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defence in pure clans


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I recommend making a Pure United Kingdom and having some civil debates about this "pure world" hell why not even trademark it, let's all vote on what is or is not ok for someone to do with THEIR OWN ACCOUNT BECAUSE WE CONTROL HOW THEY PLAY, sure makes sense to me, let's do it. Please if there is a problem, just get over it, the few pures in each clan aside from MM that have over 25+def really pay the price when HF or other mains come strolling on down to see whats going on in the pure world, let me spend my 14m to pk in Statius and a VLS just to kill mains in peace, thank you very much.

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  911 said:
I recommend making a Pure United Kingdom and having some civil debates about this "pure world" hell why not even trademark it, let's all vote on what is or is not ok for someone to do with THEIR OWN ACCOUNT BECAUSE WE CONTROL HOW THEY PLAY, sure makes sense to me, let's do it. Please if there is a problem, just get over it, the few pures in each clan aside from MM that have over 25+def really pay the price when HF or other mains come strolling on down to see whats going on in the pure world, let me spend my 14m to pk in Statius and a VLS just to kill mains in peace, thank you very much.

yeah because there are no 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s in mithril


I am the best pker in the world.


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  911 said:
So are you saying to be a "pure" and have mithril you must be over level 100 for it to be acceptable?

no but that was the argument you used, paying for it by being killed by mains in run-ins


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  13th said:
no but that was the argument you used, paying for it by being killed by mains in run-ins

I'm just trying to let you know, it's an online game in which people make their own decisions. For every advantage there is almost always a disadvantage, As I know it MM still accepts pures with 20 defense, so is this argument solely for the purpose of 20+ defense in pure clans? Because Turmoil is probably the BIGGEST offensive bonus out there, so in the terms of maximizing all possible offensive stats getting turmoil just seems logical, if you can bear the price of being a higher leveled "pure."

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  Ray said:
So, would anyone care to explain why being pure means low defense?


we cant, being a pure means getting 99 def and owning, retards are retards


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  911 said:
I'm just trying to let you know, it's an online game in which people make their own decisions. For every advantage there is almost always a disadvantage, As I know it MM still accepts pures with 20 defense, so is this argument solely for the purpose of 20+ defense in pure clans? Because Turmoil is probably the BIGGEST offensive bonus out there, so in the terms of maximizing all possible offensive stats getting turmoil just seems logical, if you can bear the price of being a higher leveled "pure."

Sure its their own accounts, they can do what they want with them. But, they are not pure.


While talking about making sense, the step from 29 defence turmoiler to 45 defence runer brings so many bonuses like vengeance, barrow gloves, rune defender, void, torsos, berserker helmets and so on, for the measly cost of 16 defence levels, at the same time we see people getting 19 defence levels (1-20) for the +1 str on gloves and +3 str on defender.


It may be good, but it is not pure, no matter how you twist it.


I am the best pker in the world.


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  13th said:
Sure its their own accounts, they can do what they want with them. But, they are not pure.


While talking about making sense, the step from 29 defense turmoiler to 45 defense runer brings so many bonuses like vengeance, barrow gloves, rune defender, void, torsos, berserker helmets and so on, for the measly cost of 16 defense levels, at the same time we see people getting 19 defense levels (1-20) for the +1 str on gloves and +3 str on defender.


It may be good, but it is not pure, no matter how you twist it.

So what's a pure then?


People get 1-20 for many reasons, some of it is all the offensive bonuses it brings, mystic, enchanted, Dragon Hai, statius, and so on. Other reasons could be that they are just bored, and want to try new things out.


It's almost like HF trying to tell the Rest of RSC that they can't bring maxed accounts to wars because their clan doesn't allow it. That just doesn't work. Every clan has exceptions.


And the step from 29 defence to 45 defense having that many more bonuses as you stated bring fourth way more DEFENSIVE bonus than anything, the defensive bonus of rune armor compared to Adamant is huge, which is another big factor is why there is still a difference from 30-40 defense.


And like you said it is good, and an account with with 95 prayer and 30 defense and turmoil is highly highly effective pking the offensive bonus is through the roof, they have maximized the strength of their sword while sacrificing the size of their shield, is that not the MM saying? Times have changed, updates come out and clans adjust to give their selves the best advantage possible.


You still haven't answered my question, is this solely for the clans with pures that have gotten over 20 defense? You can't get upset or angry about 20 defense if you accept it into your own clan.

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  zulu mambulu said:
20 defence is main. Enough said.


Thats obviously directed at me...


I consider anything 25- Defence to be pure. 30 Defence should not be excepted in Pure Clans.

If 20 Def was no longer accepted it would ruin Pure Clans completely. However there has to be a limit.





(22:43:10) * [EoP]G00p (~EoPG00p@Swift-4855B9EA.atclnj.east.verizon.net) has joined #calamity

(22:43:24) <[EoP]G00p> .ml calamititty

(22:43:28) <[EoP]G00p> wtf no ml?

(22:43:45) <@[CY]Zulu_Mambulu> !ml eruption of *****

(22:43:48) <@[CY]Zulu_Mambulu> no ml?

(22:44:10) * [EoP]G00p (~EoPG00p@Swift-4855B9EA.atclnj.east.verizon.net) has left #calamity


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  M4ul N Die said:
Thats obviously directed at me...


I consider anything 25- Defence to be pure. 30 Defence should not be excepted in Pure Clans.

If 20 Def was no longer accepted it would ruin Pure Clans completely. However there has to be a limit.

The limit I would say is when you start getting more defensive bonuses than offensive, Adamant is not that much of a difference from mith, but rune is a huge difference than addy.

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  911 said:
The limit I would say is when you start getting more defensive bonuses than offensive, Adamant is not that much of a difference from mith, but rune is a huge difference than addy.

u dont get any offensive bonuses from defence in f2p, why are people still allowed to wear mithril?


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You think rune is too much defense bonus but at the same time you think pking in statius is okay, it has better defense bonuses than barrows armour



my main concern is PURE clans using DEFENCE against other PURE clans. the whole thing is so backwards and perverted from the original idea behind pures


My clan accepts 20 defence accounts but none of them have a problem with dropping their mithril for a miniwar with a pure clan, the defence levels themselves are enough of an advantage


I am the best pker in the world.


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  13th said:
u dont get any offensive bonuses from defence in f2p, why are people still allowed to wear mithril?

Loop Holes, you also don't have any offensive bonuses for staying 60 attack and 1 defense when you're in 30 wild and higher levels with mith or 99 attack can attack you, and please on page 3 read my question, you still haven't answered it. So I guess if you want to maximize all of your offensive stats stay in Varrock wild around level 5 wild or so.


I'm just saying, you say it's not pure I say what is a pure? Give me an answer and maybe we can figure this out.

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  13th said:
You think rune is too much defense bonus but at the same time you think pking in statius is okay, it has better defense bonuses than barrows armour



my main concern is PURE clans using DEFENCE against other PURE clans. the whole thing is so backwards and perverted from the original idea behind pures


My clan accepts 20 defence accounts but none of them have a problem with dropping their mithril for a miniwar with a pure clan, the defence levels themselves are enough of an advantage

Statius have HUGE offensive bonuses and is the reason why I use it, plus it degrades :dry:


I have no problem with dropping my Addy for any mini war or trip is it's needed either.


I can agree that pure clans using defense against other pure clans it unacceptable, but as it seems right now the majority of this pure clan community has pures with 20-35 defense, and in almost all situations no matter what, majority counts. If every clan is willing to wear monk robes then I see no problem with that. Until then I will be a Mean Green Fighting machine.

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I don't even worry about defense, IMO people only get defense after they realize that they aren't happy being a pure, with that in mind I don't ever think they will stay 13-20-30 def it will always eat at them "omg but I will own more if.." and inevitably they will get defence and quit the pure clans.


The problem is people who have 20 defense/30 etc glorifying it beyond belief, that's the only reason I got it, and once I got it I was like .. fml.. but you can only move foward so I figured later on **** it I got defense; runescape is basically **** on any account but when you're a level 100 pure. GIVE UP lol. I only play runescape for basically pking and my pking clan. It's my purpose on runescape, I only train to pk I only skill to afford to pk etc etc. So when people like me find themselves bored they don't know what to do but revert back to their nature, training, questing, skilling etc to open new horizons for their pking experience.


tldr. Defense is a mistake it sucks if you're unhappy with your low defense you are probably best off just getting 99 and not pure pking anymore.




but I don't understand if your a maxed pker with above 20 defence and below 40.. what bracket do you belong to, rune pure or pure? or a new standard of your own? I'd dont mind people calling themselves pure, if your stats give you a good advantage vs the average mains your combat you're a pure in my eyes. Rune pure initiate pure turmoil pure 1 defense pure. PURE PURE PURE lol

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The Swede is right. and I blame The Hatred for raising the defence average of the Pure community.


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The only way you'll have any chance of changing this is by setting a trend. How about (since MM obviously think they have the lowest defence average) you change your reqs to 10- def. If you do that and keep hold of #1, I'm sure some other clans will follow suit. Until you do that, you can't really complain about anything as you're still contributing to the problem, rather that combating it.

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