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in search of a clan


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I'm 78 combat, my stats are as follows...




87 strength

85 range

85 magic

(i'm working on getting 90+ range atm)



Here are some recent achievements...

100223204637.png (right after firecape, have picture of koing jad somewhere)





That was rune gloves.







I have around 10M bank, enough sets for returns in p2p/f2p.


I'm looking for a clan thats chill, organized, friendly, and always up for some pk seshs.


PS i'm 17 and I DO have a life so sometimes I can't attend trips. I'm on often though. Also keep in mind that i'm a toker, so I like to fool around frequently... but I do know when to pull my **** together.


Feel free to post/recommend any of your clan/other clans you think would be good for me!

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Hey man I hear you about having a life, that's why I enjoy Fatality, they understand this. I'm currently in college and work a job during the summer, I still stay dedicated and attend what trips I can, which they appreciate. Fatality is a very friendly, chill, and fun clan. Many events throughout the week, I recommend them as a proud veteran of Fatality, it is in my honest opinion the only clan of it's kind. Click the link under my sig for the website, Happy Hunting.

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I actually used to be fatality on my od initiate pure "1 Lob Left"!


It was a great clan experience! I don't know for sure right now though, a lot of my friends who were in fatality are no longer a part of it. The leaders I remember aren't existant anymore... I'm still going to definitely consider.


Other clans feel free to convince me otherwise.

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Please also put a reason as to why you think your clan is better for me.


Remember i'm not all about numbers, ranking in the pure world, or anything like that. I'm looking for a clan I can represent and be proud to be a part of.

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You really should at least give IR some thought, I'd appreciate it a lot if you did.


You look like you P2P a lot, but have a knowledge and mild enjoyment of F2P. IR is the perfect clan for you. We're not too big, we're made up of our community rather than our pking success, and we like to have fun. IR pks / wars daily in small-scale, and in larger scale on weekends. Pm me in #IRclan, Tal|Away or [iR]Tal if you want to talk, you'd be a big help in making an already great clan greater.






Check it out.


War does not determine who is right, only who is left.
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#Fatality would be a great clan to Pk with on Saturdays and sundays, Constant mini wars going on and Such.




#Chaotic, a New Low-Med type Clan everyone in Chaotic is basically 60-80 Combat so you would Fit in Pretty Well, We are New and Pulled 23 to our First pk Trip, and our Forums / IRC is Very Active





Our fight was epic.

Control #1 Med

Accepted To Control 12/10/10
Promoted to Officer Of Control 12/28/10
Promoted to Warlord Of Control 5/1/2011

Founder of Hate - 2k14

Leader of Trauma - 2k14


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Well to be honest ur combat is kinda perfect for us...


Join Exclusive



Site: www.ex-rs.com

Irc Channel: #Exclusive


We are 1week open and already made our good impression .. We're a fun clan and have 1 the best community arround here .. I've been in DP, EOP, TGG, A, .. And I know what I'm talking about ..


Just idle #Exclusive and u will see what I mean.. :D


We do F2P and P2P Pk Trips.. And we have P2P/F2P Mini wars every day. If u got any questions please pm me in #Exclusive


Ex-Leader Of Exclusive
Ex-Warlord Of We Are Royalty
Ex-Warlord Of Deviation
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I think you should check out #devastation, www.devastation.ipbfree.com. They are a great clan, who is chilled. They have f2p, and p2p trips, and a really great community. Vent gives us a laugh every time. At the same time its disciplined when it needs to be, and it would be perfect for you:). Goodluck chosing.



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Thank you everybody. I'm checking out EVERY clan. I have yet to make a decision but i've encountered some solid clans. Keep 'em coming, i'm hoping to PK with some of you guys before I make my final decision

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  Eli said:
Please also put a reason as to why you think your clan is better for me.


Remember i'm not all about numbers, ranking in the pure world, or anything like that. I'm looking for a clan I can represent and be proud to be a part of.

LOBBY!?!?!? It's i2s punisher/1 s4t4nic 1, we used to pk a lot and chat often!!


Anywho, lots of choices here for you but in all honesty Fatality has changed and is very different from what it used to be, but now more than ever it has the potential to be the best community out there. But I'll leave the rest up to you :bunny:

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Yo, come check out IR bro. Looks like you like to do some p2p pking, and that's what IR is really based around. We also have some good pkers from which you look like you are. But yeah, feel free to PM me on here, or message me on IRC, my nick on there could be Anthoni, Anthoni|AFK, or Anthoni|BNC






But if you do not choose Ir, Good luck with what clan you go to =]

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I think TLP will be a good fit for you, we have active forums, a fun and friendly community, respectable leadership, and action packed PK trips and other exciting events, come join us on www.tlp-rs.com and #tlp.

Furious-Chan is a noob K-ON! Fan|I like Starcraft 2 and League of Legends ヽ(´ー`)ノ ~IGN both "MooMooMugi"
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