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Honour Is Dead.

Obese Inc

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Yes, I honestly beleive, Honour Is dead, No matter which way you look at it, no one cares anymore, if a member tellies, prays, Whatever it may-be that they do. There's always an excuse for it, no matter which Clan you go to about it, nothing ever happens, personally i don't really care if people NH or not, But If clans are going to call themselfs Honour, they may's well stick to the code, OR, Change there Rules to adjust how they treat incidents when they happen.




Eg. Shows (Clan) Video of a member praying 1v1.


Leader : Im sure he prayed first in the fight before it or something **** off. Kbed.



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What do you guys think about the honour code? Do you think it's dead?

~ Wars Come And Go, But My Soldiers Stay Eternal ~ 2Pac ~

~ Proud Leader Of TTC ~




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Little late. It died a long time ago.

Accepted into Epidemic on Saturday, September 09, 2007.
Promoted to Senior Member of Epidemic on Thursday, November 08, 2007.
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Rank change to Officer of Epidemic on Wednesday, 02, 2009.


I'm the #1 aftermath topic maker, quit r00nsk3p.

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Bro... It's been dead for a while. I truly believe there is a few, that REALLY want it to stay alive, and keep thriving from it. But it's not going to happen. (Sadly.)

I just want the people that commit NH, or are in a clan that sees NH, as another pking tactic, to shut the **** up, about other people. And I'm not trying to change the subject... But people apparently think 20-30 Def, is NH... What a joke.

Looking for a mid level P2p clan/team. Always interested.


Proud user of the Rune Baxe
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  Shes Wet Now said:
Bro... It's been dead for a while. I truly believe there is a few, that REALLY want it to stay alive, and keep thriving from it. But it's not going to happen. (Sadly.)

I just want the people that commit NH, or are in a clan that sees NH, as another pking tactic, to shut the **** up, about other people. And I'm not trying to change the subject... But people apparently think 20-30 Def, is NH... What a joke.


I personally beleive 20-30 Defence is ok, 30 defence only being if they have turmoil, however i dont see defence being NH i just see it being a main instead of a pure, depending on there def

~ Wars Come And Go, But My Soldiers Stay Eternal ~ 2Pac ~

~ Proud Leader Of TTC ~




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  Obese Inc said:
I personally beleive 20-30 Defence is ok, 30 defence only being if they have turmoil, however i dont see defence being NH i just see it being a main instead of a pure, depending on there def

I agree, in a way. I don't think it makes them a main... Just... I honestly don't know how to say it...

hybrid, pure? Lol. I mean.. With Turmoil, and 30def, I think it's still a pure, just a different kind.

I think 40-70 is a tank, depending on stats. I hope you understand where I'm coming from... :confused:

Looking for a mid level P2p clan/team. Always interested.


Proud user of the Rune Baxe
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When i was leader of EOP i'd usually ask for evidence, if no evidence i kb. If they give me evidence if they don't leave afterwards then i kb and give my clan member a warning, asumming it was just praying 1 v 1, but most of the time this happened at drags and i was like ... welcome to drags pking

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  Charlie said:
When i was leader of EOP i'd usually ask for evidence, if no evidence i kb. If they give me evidence if they don't leave afterwards then i kb and give my clan member a warning, asumming it was just praying 1 v 1, but most of the time this happened at drags and i was like ... welcome to drags pking


agreed, drags has always been drags, but i was more leaning towards telleing etc, where clans just make excuses and defend the person, i think if there going to have honour rules they need to stick to them, or change there rules.

~ Wars Come And Go, But My Soldiers Stay Eternal ~ 2Pac ~

~ Proud Leader Of TTC ~




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well your clan contributed to it, seeing as you accepted people who got kicked from MM for phishing lol.


and yes sadly it is dying, because clans just dont care aslong as its not on there trip, because they want that extra opt.

Honoured Ex-Mayhem Maker 2007-2010
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  phantom_pk0r said:
well your clan contributed to it, seeing as you accepted people who got kicked from MM for phishing lol.


and yes sadly it is dying, because clans just dont care aslong as its not on there trip, because they want that extra opt.

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1. you lead a NH team, so why do you care lol.


2. how many topics of this does there need to be made, to understand what NH is. This is like the 10th topic i've seen about NH.


3. NH is only teleing during a fight. You say that most clans don't care about teleing during a fight, so let me but that into better detail for you. The clans that don't care whether someone teles during a fight, are the ones that are in a slump.


4. Praying 1v1 - I only put up pray when you pray first, or if im out of food.


5. farcasting - this has never been NH, even from the beginning, people spend like 30mill-40mill on 99 magic, so its not their fault if they are gonna farcast you, its your fault for not getting your magic high enough so you can hybrid back.


so in conclusion, honor is not dead. But there are alot of people who dont like to use it though.




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  Sean said:
Because you're at drags it isn't an excuse to be nh lmfao why does everyone think that it's still non multi in the wilderness its just not next to a bank


Because ppl go drags to hybrid, and what is the point in hybriding w/o pray tbh, makes the whole aspect of hybriding more of a challenge


my opinion is, if you are at drags idc bout pray tbh ppl w/o pray shouldnt be there, teleing i dont stand for


but honour is basically dead tbh, the amount of nh ppl compared to honour is minimal to what it used to be, clans are now letting their members tele, take cp for example, they allow their members to tele but class themselves as honour, how can they? lol


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rs players these days are too sensitive, whining about honor and ****. learn how to spell "believe" you *** guzzling fagfruit.


once again, **** online game politics.

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  SeanP said:
rs players these days are too sensitive, whining about honor and ****. learn how to spell "believe" you *** guzzling fagfruit.


once again, **** online game politics.

Capitals please at the beginning of sentences. "Fagfruit" is two words, not one. Might as well expand "rs" into Runescape, it only takes a second more to write it out. And fourth, learn to be a spelling/grammar Nazi, because you sir, have failed.




Accepted into Epidemic on Saturday, September 09, 2007.
Promoted to Senior Member of Epidemic on Thursday, November 08, 2007.
Other Clans -> [Ex-Absolution High Council, Ex-Corrupt Pure, Ex- Final ownage elite]
Rank change to Officer of Epidemic on Wednesday, 02, 2009.


I'm the #1 aftermath topic maker, quit r00nsk3p.

Be prepared.



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