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Divine Brutality vs Tribulation - 3 day f2p prep

DB Tyler

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Coming fresh off a win in our full out, I decided to get a 3 day prep with a clan that I knew would outlevel us but I also knew we could take them. After massing up for about 30 minutes, we hopped to TR's world with a solid 23 pull. Having arrived, the flame already began even after we graciously waited 15 MORE minutes than was agreed on. When we won the first 2 rounds, TR decided to call CP, FI, Ex, and PoT members as well as a few mains. It's all good though I'll take a free win anyday.


The rules for this prep were:

20- Defence Cap

Overheads On

Corrupt/Dungeoneering Items Off

+/- 3 either way, the clan that sits attacks first.


Round 1 -

Divine Brutality Attack:


DB Starting - 20 (sat 3)

DB Ending - 15


TR Starting - 17

TR Ending - 0


Some nice tanking by our lower levels and our quick piling gave us the easy win in this round.


Round 2 -

Tribulation Attack:


DB Starting - 18

DB Ending - 13


TR Starting - 16

TR Ending - 0


Round 3 -

PK Run In:


DB Starting - 23

DB Ending - 0


TR Starting - 28

TR Ending - 20 ? (10 of them weren't TR so it doesn't matter much)





^TR High Council hiding in single after losing.



^TR Main



^PoT Member



^Fatality Member




Just wanna say hiiii TR, all the immaturity wasn't necessary especially coming to troll in our Ventrilo server because you were mad about a loss lol. We still love you guys and hope to get our free pixels tomorrow.



^Pretty funny if you ask me, we never did anything to them besides beat them fairly.

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  Jlane said:
i guess u forgot to add that u had EOP's warlord mining with u

You said u ALLOW multi clanning which u said on irc pm

And that u had countless other kids u added to your ml


and if u seriously take this as a win your a joke, l2bring members not random kids.


Welcome to Runescape, would I be the first in saying no pic no proof?

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  Jlane said:
just because he went to inners doesnt mean hes in the clan lmfao! dude ur such a newfag. u can go to inners without being in a clan. we let our clan friends inner all the time LMFAO dude u just made my day


Just trying to show how retarded you look for flaming us having an EOP rank in our clan, 2 of our co-leaders have known Solo K1ng for years and he's always welcome in DB, anytime. The fact that he's ranked in EOP doesn't bother us because he doesn't let DB affect EOP. Besides that, he applied the first day DB re-opened and has been active ever since. he is DB and EOP, and you can't really do a thing about it L

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  Jlane said:
so basically you just said hes in EOP and DB. ur real smart, nice multi clan NH more plz.


Considering the fact the only way that DB and EOP ever compete is in mini wars, there shouldn't really be a problem with it lol. I don't really see why you're so upset besides the fact you pulled all 80+ combat and lost to all 60's and 70's :x

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  DB Tyler said:
Considering the fact the only way that DB and EOP ever compete is in mini wars, there shouldn't really be a problem with it lol. I don't really see why you're so upset besides the fact you pulled all 80+ combat and lost to all 60's and 70's :x


Multi clanning = NH i dont see how u could careless and call urself a clan


And gratz u beat us, most our members were at work or in school. and u still tried to push the time back further, csb good job.

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Solo is obviously multiclanning, no-one is denying it so i don't see the need for an argument about it.


Gratz on your win DB ;D



@High Council of the #1 pure clan.


If you don't like how we run our clan, we're doing it right.

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  Jonty said:
Solo is obviously multiclanning, no-one is denying it so i don't see the need for an argument about it.


Gratz on your win DB ;D


the only reason im concerened is because there was once a day when NH stuff mattered in clans, now people tele and its left alone, apprently people multi clan and its left alone. Hey im in TR i think i'd be ok if i go join Fi, we never fight Fi, i dont see whats wrong with it.


Seriously rofllmao! gf runescape and pure clans, all went downhill

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  Jlane said:
the only reason im concerened is because there was once a day when NH stuff mattered in clans, now people tele and its left alone, apprently people multi clan and its left alone. Hey im in TR i think i'd be ok if i go join Fi, we never fight Fi, i dont see whats wrong with it.


Seriously rofllmao! gf runescape and pure clans, all went downhill

I honestly don't see what the big deal is.... Solo has known us for years and he wants to be in a clan with his friends? I'm not going to deny him of that lol

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but no seriously if u think that your good with your "we allow multi clanning" thing u got another thing coming. As I told you before your either mashed up in the brain or completely new to think that ull get any respect at all for being multi clanners. you can be in a CLAN and a TEAM, but even teams dont even allow multi teaming. seriously consider rebuilding your rules and standards because your the first clan i have ever seen that has been proud to be multi clanners. Last round was just troll to show you that WE CAN MASS RANDOMS TOO. :)



If you really want to "PROVE" yourself come out on a weekend trip when your members are with their real clans.


<3 David





theyre not worth the typing

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I've had enough sitting here watching these random tr kids thinking there all big bad boys over this ******* site.

You complain we brought one randomer , we brought solo which has been on our ml since the day we re-opend, so the third round wasn't to show us that you can bring randoms too , considering we brought no randoms you complete pathetic inbred.

Also prove ourselfs? we did that today we were all 60s and 70s fighting 80+ the 2nd round solo wasn't even in you complete downie ********. it was 18 60s-70s vs 16 80+ you should of easilly won that , but you didnt because your clan is **** , your **** - you may aswell just close like the rest of them.

Gl Saturday <3 dont bring your 125 friend again ;)

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You all need to take a chill pill, Anthoni you should cut out some of DB's posts as well.


Anyways, good job to both clans.

Proud Founder of Carpediem
Proud Founder of Hysteria
Proud Leader of Malice
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If you really want to "PROVE" yourself come out on a weekend trip when your members are with their real clans.

Mind if I ask where TR has been the last two or three weekends? We've been out all three weekends. Furthermore, if you actually took more than fifteen seconds to actually review facts and evidence you would plainly see that every member on our ML has applied on the forums, and out of 45 members only two are multi clanning, both of whom are capable of being active in both clans and have proven this fact.


Every clan has a multi clanners of some sort, as whether you have two accounts or one account its the same thing - multi clanning. However, multi clanning with the same account is actually more beneficial to both clans as the member is still focusing on a single account thus benefiting both clans, whereas if you were to multi clan using two accounts you'd be splitting your efforts and thus be unequally representing their clans.


However, if we are indeed massers as you claim, then how is it that you lost to us? Not only did you have the levels advantage, but if we indeed are massers as you claim how is it that you lost the first two rounds? Furthermore, we sat Warlord Solo in the 2nd round yet you still lost? That right there defeats your excuse.


To Jlane, I personally talked to Roman in regards to the times, and specifically asked him if he wanted to push the time forward an hour, to 4PM EST. So don't try to say we wanted the time moved back, when me and Roman discussed the times 2hrs prior to the start of the event.


As for this:


k ur an idiot and you obviously dont seem fit to lead a clan. Good luck, bout time u win a official event and we lose one. 5-1 with official events now.


What do you class as official events? If you actually believe minis to be official events then you are sadly mistaken. We have yet to lose a war, prep, or have a bad trip and I certainly don't expect to have you cause any of that to begin. In all honesty, there was no need for all the flame which now our favorite power abusive mod (reminds me of PC and TH/Fi) Anthoni. As for you referring to me, Tyler or Danky as newfags, I've been in pure clans since DH, and DP.


I look forward to seeing you guys soon, and hopefully you will lighten up and realize that a single person will not alter the outcome of a war, especially one of this size. In a 5 v 5, a person will obviously make a difference as that person is worth 20% of the man power in use, however in a 18 v 18 or larger, each individual is only worth 5% of the total man power, and as we had 18, 20 and 23 that percentage drops.


I believe TR has the potential to be a powerful pure force if they can keep their flaming and threats under control and continue to grow as they have been. However, they need to learn that a what a clan does is its own business and they can't control it. Nor does them flaming, throwing threats around achieve anything but a bad name for themselves.


Lets attempt to keep this topic flame free, say our good fights and get on with our lives,



P.S. Anthoni





(19:46:01) -[CU]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: N O R E is in clan: Exclusive ( URL: http://Ex-RS.com )



(19:46:12) -[CU]RuneScript- *** [ WARLORD SOLO ]: Str 85 | Cns 83 | Range 91 | Pray 44 | Mage 70 | Agil 35 | Slay 32 | Bounty-Rogue 1,611



(19:46:25) -Vectra[05]- ** (N_O_R_E): Overall 1,456 | Attack 99 | Strength 99(102) | Constitution 99(103) | Ranged 99 | Prayer 70 | Magic 95 | Cooking 67 | Fletching 42 | Firemaking 50 | Crafting 55 | Smithing 60 | Mining 62 | Herblore 50 | Agility 59 | Thieving 53 | Slayer 60 | Farming 40 | Runecraft 32 | Construction 50 | Summoning 79 | Bounty-Rogue 565



From that pic I can also see you have an Exclusive member who isn't on TRs ML? Nor posted an application. I believe if you guys believe a single member can make a difference, then N-O-R-E certainly influences the battle more than Warlord?


Furthermore Anthoni:




(19:53:45) -Vectra[05]- ** (SK8TER_PKER): Overall 1,880 | Attack 99(100) | Defence 99 | Strength 99(102) | Constitution 99(102) | Ranged 87 | Prayer 95 | Magic 86 | Cooking 82 | Woodcutting 76 | Fletching 86 | Fishing 78 | Firemaking 73 | Crafting 75 | Smithing 65 | Mining 66 | Herblore 64 | Agility 71 | Thieving 65 | Slayer 69 | Farming 65 | Runecraft 51


(19:54:02) -[CU]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Sk8ter Pker is in 4 clans. | Clans: Team Nancy, Tempted Killers, True Brothaz, Veterans of Destruction | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Sk8ter%A0Pker


I also didn't realize that bringing a member of your clan, who happens to be in another clan validates the usage of a maxed melee main? Who again btw, isn't on your ML <3


Proud Ex-Corrupt Pures
Proud Ex-Epidemic Senior
Proud Founder of Divine Brutality
Proud Final Member of The Rising
Proud to have been a part of the Reign of Terro
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