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2010 A whole new year.

Dr Cake Town

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Jagex will bring in a dumb update which seems cool at the time and leaders let the max def for pure clans become 40 then a new breed of pkers come along... and all pures eventualy join thhe likes of higher force and all that :o


and if that doesnt happen...

Foe will slump...

MM will get stronger...

E will stay the same..

Dp will merge into a clan like Ir or cp causing the clan to pull 100 weekly


Low level clanning will die...(almst dead now)

epidemic will also raise reqs to 75+ cb and a 90+ stat

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  Old P K 3 R said:
People will continue to grow more and more immature, which will ultimately lead to a shittier community, which means I will hate the game even more than I do now. Other than that, all clans will merge into IR and we will declare on RSC clans and overtake #1 on PCR list with our massive numbers. IR will then be the overall #1 clan in runescape.

I actually like that idea.


MM pulls 120

E pulls 100

EOP pulls 90

FOE pulls 80


DP/CP 60

IR/DV 50


Everyone gets 40-50 defence, we have 750 GRANITE PURES and destroy all rsc clans.

Founding Leader of Enemy
Officer of Corrupt Pures
Honoured Member of Epidemic
Leader of Eruption of Pures
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For a more serious reply



IR will come out of their slump and compete in P2P and F2P for #4 spot vs DV


Dv ^


C will start to F2P


TGG will close.


Epidemic their numbers will start to die out and will compete for #2 spot vs FOE


EOP their average yearly slump


DP will grow really big and fight with IR and DV


TLP the same


CP will come to be #5 or 6 in p2p


FOE will fight MM for #1


MM will hold #1



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  Junior said:
For a more serious reply



IR will come out of their slump and compete in P2P and F2P for #4 spot vs DV


Dv ^


C will start to F2P


TGG will close.


Epidemic their numbers will start to die out and will compete for #2 spot vs FOE


EOP their average yearly slump


DP will grow really big and fight with IR and DV


TLP the same


CP will come to be #5 or 6 in p2p


FOE will fight MM for #1


MM will hold #1


how can u even say ir will compete with dv for number 4 lollll? dv have been doing so bad lately its patheitc. garunteed they close by summer.


foe - will get numbers back and compete with mm (best rivalry tbh)


eop - yearly slump


fi- will come back stronger by tearing up dp,cp then go after eop and claim 3, then by august will be challenging foe for number 2. oh yeh and before that Fi will have a good rivalry with E .


dp - wont do as good as they have been


cp - will die down like dp


e - will die down abit then after Fi take their spot, E will be competeing with Cp,ir,dp

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  Dallaz said:
how can u even say ir will compete with dv for number 4 lollll? dv have been doing so bad lately its patheitc. garunteed they close by summer.


Dv pulled 45 last week, they're starting to come out of their slump.

Proud Ex-Leader of Carnage

Proud Ex-Manager of TLP

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People will start trolling E for their level 70's in mith. Last year it was level 60's in mith, 6 months before that it was level 50's in mith.


E will remain #2 F2p, Mm holding on to #1, but having good battles either way


Foe will slump a bit more, maybe moving to #5 f2p with CP or Dp taking #4


Ir - Crashing like usual, but that will become how every clan wars, therefore IR becomes #1 p2p even if a pull of 20 people.


Eop - Keeps #3 f2p, but falters.


Ogre will become the new "Troll" word as people try to get to a new level of troll by Ogring it up on PW




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MM + E will merge, creating the superclan

All other clans will ally against them, the great pure war 2.


what i predict will really happen:

Foe will start pulling 100's again, there will be a top 3 again.

FI will close :O

DP/CP will be fighting against eachother, trading wins every week

TLP will stop f2p, and concentrate on p2p only.

DV and IR will merge.

E will be first clan to pull 150.

TGG will be gone/merge with someone?

EOP, will either slump, fall a little, or stay the same. Can't see them getting any better unless tgg or something merges into them?


-Proud member of #TLP
-Proud former member of #Dpures

(14:27:02) <@Furious> Next season I hope there will be a "most biased and hated moderator award" I would hands down win it
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  WillT said:
E will do what Eop do and use two memberlists to hide their **** averages then continue to own.

Eop will continue to use two memberlists to hide their appaulingly embaressing averages.

Tgg will pull an eop(leech off IR for a month then get out their slump)

Did you get enough diggs at Eop there? Think you could have gone for one more.


  Junior said:
For a more serious reply


IR will come out of their slump and compete in P2P and F2P for #4 spot


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The prophecy tells us that in 2010 the great one will return in our hour of need. When no other leader is able to motivate the pink army. He will rise from the dead and unite the pink army again to lead our 399 opt pulls and strike down our enemies. Many will try and kill him but no one will be able to stop the beast once he equips his black medium helmet. I am now warning you of the coming of our great god Mahatma and I would advise you to quit your clans before he returns or you will die a very unfortunate death ( death by snoo snoo ).



Beware of our god. ~In Mahatma we trust~


If you want the truth and nothing but the truth click my sig.
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall
If you have any questions about MM or in general click .
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get fked mahatma!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


****! please don't kill me! SHITTTT




^ not funny at all, least i tried :confused:

Tom N Eto. 99 Range, 99 Strength, 99 Hitpoints Pure.
Ex-The Hatred High Council.
Ex-The Dreaded High Council
Malice Founder. Something words can't describe.

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After reading remotely realistic replies.


Free to Play -


1. Mayhem makers - will pull 70-80 during school and summer 90ish.

2. Final Ownage Elites - will pull 70-75 during school and summer 90ish.

3. Epidemic - will pull 65 - 75 ish ish during school and summer 80 ish.

4. Eruption of Pures - will pull same as Epidemic and compete for #3 F2P(Mostly everyone predicted you to slump but I think you will stay the same)


---Gap of numbers---

5.Fatality - will pull 50ish during school and 70ish during summer.

6.Corrupt Pures - same with Fi , competes to retake #5.

7.Destructive Pures - pull about the same as Fi and Cp.



8.The Golden gods - will compete against Ir.

9.Intense redemption - will compete against Tgg.

10.The Last Pure - loses focus in F2P.


Pay to Play -


1.Final Ownage Elites - will hold their P2P Kings title (pulling 85ish).

2.Mayhem Makers - will compete with Foe and give they great fights. (pull 85ish)

3.The Last Pures - will try to fight Mm and Foe. (pull 85ish)



4.Carnage - will retake their #4 and pull 50ish.

5.Epidemic - will try to retake #4 and try to hold off Fi.

6.Fatality - will likely take down E in P2p.

7.Destructive Pures - will try to compete from 4-6.



8.Intense redemption - rivalry will Tgg.

9.The Golden Gods - ^

10. Eruption Of Pures - have the levels but needs more numbers.

Want to join the best? Go to http://Foe-rs.com

Foe vs Fi F2P Full Out Saturday Auguest 11, 2012

Retired Runescape 2/1/2012

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