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Return of the low level scene


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  Hugh said:
Speaking for Chaotic.


We class ourselves as Low level because of our requirements. See our recruitment thread for details. (1)Who cares if we have higher averages on our ml? (2)If a higher level wants to join us, why should we refuse them? We want to progress just like any other clan, we should restrict the amount of members that come to our clan just because of their combat level. (3)I think that I can speak for every low level clan here, by saying that we all have ambitions to progress into a med level clan, (4)clans can't just keep having low levels for ever. (5)People should stop complaining and living in the past. Things change.




1. Everyone obviously thats why this was made Mr.Intelligent.


2.No but don't think your some hot **** because you poop on kids with 60 range.


3.Bro if you realllllllly wanted to go Med...you could. And you can, but you dont.


4.They definitely can.


5.Maybe you should just follow the guidelines that were set before you...maybe not? And things don't just change kid, people make it change...with a mentality like that.


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  Meucci said:
The low level scene will never come back..


All of these low level clans now of days are not low level they are levels 70s rejects that wants a easy rank in a clan.


For a sample i am not trying to flame or anything but Cd and Ch are claming to be low level but just look at their levels:


Complete Domination:

1 Igodly_Pure 86.3 81 1,074 99 Strength

2 L_Kaiser_L 84.83 80 1,365 99 Fletching

3 Str_In_Sara1 79.68 82 987 94 Strength

4 Pink_Clay 79 99 1,364 99 Strength

5 Death_Vvalk 76.85 79 1,166 91 Ranged

6 Blue_Stangar 75.76 87 1,093 99 Strength

7 Zomgvietz 74.43 86 1,133 96 Ranged

8 Daddy_Y4nk33 72.3 72 1,152 79 Strength

9 Cd_Arab_Pure 70.71 78 1 93 Ranged

10 Iraqi4_Range 70.65 89 1,121 99 Strength

11 Il_J_T_S_Il 69.54 81 1,015 90 Fishing

12 Mg_F_T_W 69 79 897 89 Ranged

13 Da_J_Pk 68.4 72 1 77 Strength

14 Ltlod_Ltiark 67.81 78 1 85 Ranged

15 Weak_Iz_Pro 65.35 78 977 99 Strength


Yeah but Complete Domination have a low level of intelligence, that makes them low level duhh.

Joined the Pure Community March 2006
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  ``Aaron said:
ill put it this way. Ravage is one of the only TRUE low level clans left.


No :]

Proud Founder of Carpediem
Proud Founder of Hysteria
Proud Leader of Malice
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For one. im so confused as why this topic is being Created as we know we are not SUPER LOW lvl Like A. which imo is The only TRUE low level Clan.


And How can you put us in comparsion With CD. If you look at there ml and our's There is a difference and as Hugh said if a few high level people Would App for my Clan we wont Deny them Access because with them it will open the future of Med clanning when we pop out of there. Aswell as we have some 70s and 2 80s and alot of 60s and 50s. And tbh ml's Lie. My old Maul pure Teluremomty was 77 combat but on a ml he was 56. Imo Bitching about this only start's A flame war Let Clan's Use the term "low level" untill the[y] can compeite With the Better Clan's Dp,Eop,Fi,C,Mm,Foe Just naming a few.



BUT maybe instead of calling our Self Low level Maybe We can pick a different Name Because as people have said low level's Are looked at as 30's and 40's.


Proud Leader/Founder of the Number 1 MPC of 2010 Chaotic

Proud Current Leader of Vandalize

..:: #WeB - #MobCave ::..

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Why should we make a name for ourselves man?


"Imo Bitching about this only start's A flame war Let Clan's Use the term "low level" untill the can compeite With the Better Clans Dp,Eop,Fi,C,Mm,Foe Just naming a few."




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Dank i still dont see why your here To troll on something you have no involvement in and when did this Topic become a spelling be?


Im sorry i dont type as neat as the next person let alone look at my keyboard for 30mins typing a small text wall to make SURE my spelling is correct. If you Understand what im saying then Let it be. Talking **** on this set's a flame war. and half the time your always the one to start it.




Proud Leader/Founder of the Number 1 MPC of 2010 Chaotic

Proud Current Leader of Vandalize

..:: #WeB - #MobCave ::..

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Stop with the trolling Dank


All the people who claim to be low are low, not the true low we've been expecting.

Proud Founder of Carpediem
Proud Founder of Hysteria
Proud Leader of Malice
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  DanK said:
Hey atleast we have something to talk about now. Instead of this boring ass low level league. Anyone agree on an interesting next few months?

yeah i agree on an interesting next few months


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  Meucci said:
A maxed pure shouldnt want to join a LOW LEVEL clan with level 50s and 60s tbh.


Makes them feel good about themselves when a person with 40-60-1 compliments them "OMG YOU MAXED PURE OMG U SO GOOD"


I mean look @ hit ya h4rd in Sanctity (Low clan a while back) lol, he was maxed melee 20 def ¬.¬

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  Pendulum said:
Makes them feel good about themselves when a person with 40-60-1 compliments them "OMG YOU MAXED PURE OMG U SO GOOD"


I mean look @ hit ya h4rd in Sanctity (Low clan a while back) lol, he was maxed melee 20 def ¬.¬



and they got no where...


Anyways low lvl clans died when pcl died imo



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  Ivp said:
There will undoubtably be a new era of low level clanning (most likely when Me, Bob, Jibs, Plode, Ownage Milk and Maras0l open our new low level clan) but it just needs a clan to act like a figurehead and lead the way and set the standard, as clans have done in the past.

I never, ever want to talk to you again.


/edit Nvm, didn't finish reading lol.


OT: Prestige :(

Resurgence | 65+ Stat, 45+ Combat | Site | Recruitment Topic


#OMNI @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
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Clans that purposely stay in their 'low level' bracket will never succeed. People will train and improve and move on to bigger and better clans. However, Low level clans that stick together and improve as a community strengthen.


It's how the current 'high leveled' pure clans still exist and rose to where they are now.


Attack Evoking (level-81) / 4 more options



strengthcapet.gif [X]Fire_cape.PNG [ ] rangingcapet.gif [X] magiccapet.png [ ] Hitpoints-cape-(t)-inv.png [ ] Team_cape_26.png[X]

P.S. If you're not 52 prayer or higher, you are an 09/10 Pker.
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  Volt said:
I never, ever want to talk to you again.


/edit Nvm, didn't finish reading lol.


OT: Prestige :(



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  KJ`R4in F4ll said:
and they got no where...


Anyways low lvl clans died when pcl died imo


You obviously have no sense at what a low level clan is, they died when the wilderness was removed.


To me, and I imagine anyone who is competent, low levels are in the 20-35 combat range. If you're out of that range, you're not a low level clan.


I believe there are 2 low level clans around now, Ascendency and Vigilance, I know Ascendency is, but not sure about Vigilance.

|Tyler| - #Zulus
8818 person to achieve 99 Mining

Omni was here lOL
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  Inu said:
I know the clans don't have the quality that existed when DY, M, A, etc etc was around, but its still a new class of low level clans




Ahhh yes the days!, Im and such one from these days, now im back and here to bring back the "Low level sence" with "Vigilance!"


Cant wait to experence todays low level pures and clans :)

///Keepin the community pure\\\
Looking for a loyal and dedicated clan?...#Chaotic
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  r1n said:
Ok, but there are reqs set for these clans, which classify them as a "Low level" clan. You have to understand that no leader is going to reject a member, for having a higher combat. If a clan such as these 2 clans, have higher members, that just means there range in pking is harder. No leader sets a combat req, unless you intend your clan on being that way. When you open a new clan, you wait for possibilities, and oppurtunities. These high levels give them that.





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