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Low Divison.


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k, Well. As alot of you say/Know, the low clan division is either DEAD, or FAILS. that would be to the answer from 95% of you guranteed, okay. Rs pure community consists of 3 Divisions, Low Med and High. Now-a-days, theres only Med-High. so where do our low pures go? that's a question for everyone, I'm asking that all of you from those med-high clans like FI/EOP/FOE/MM/TLP Etc etc, that. if your not doing anything dis-regarding your current clan, IE the med-high ones, Open a low clan. at the moment there are only 3 low clans i can think of, which is sad in my opinion, the more clans their are. the more clans Stay open and the more compitition there is in the pure community, Low clans that live go to med. low clans that die, Failed. Simple , but to all of you clan members with high ass pures, Make a new pure. Bot Your Desired stats, then open a low clan. simple, the low clanning division Needs to stay open, or alot of pures won't even "Think" about joining another clan:\. take this into consideration, and do somthing to help the low division..





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**** off spamming our IRC channel with this then leaving you *****, how about you go and train your ****** account and then quit complaining.


Edit: just read it, why the **** would anyone waste their time training another account (or even botting it, not that this should even be encouraged) and then put in the effort to either create or join another clan which is only destined to fail.

[75/75 Attack][99/99Strength][99/99 Magic][99/99 Range][99/99 HP][90/90 Combat][10/10 Defence]
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**** off spamming our irc channel with this then leaving you *****, how about you go and train your ****** account and then quit complaining.

this is what i'm going to say, Spamming is over 3 lines continueously saying the same thing repeatly, i would say. fix your signature image. Chill out, and actually THINK for once.


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**** off spamming our IRC channel with this then leaving you *****, how about you go and train your ****** account and then quit complaining.


Edit: just read it, why the **** would anyone waste their time training another account (or even botting it, not that this should even be encouraged) and then put in the effort to either create or join another clan which is only destined to fail.

That's actually a good question, i wouldn't say that ALL of them would fail to be honest. But, atleast 75% of them will due to the lack of Staff/members/Overall, when you open a clan, your not supposed to notcare, it's Not easy and is NOT Easy to be one/Actually stick to it and not want to close, alot of people do it to test Their people skills, and leading skills. That's why they fail.


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  David` said:
I would recommend that we send a care bear to all of the people in low level clans as they seem to need a hug :)

ORRRRRRRRRRR be a big help and Help around. or use the care bear idea :D


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I kind of disagree with there being 3 divisions and what you think they are. In my opinion there are two divisions, maybe 3 if you want to get technical. Those that can pull, those that can pull but lack something, and those that can't pull.


I think the day of low level clans are done. There is too much parody in combat levels for lower clans to exist. Everyone trains so fast these days, and the low clans have to develop with little competition and fight the other few low clans. They end up dieing, but they need to raise to the "med" level to have a shot at survival.


I don't think the big clans (MM, FOE, TLP, etc.) need to help at all. Its none of there business really and they shouldn't be looked to, to help the lower levels out. Got to raise on our/your own.

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  Keith said:
I kind of disagree with there being 3 divisions and what you think they are. In my opinion there are two divisions, maybe 3 if you want to get technical. Those that can pull, those that can pull but lack something, and those that can't pull.


I think the day of low level clans are done. There is too much parody in combat levels for lower clans to exist. Everyone trains so fast these days, and the low clans have to develop with little competition and fight the other few low clans. They end up dieing, but they need to raise to the "med" level to have a shot at survival.


I don't think the big clans (MM, FOE, TLP, etc.) need to help at all. Its none of there business really and they shouldn't be looked to, to help the lower levels out. Got to raise on our/your own.

nice post keith, i always find the best Posts from you :)


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Look. I'm opening up a new level klen so chill.. there will be.. well eventually.. a bit of competition.. We vsed VD today.. lost 2 -1 (well done VD, although none of our experience members were on ;) - as you could see :) - btw S A O S I N is a bawwsss. :) PM me if anybody is interested already got 10 officials.. looking for elite - members ;)

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I think it's because many pures are no longer spending much time in the 20-50combat area but quickly training their way up to the requirements of those med-high clans.


What's caused this is botting, faster training methods and more avaliable access to P2P for faster training.

Tom N Eto. 99 Range, 99 Strength, 99 Hitpoints Pure.
Ex-The Hatred High Council.
Ex-The Dreaded High Council
Malice Founder. Something words can't describe.

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Generally a Great idea, one of The reasons Me and TRiXx opened Omnicide was to continue Keeping the Low level Clans on the map, As we go on, Theres only one Low level pure clan with nobody over 75 Combat.



Our fight was epic.

Control #1 Med

Accepted To Control 12/10/10
Promoted to Officer Of Control 12/28/10
Promoted to Warlord Of Control 5/1/2011

Founder of Hate - 2k14

Leader of Trauma - 2k14


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  `Crunk said:
Generally a Great idea, one of The reasons Me and TRiXx opened Omnicide was to continue Keeping the Low level Clans on the map, As we go on, Theres only one Low level pure clan with nobody over 75 Combat.


75 combat isnt low level lol


and you're gonna change it to 80 as soon as someone with 76 combat and nice stats apps, the way you changed from 70 to 75 L


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I say make up your own guidelines for your own low division. There are so many kids 75+ combat or above in "low" level clans, its ridiculous, maybe if you set a combat level limit it will be more fun and interesting rather then level 60s going up against 70's and 80's if you get my picture.

| Ex Moderator of PUREWARFARE |


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**** off spamming our IRC channel with this then leaving you *****, how about you go and train your ****** account and then quit complaining.


Edit: just read it, why the **** would anyone waste their time training another account (or even botting it, not that this should even be encouraged) and then put in the effort to either create or join another clan which is only destined to fail.


You wanna know how clans become med/high? They started off as a low level, idiot.

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i say because your clan closed reis, you cannot blame it on a lack of low level pures.


The whole concept of having a low level pure community is pointless when i can train or bot an account to a 70 stat, which is the req for clans like CP i do believe, in a week, and i would not have to waste my time with the boring trips of pulling 15 people, only to get cleared by a group of massers as soon as you hop to a busy world :\


Look at clans like CS, they have like 8 people on their ml with a 99 combat stat, that isn't low level, and by placing yourselves in a capped level category, once your members get to level 70 cb what are you going to do? People over level 70cb in low level clans look like paedofiles at a childrens birthday party. Or you could do as OD do, and apparantley kick people at 70 cb, which for some reason i do not see happening once their leaders get to that sort of cb.


The rest of us have no responsiblity towards the low level community.





@High Council of the #1 pure clan.


If you don't like how we run our clan, we're doing it right.

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Some of what you said is true, but it's not a good idea to make a low level clan just for the sake of it. It will be destined for failure. I mean if you look at the current low level clans, they either pull a very small number of people to trips/events, have a large amount of 10-20 defence members or have a bad reputation in the community. A new clan with good leadership and dedicated members would be great but the effort needed to put into making that work deters people from doing so.

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  Jonty said:
i say because your clan closed reis, you cannot blame it on a lack of low level pures.


The whole concept of having a low level pure community is pointless when i can train or bot an account to a 70 stat, which is the req for clans like CP i do believe, in a week, and i would not have to waste my time with the boring trips of pulling 15 people, only to get cleared by a group of massers as soon as you hop to a busy world :\


Look at clans like CS, they have like 8 people on their ml with a 99 combat stat, that isn't low level, and by placing yourselves in a capped level category, once your members get to level 70 cb what are you going to do? People over level 70cb in low level clans look like paedofiles at a childrens birthday party. Or you could do as OD do, and apparantley kick people at 70 cb, which for some reason i do not see happening once their leaders get to that sort of cb.


The rest of us have no responsiblity towards the low level community.



Bro honestly, i retired from low clans. but, with no low clans around. the "Problems" MIGHT spread to the med clans, thats what im scared of.


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  Jonty said:
i say because your clan closed reis, you cannot blame it on a lack of low level pures.


The whole concept of having a low level pure community is pointless when i can train or bot an account to a 70 stat, which is the req for clans like CP i do believe, in a week, and i would not have to waste my time with the boring trips of pulling 15 people, only to get cleared by a group of massers as soon as you hop to a busy world :\


Look at clans like CS, they have like 8 people on their ml with a 99 combat stat, that isn't low level, and by placing yourselves in a capped level category, once your members get to level 70 cb what are you going to do? People over level 70cb in low level clans look like paedofiles at a childrens birthday party. Or you could do as OD do, and apparantley kick people at 70 cb, which for some reason i do not see happening once their leaders get to that sort of cb.


The rest of us have no responsiblity towards the low level community.




As Jesus once said on earth..



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Nowadays, I would classify clans as small, medium, and large instead. Levels don't matter that much anymore since you got lvl 50's in high level clans and you got lvl 100+ in low lvl clans. Most people want to be in a medium or a large clan because pking with a mass amount of people is fun to them. There are people that do value the community of a small clan though. That's why we do have small clans lying around. The problem is that the leaders of small clans want to raise the clan to become a medium or a large clan, and after a while of failing, they give up. We do not have any leaders who are dedicated at staying a small clan for a long term with the exception of VD. Soon, I'll be opening up a new clan. We're going to stay a smaller clan with maybe 50-70 people on ML. It's going to be community based and we're not going to ever recruit so it stays small. Hopefully we can improve upon the small clan community.




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