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Resurrection Vs Devastation

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- Resurrection Vs Devastation 20v20 -


Alright so this week, Resurrection asked Devastation for a 20v20 on Saturday. Thankfully Devastation gladly accepted the fight, and so we prepared for Saturday.


- The Rules of the fight -


The fight will consist of 3 rounds, all in CLW. We attack, they attack, Pk Run In.


Corrupts: OFF


Overs: ON




- The First Fight -


We Attack




Resurrection: 20


Devastation: 20




Resurrection: 16


Devastation: 0














- The Second Fight -


They Attack




Resurrection: 19


Devastation: 20




Resurrection: 14


Devastation: 0










- The Third/Final Fight -


Pk Run In




Resurrection: 18


Devastation: 19




Resurrection: 15


Devastation: 0















- Videos -


Coming soon.




In the end, Resurrection came out victorious! Thanks Devastation for the good, clean fights. Was Fun.

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Who is a clan lost by 3 week old clan?





this was a miniwar lol, i dont even have vent to use so we had no callers tbh, but yeah grats y0! THE SLANT BOY WINS AGAIN


Proud Ex-Dv Co Leader ~~0wnage__pks~~

R o y al

99/99 Range
94/99 Mage
98/99 Str
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this was a miniwar lol, i dont even have vent to use so we had no callers tbh, but yeah grats y0! THE SLANT BOY WINS AGAIN



Lol? a mini war? It's 2 day= a Prep with Matched Out


You got caller




01[18:28] <Elit3|AFK> speak to me

[18:28] <[Dv]0wnage> ok

[18:28] <[Dv]0wnage> so

01[18:28] <Elit3|AFK> speak me on vent

[18:28] <[Dv]0wnage> where is your diplomacy

[18:28] <[Dv]0wnage> i cant

01[18:28] <Elit3|AFK> on down

[18:28] <[Dv]0wnage> my headset is ******

[18:28] <[Dv]0wnage> i cant hear no1 on vent

[18:28] <[Dv]0wnage> but

[18:28] <[Dv]0wnage> roman and jamie

[18:28] <[Dv]0wnage> will troll u




you guys threated us with ddos


[18:29] <[Dv]0wnage> nvm got ur diplomacy

[18:29] <[Dv]0wnage> hope you accept

[18:29] <[Dv]0wnage> *****

[18:29] <[Dv]0wnage> uh i have to logg in

[18:29] <[Dv]0wnage> which meansd registering

[18:29] <[Dv]0wnage> sad

[18:30] <[Dv]0wnage> i think ill just ddos ur site instead


and we don't have any caller. Spam is best at all.


Gf once.

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You didn't include that you wanted a 20v20 and you only had 20 one round and you told us to bring 25+ so we bring around 28 and have to sit 10+ people just cause you can't pull. Next time if you want a prep, make sure you can pull. Sad thing we have to leave high levels out because we need new people to get experience. If your so cocky mate, go declare.


[sun] [12:59:20] <Elit3|AFK> kid

[sun] [12:59:22] <Elit3|AFK> p2p mini

[sun] [12:59:34] <`Roman`> wait

[sun] [13:01:42] <Elit3|AFK> *****

[sun] [13:01:43] <Elit3|AFK> haha

[sun] [13:20:51] <Elit3|AFK> *****

[sun] [13:20:51] <Elit3|AFK> *****

[sun] [13:20:51] <Elit3|AFK> *****

[sun] [13:20:51] <Elit3|AFK> *****

[sun] [13:20:56] <`Roman`> what?

[sun] [13:21:02] <Elit3|AFK> u dont want p2p mini?

[sun] [13:21:04] <Elit3|AFK> nice *****

[sun] [13:21:09] <`Roman`> are you mad

[sun] [13:21:23] <`Roman`> Yh im scared your gonna eat my dog

[sun] [13:21:24] <`Roman`> *****


Well, We agreed 20v20+ and it's matched up. Talk to ur leader "Str pk3r k0"


He is accepted the rules..


and DV said "p2p us" I like why not.. i decided to asked you but you declined


so stfu kid

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Lol, 0wnage nice try flaming. Didn't turn out in your favor I see.


i really dont care rofl, i barely play scape, i cant ddos for **** im no nerd on computers like some, but elit3 your bots spamm as fast as i type so it fails hardcore lol, n yea the gangster *****, go on son!


like i care lmfao


Proud Ex-Dv Co Leader ~~0wnage__pks~~

R o y al

99/99 Range
94/99 Mage
98/99 Str
75/75 Atk
89/99 hp
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I asked for 25v25? Huh what do you talking about?



[Thu] [19:04:07] <[Dv]Str_pk3r_k0> hi you there?

[Thu] [19:04:13] <Elit3|AFK> ye

[Thu] [19:04:27] <[Dv]Str_pk3r_k0> sorry i took so long

[Thu] [19:04:53] <[Dv]Str_pk3r_k0> the 20v20 in f2p sounds good to us

[Thu] [19:05:29] <Elit3|AFK> ye

[Thu] [19:05:30] <Elit3|AFK> Ok

[Thu] [19:05:32] <Elit3|AFK> 20v20 matched?

[Thu] [19:05:33] <Elit3|AFK> Uh.

[Thu] [19:05:38] <Elit3|AFK> War start: 3:30 PM EST?

[Thu] [19:05:40] <Elit3|AFK> Sounds good?

[Thu] [19:05:44] <[Dv]Str_pk3r_k0> whats that gmt

[Thu] [19:05:58] <Elit3|AFK> Uh

[Thu] [19:06:00] <Elit3|AFK> like 7:30

[Thu] [19:06:10] <[Dv]Str_pk3r_k0> yea 7:30 gmt sounds good

[Thu] [19:06:14] <Elit3|AFK> kk

[Thu] [19:06:16] <Elit3|AFK> alright

[Thu] [19:06:18] <Elit3|AFK> Accepted. GL

[Thu] [19:06:19] <Elit3|AFK> COrrupt off

[Thu] [19:06:29] <[Dv]Str_pk3r_k0> kk clan wars or pvp?

[Thu] [19:06:32] <Elit3|AFK> Clan Wars.

[Thu] [19:06:34] <Elit3|AFK> We're attack.

[Thu] [19:06:37] <Elit3|AFK> You defend.

[Thu] [19:06:38] <Elit3|AFK> Pkri.

[Thu] [19:06:39] <Elit3|AFK> All Classic.

[Thu] [19:06:43] <[Dv]Str_pk3r_k0> kk

[Thu] [19:06:54] <Elit3|AFK> gl

[Thu] [19:07:10] <[Dv]Str_pk3r_k0> u too =]

[Thu] [19:09:13] <Elit3|AFK> Overs on btw.

[Thu] [19:09:27] <[Dv]Str_pk3r_k0> in f2p?

[Thu] [19:09:30] <Elit3|AFK> yes

[Thu] [19:09:35] <[Dv]Str_pk3r_k0> we dont usually do that

[Thu] [19:09:40] <Elit3|AFK> off?

[Thu] [19:09:42] <Elit3|AFK> overs off?

[Thu] [19:09:45] <[Dv]Str_pk3r_k0> yep

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You pmed me `Roman`, and [Dv]0mfg|Jamie the day of the fight telling us to bring 25+, open your eyes and you might be able to see what you type.

Why lying? god is watching on you. do u know that?


Don't lie next time.

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