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Return of the low level scene


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I know the clans don't have the quality that existed when DY, M, A, etc etc was around, but its still a new class of low level clans



Proud Founder of Carpediem
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With the huge amount of runescape players creating new pure accounts the low level scene will/can be extremely action packed. They might not have same 'quality as DY, M, A etc. BUT that's something they can gain if the staff form their clans correctly, after all most low level clans are relatively new which gives the staff option to build the clan as they prefer.

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  Keith said:
No such thing as low level clans. I'll have a topic up tonight for the real discussion of these so called "low leveled clans."


Just consider low level clans that can't pull as much/have levels

Proud Founder of Carpediem
Proud Founder of Hysteria
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We were kind of thrown into a grave alive...


Anyways the whole "low-level" scene is like a soap opera tbh. They come and go, some go fast...most go slow. IMO the only difference between clans from today and 3 years ago are...


The low level scene was actually...low levels. The thing about it today is that theres almost like, not enuogh pures to go around to make more then a few clans shine.


Pking was like a weekly or more kind of thing. All the clans today seem to not go pking as much, idk why.


Id add more but im too lazy to add more.


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The low level scene will never come back..


All of these low level clans now of days are not low level they are levels 70s rejects that wants a easy rank in a clan.


For a sample i am not trying to flame or anything but Cd and Ch are claming to be low level but just look at their levels:


Complete Domination:

1 Igodly_Pure 86.3 81 1,074 99 Strength

2 L_Kaiser_L 84.83 80 1,365 99 Fletching

3 Str_In_Sara1 79.68 82 987 94 Strength

4 Pink_Clay 79 99 1,364 99 Strength

5 Death_Vvalk 76.85 79 1,166 91 Ranged

6 Blue_Stangar 75.76 87 1,093 99 Strength

7 Zomgvietz 74.43 86 1,133 96 Ranged

8 Daddy_Y4nk33 72.3 72 1,152 79 Strength

9 Cd_Arab_Pure 70.71 78 1 93 Ranged

10 Iraqi4_Range 70.65 89 1,121 99 Strength

11 Il_J_T_S_Il 69.54 81 1,015 90 Fishing

12 Mg_F_T_W 69 79 897 89 Ranged

13 Da_J_Pk 68.4 72 1 77 Strength

14 Ltlod_Ltiark 67.81 78 1 85 Ranged

15 Weak_Iz_Pro 65.35 78 977 99 Strength



1 Yo_Its_Obama 86 89 1,430 99 Magic

2 Only_Ownaqe 79.33 85 1,218 94 Ranged

3 Chaotic_Weed 77.45 77 1,352 99 Fletching

4 Dp_Liam 75.9 76 928 87 Strength

5 Itir_Grinch 75.89 83 1,151 99 Ranged

6 Ayo_Itz_Jizz 75.25 77 1,082 90 Hunter

7 V_Sho_V 74.3 86 1,154 99 Strength

8 M_I_X_I_Z 72.69 76 1,185 92 Hunter

9 Yo_Its_Hoodz 72.45 83 1,141 94 Magic

10 B_X_T_X_D 70.97 78 1,170 94 Magic

11 Ch_A_O_T_Ic 69.5 79 1 90 Ranged

12 Pur3_2_4rch1 69.15 81 1,006 99 Firemaking

13 12_10_07_Rlp 68.75 76 1,078 90 Ranged

14 D_R_0_W_N_Ed 68.51 79 1,003 99 Hunter

15 Iez_Jr 67 75 1 87 Ranged

16 Ch_A_O_T_L_C 66.68 75 1,026 95 Firemaking

17 I_Smite_Pk_U 66.08 73 1,087 84 Ranged

18 Yo_Its_Ch 66 67 1 89 Magic

19 Ch_Nick 65.95 67 1 73 Strength

20 Chaotic_Bro 64.35 74 994 82 Ranged

21 I_Pk_Rangy_I 64.35 70 1 86 Fletching

22 R3lv 64.3 86 1 99 Strength

23 Oo_Whip_It 64.13 77 1 87 Strength


It was easier to start a low level clan during the pcl era because now people want to get their accounts and pvp and bh but back their was really no reason to train and the low level clans could stay the 50s and 60s combats.

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  Meucci said:
The low level scene will never come back..


All of these low level clans now of days are not low level they are levels 70s rejects that wants a easy rank in a clan.


For a sample i am not trying to flame or anything but Cd and Ch are claming to be low level but just look at their levels:


Complete Domination:

1 Igodly_Pure 86.3 81 1,074 99 Strength

2 L_Kaiser_L 84.83 80 1,365 99 Fletching

3 Str_In_Sara1 79.68 82 987 94 Strength

4 Pink_Clay 79 99 1,364 99 Strength

5 Death_Vvalk 76.85 79 1,166 91 Ranged

6 Blue_Stangar 75.76 87 1,093 99 Strength

7 Zomgvietz 74.43 86 1,133 96 Ranged

8 Daddy_Y4nk33 72.3 72 1,152 79 Strength

9 Cd_Arab_Pure 70.71 78 1 93 Ranged

10 Iraqi4_Range 70.65 89 1,121 99 Strength

11 Il_J_T_S_Il 69.54 81 1,015 90 Fishing

12 Mg_F_T_W 69 79 897 89 Ranged

13 Da_J_Pk 68.4 72 1 77 Strength

14 Ltlod_Ltiark 67.81 78 1 85 Ranged

15 Weak_Iz_Pro 65.35 78 977 99 Strength



1 Yo_Its_Obama 86 89 1,430 99 Magic

2 Only_Ownaqe 79.33 85 1,218 94 Ranged

3 Chaotic_Weed 77.45 77 1,352 99 Fletching

4 Dp_Liam 75.9 76 928 87 Strength

5 Itir_Grinch 75.89 83 1,151 99 Ranged

6 Ayo_Itz_Jizz 75.25 77 1,082 90 Hunter

7 V_Sho_V 74.3 86 1,154 99 Strength

8 M_I_X_I_Z 72.69 76 1,185 92 Hunter

9 Yo_Its_Hoodz 72.45 83 1,141 94 Magic

10 B_X_T_X_D 70.97 78 1,170 94 Magic

11 Ch_A_O_T_Ic 69.5 79 1 90 Ranged

12 Pur3_2_4rch1 69.15 81 1,006 99 Firemaking

13 12_10_07_Rlp 68.75 76 1,078 90 Ranged

14 D_R_0_W_N_Ed 68.51 79 1,003 99 Hunter

15 Iez_Jr 67 75 1 87 Ranged

16 Ch_A_O_T_L_C 66.68 75 1,026 95 Firemaking

17 I_Smite_Pk_U 66.08 73 1,087 84 Ranged

18 Yo_Its_Ch 66 67 1 89 Magic

19 Ch_Nick 65.95 67 1 73 Strength

20 Chaotic_Bro 64.35 74 994 82 Ranged

21 I_Pk_Rangy_I 64.35 70 1 86 Fletching

22 R3lv 64.3 86 1 99 Strength

23 Oo_Whip_It 64.13 77 1 87 Strength


It was easier to start a low level clan during the pcl era because now people want to get their accounts and pvp and bh but back their was really no reason to train and the low level clans could stay the 50s and 60s combats.

Ok, but there are reqs set for these clans, which classify them as a "Low level" clan. You have to understand that no leader is going to reject a member, for having a higher combat. If a clan such as these 2 clans, have higher members, that just means there range in pking is harder. No leader sets a combat req, unless you intend your clan on being that way. When you open a new clan, you wait for possibilities, and oppurtunities. These high levels give them that.



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Meucci. Ravage has those same levels bro.

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did i say anything about Ravage?


i remember going to Ravage's minis and they are below 65 cb


Tbh Ravage has the high levels just incase clans like Ch and Cd bring their high levels.

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This is true...I could easily bring my lvl 79 to mini's but I choose not to unless I'm mining like 2-3 maxed pures...then I have to get off my lvl 57 so we don't get murdered.

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You really cannot blame a low lvl clan for having higher levels, think about it, if you had a low lvl clan and a maxed pure apped, you would not decline. Just because they have higher lvls does not mean they are less of a low lvl clan.

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  DanK said:
We were kind of thrown into a grave alive...


Anyways the whole "low-level" scene is like a soap opera tbh. They come and go, some go fast...most go slow. IMO the only difference between clans from today and 3 years ago are...


The low level scene was actually...low levels. The thing about it today is that theres almost like, not enuogh pures to go around to make more then a few clans shine.


Pking was like a weekly or more kind of thing. All the clans today seem to not go pking as much, idk why.



Very true.



[ 100th post :) ]

@ Proud Council of Relapse

Proud to be a New Zealander
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There has only been 3 noteworthy eras of low level clanning that actually amounted to anything. I am not going to describe the days in early 05 where there were low level clans such as Final Ownage and Acid Projekt because they simply have no relevance to this discussion as it was far different back then.


The first was when Epidemic had a rivalry with The Dreaded (Undoubtably the most defining low level rivalry in the history of pure clans) in mid 2007, and other clans such as TGG, IR to some degree were also around in that era as "low level" clans or at least low to mid. The clans were pulling 50s with unparalleled organisation and leadership which made it very entertaining and pretty much set the standard for low level clanning in every other "era".




The second was the mid PCL time with clans such as Malice, Divinity, Sanctity, Absolution, Ascendency, Fatal Pures, and the various other clans that were around. This is probably the most filled with potential that a low level division has ever been and i personally thought this was one of the most entertaining times in which clans could have a fun filled rivalry safe in the knowledge that it was all for fun. This era was the first time low level clans full outted and pulled huge numbers, If i recall correctly Malice/Divinity each pulled around 80 to there full out after alot of mass recruiting from both clans, and most of the clans pulled at least 40 in there full outs.


The third and as I believe it the last "great" era of low level clanning was the end of PCL/Start of PvP era in which clans such as DP, Anonymous Assassins, Epidemic, Divinity, Violent Demise, Malice etc were around. This was the first time that low level clans were really transcending the boundary of divisions and having an impact on the rest of the pure world, with AA having impacts on the fights of MM to varying degrees, Epidemic smashing all competition and becoming #1 Clan in just under a year (Which shows that low level clans arn't pointless). Even when Malice/Divinity/Epidemic etc were truly low leveled in this era they were still pulling 50+'s with amazing organisation. Preps and big minis were commonplace, and overall it was very enjoyable.


Now, I really don't think you can argue that any other "era" has had any impact at all in terms of the bigger picture, now the low level clans are pulling 10 - 20 people which is hardly a defining moment when compared to low level clans of the past.


There will undoubtably be a new era of low level clanning (most likely when Me, Bob, Jibs, Plode, Ownage Milk and Maras0l open our new low level clan) but it just needs a clan to act like a figurehead and lead the way and set the standard, as clans have done in the past.


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  Ivp said:
There has only been 3 noteworthy eras of low level clanning that actually amounted to anything. I am not going to describe the days in early 05 where there were low level clans such as Final Ownage and Acid Projekt because they simply have no relevance to this discussion as it was far different back then.


The first was when Epidemic had a rivalry with The Dreaded (Undoubtably the most defining low level rivalry in the history of pure clans) in mid 2007, and other clans such as TGG, IR to some degree were also around in that era as "low level" clans or at least low to mid. The clans were pulling 50s with unparalleled organisation and leadership which made it very entertaining and pretty much set the standard for low level clanning in every other "era".




The second was the mid PCL time with clans such as Malice, Divinity, Sanctity, Absolution, Ascendency, Fatal Pures, and the various other clans that were around. This is probably the most filled with potential that a low level division has ever been and i personally thought this was one of the most entertaining times in which clans could have a fun filled rivalry safe in the knowledge that it was all for fun. This era was the first time low level clans full outted and pulled huge numbers, If i recall correctly Malice/Divinity each pulled around 80 to there full out after alot of mass recruiting from both clans, and most of the clans pulled at least 40 in there full outs.


The third and as I believe it the last "great" era of low level clanning was the end of PCL/Start of PvP era in which clans such as DP, Anonymous Assassins, Epidemic, Divinity, Violent Demise, Malice etc were around. This was the first time that low level clans were really transcending the boundary of divisions and having an impact on the rest of the pure world, with AA having impacts on the fights of MM to varying degrees, Epidemic smashing all competition and becoming #1 Clan in just under a year (Which shows that low level clans arn't pointless). Even when Malice/Divinity/Epidemic etc were truly low leveled in this era they were still pulling 50+'s with amazing organisation. Preps and big minis were commonplace, and overall it was very enjoyable.


Now, I really don't think you can argue that any other "era" has had any impact at all in terms of the bigger picture, now the low level clans are pulling 10 - 20 people which is hardly a defining moment when compared to low level clans of the past.


There will undoubtably be a new era of low level clanning (most likely when Me, Bob, Jibs, Plode, Ownage Milk and Maras0l open our new low level clan) but it just needs a clan to act like a figurehead and lead the way and set the standard, as clans have done in the past.

I agree with what you're saying and to me these successful, potential filled clans tend to come at all once. Within a time frame of about 2months 3-4 amazing low level clans will come out, due to their great leadership both clans compete with one another and really reach higher levels. Like you said

The second was the mid PCL time with clans such as Malice, Divinity, Sanctity, Absolution, Ascendency, Fatal Pures, and the various other clans that were around. This is probably the most filled with potential that a low level division has ever been

that's a perfect example of what I'm talking about.

Tom N Eto. 99 Range, 99 Strength, 99 Hitpoints Pure.
Ex-The Hatred High Council.
Ex-The Dreaded High Council
Malice Founder. Something words can't describe.

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