for that is because all a loss means is that you have things you need to improve on. In today's world, what would we call the old pure clans? We would call them pk teams. Just like NP or TC, their primary focus is going out there and killing random people for loot, and then having wars and run ins for something more challenging. Regardless of being called a 'clan', clans in this day and age are different than clans back then.


The major contributor to the state of today's pure world is the clan ranking system. If PC/PW did not have the clan discussion area or the clan run-ins area, and were designed to help people make pures instead, things would be a lot different.

No I think it's safe to say that there were clans once MM was introduced. They were definitely not a pk team. Ez Ownage was a group of teams that came together to make a clan. FOE was a clan. Etc.

Member of EOP 10 FEB. 2010
99 Magic on 23 FEB. 2010
Legend of EOP 23 FEB. 2010
Elite Member of EOP 22 MARCH 2010
Member of EOP 12 JULY 2011
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  Old P K 3 R said:
Wrong. Clanning was more fun before these community forums came out. I remember when a clan lost a run-in, they would return to edgeville, and wait for the victory clan to come so they could exchange their "good fights", and "nice efforts" etc....nowadays, when a clan loses, they flame each other, and make up ******** excuses to explain their loss.


Having no community forums, would hardly effect pure clanning as a whole. Each clan would have its own forums, in which case they would be active on those, instead of a pure community forum.

This was still the standard in the days of PC, it all changed when they took away the wilderness. Clans wanted to be the best BH clan, some struggled to survive, and then there was the Clan Wars era. With PCL is where the real competition came in. All clans dramatically got more organized, pulled more people, and cared about winning a hell of a lot more. The point I'm trying to make is that this era hasn't really worn off yet and since there are so limited worlds, everyone wants to try and beat as many clans as possible. No friendly exchanges at Edgeville and definitely no respect.


Back in the wilderness days, it was safe to come down to Edgeville and it took a while for people to walk from Lumbridge and both the clans usually showed up at the same time and clan leaders made members show respect. Sure the losing side might be mad but they got over it after a few hours. Back in those days, there were so many worlds that if you just went out you were pretty much invincible and you had a lot of fun. If another clan had it out for you, it was easy to avoid them and crashing was considered one of the most no honor things a clan could possibly do and it was almost never done. Nowadays crashing happens every week and people just accept it and flame the **** out of each other.


The world Jagex has created and what we have made out of it now is a lot more competitive and it's not the community aspect, it's the game aspect which changed clans forever.

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now i understand you joining TNA ray lol.


Imo, everyone has a rosey eyed view of the old days. Sure there was less flaming and competitiveness a few years ago, but trips were also a lot less eventful. I remember dd'ing at hills for an hour to wait for two idiots in full rune to run past, then we piled them and two people were 150k richer.


Nowadays, pk trips are just about hunting other clans. Clans don't even walk around bh or pvp worlds hunting small teams of individuals, they sit in clan wars or safe worlds until they get a track on another clan and quickly hop and rush them. Less actual pking, but more fighting, and imo more fun. If i wanted to pk like i used to four years ago, i'd get three or four friends together and do it.



@High Council of the #1 pure clan.


If you don't like how we run our clan, we're doing it right.

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  kosherkid said:
I think the addition of the community forums is correlational, not causational. Tbh I think you can track the "NH" activity of clans by the ****** updates of Jagex.


The more bad additions to the game the less fun we have. The less fun we have the more serious we take everything. The more serious we take the game the more offensive every loss and flame bait is. I think that is the issue, not websites like these.

Founding Leader of Enemy
Officer of Corrupt Pures
Honoured Member of Epidemic
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People take pure warfare too seriously, don't even really enjoy reading this forum much anymore :sad: .

"it used to take over my life but now im no longer a prisinor of the game, i will never let myself get addicted again."


Quit 9/25/10

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