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Honour in pure clans?


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This topic is based on how even the biggest of clans who call themselves honour can break there own rules and the picture is taken by me on my pure from my swiftkit, no the topic is not for attention its to state a fact that 3/4 of the clan community are no honour and the clans dont really care although they lead on that they do, i get alot of stick because i carry ring of life's in pvp incase i get tagged or pjd and cant make it to a bank so basicly im showing that some clans cant back there words up at all by sticking to this honour rule people made on this mmorpg game.




I then went into #Finalownage to show the leaders and i got 2 ops and Bonesaw saying "Get video evidence idiot" i then said why should i have video evidence if i have a screenshot of your member praying, then the member who prayed said to them "he pjd me when i was at full food and prayer", then they then kick me from there channel and i see the guy in bh again, i asked him to come in a channel because he was trying to deny it and this is the result.


Also someone in my clan said this to an op with the picture above to see what they would say.


(19:21:59) <[R]Deathz> [Foe]Sam

(19:22:04) <[Foe]Sam> Yo

(19:22:25) <[R]Deathz> uh

(19:22:28) <[R]Deathz> i dont know foe's rules

(19:22:31) <[R]Deathz> http://www.runescapetop.com/up/images/68921.png

(19:22:33) <[R]Deathz> is it allowd?

(19:22:44) <[R]Deathz> he asked me a dm

(19:22:47) <[R]Deathz> then he ran and pray

(19:22:53) <[R]Deathz> i dont know if it allowd?

(19:23:14) <[R]Deathz> so is it allowd?

(19:24:04) <[Foe]Sam> Yes, to exit a fight our members are allowed to pray

(19:24:42) <[R]Deathz> wtf?

(19:24:45) <[R]Deathz> he asked me

(19:24:47) <[R]Deathz> for a dm

(19:24:49) <[R]Deathz> then he ran and pray?

(19:24:58) <[R]Deathz> if he pray

(19:25:00) <[R]Deathz> then l2tank?



So is it just me or has a foe rank just basicly said they allow members to nh?. I mean come on i get flamed for carrying a rol in pvp incase i get pj'd or tagged and i know i wont make the bank, but this is as they claim "#1 pure clan in runescape" admitting to being no honour.



(00:02:17) * RorylFoe_vX_3_XV (~RorylFoe_@Swift-D46566E8.range86-134.btcentralplus.com) has joined #CLAN-R

(00:02:23) <RorylFoe_vX_3_XV> yo bch;s

(00:02:59) <+Darren`> sec

(00:03:03) <+Darren`> http://www.runescapetop.com/up/images/68921.png

(00:03:07) <+Darren`> there's u praying 1v1

(00:03:09) <+Darren`> *******

(00:03:19) <+Darren`> need to lie to your leaders

(00:03:20) * RorylFoe_vX_3_XV has quit IRC (Client exited)


Its obvious Foe members and fanboys are going to flame this saying "pic is fake" or "get a vid" i dont record on this laptop i was pking on so dont expect one, people can say its a fake pic but i dont see why i would go out my time to dig dirt on foe, it was just merly a coincidence i caught this particular member praying against me so dicsuss

Proud Member of Red Dragon Knights
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Listen to Bonesaw.


There could be a few explanations for why he's praying, or he could be NHing, he obviously won't admit it if he was, so it's your word vs. his, and Foe will obviously trust our member over some randomer who could easily be lying.


If you had a vid of him NHing, he would be punished, a screenshot is like 0.0001 second of a vid, doesn't mean much at all.

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Lols, either that or your clans just got retarded members in it, He prayed cause he got dominated, i dont see why i should vid everyfight against a foe member incase they pray when a screenshot is valid enough, just goes to show your clan dont really give a damn about honour and act like they do.


Another fine example of how im starting to grow tired of this "no honour" or "honour" on a computer game, clans LIE alot about stuff like this and if you give them proof they tell you to get more :S

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Hope that's not the Rory which scammed some kid in MM.

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Heck i wouldn't be suprised, my friend asked me to team pk 2 nights ago with that foe guy and him and his mates bsed me, managed to get away but thats what led upto that fight, he said "Sup kid u got lucky the other night" so i asked him for a dm he said "sure" but as of now ive just lost ALOT of respect for foe.

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Yeah because posting it on Pure Warfare is going to solve the problem.




"I mean come on i get flamed for carrying a rol in pvp incase i get pj'd or tagged and i know i wont make the bank"


That's cute, I like the hypocrisy going on here. I agree with you comparing yourself as a **** pker with a ring of life and then with a kid who does a NH act and is an honor pure clan.


I'll talk to one of our leaders about it but in the near future listen to Bonesaw because though you may be right but someone can easily take their prays off and take a screen shot (It's been done before.)

Elder of FOE. Never outclassed.

Proud to have been apart of the Ownage.

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  SpIttles said:
Yeah because posting it on Pure Warfare is going to solve the problem.


Not really to solve a problem, just showing that even foe dont abide by the honour rules, just because ur a foe member you would obviously say something like this but its the truth, i dont see why people shouldn't see foe's true colours :cool:

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@The Sam situation



<Spittles> sam

<Spittles> (19:24:04) <[Foe]Sam> Yes, to exit a fight our members are allowed to pray

<Spittles> ARe you sure this is true?

<[Foe]Sam> Yes it's on the rules.

<[Foe]Sam> I don't like it though

<Spittles> Yeah thats pretty much nh

<Spittles> I mean I did it while in other clans but being in a classy clan like FOE I havent done 1 nh act what so ever

<[Foe]Sam> Hmm yeha I'll try get it changed

<Spittles> Im going to take a look for myself

<Spittles> If you are not in a fight, Or do not wish to fight back to the other person you may use your protection prayer as an attempt to End or Exit the fight.

<Spittles> Different to what you said

<Spittles> What Mike meant is if you weren't fighting in the first place

<[Foe]Sam> Oh

<[Foe]Sam> Yeah I see now



We don't allow that so I'm sorry for the misunderstanding




Back on topic, we STILL can't do anything with out a video.




  uNeeQ said:
Im hungry irl.


Same please, about to go eat California Pizza Kitchen :D

Elder of FOE. Never outclassed.

Proud to have been apart of the Ownage.

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Lols, he offerd me the fight so yeh he nh'd, Nah ill post it here for the community to see like i said above, so yeh

Proud Member of Red Dragon Knights
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<3 anthoni, and yeh i have let it go mate, mini-ing as we speak :L, just loving some of the comments though

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  Anthoni said:
We never talk anymore. Where have you gone!?


Too the land of the fairy's :(v, nah its cause u dont idle in any channels nymore, jargon banned me from #purity for loling at him and such :O

Proud Member of Red Dragon Knights
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Check our rules here.



~ No Overhead Protection Prayers In 1v1 Combat.

We do not support members using overheads when fighting another player 1 on 1 with overheads off. However, If the opposition player wishes to use overheads you may also, Although it is regarded better to choose to smite in the circumstance.

If you are not in a fight, Or do not wish to fight back to the other person you may use your protection prayer as an attempt to End or Exit the fight.


You dont got video proof about DMing

So yeh, pretty fail

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FOE's been caught multiple times NH'ing, and not one time, have the leaders done jack **** about it. I have also lost TONS of respect for FOE...


But as Panic Inc says... It's a game, I'll NH if I want. I want to have fun.


I feel the same.. Unless I'm in a Honor clan... -.-

FOE's a wanna be, imo.

They try, and gain respect for being "Honor", but they Pk without it.


+1 For this. I do understand the wanting of a video though... >.<

Looking for a mid level P2p clan/team. Always interested.


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  Easy Proces said:
Check our rules here.





You dont got video proof about DMing

So yeh, pretty fail


You're so dumb its not even funny, as you can see in the picture he is overhead praying i still have food left so even if i did (didn't) why the hell would i overhead when i have food??? tell me that..

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Alot of people run from fights. Would you like us all to take a pics showing how NH they are?



It's normal pking these days, the only thing you can do is learn to K0 them, instead of making them run out of food, and forcing them to run.



  Runaway Train said:
Oops. My hand slipped, and I destroyed your swords. My bad.




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Lol nah what kids are getting mad about is because it goes to show that the big pure clans dont really give a damn about honour its funny, Might aswell pray 1v1 from now on in edge cause if you get caught clans dont mind, also lol at the people flaming this topic ;)

Proud Member of Red Dragon Knights
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  Bloody 2h said:
Alot of people run from fights. Would you like us all to take a pics showing how NH they are?



It's normal pking these days, the only thing you can do is learn to K0 them, instead of making them run out of food, and forcing them to run.


Topic isnt about the kid running, its about him praying when he is out of food and foe doing **** about it, kudos to you for reading it.

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