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Fatality's Saturday

I Pk With OJ

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  Pinkaroundme said:
Gj Fatality. I want to keep it flame free, so I'll just ask you straight out.

Please change this in your topic.

After our fight with DP we wanted to hit EoP due to recent conflicts, and so we scouted them at hills and we quickly rushed. As they were almost cleared CP/DP rushed the hill in which we were fighting, and we just decided to go single since we had succeeded in accomplishing what we went there to accomplish.

DP and CP were already at the same hill you had rushed that apparently you scouted. We were fighting. Technically, you crashed, and so did EOP.

We (DP and CP) regrouped because looking at the CP vid, it seems as if you rushed at the same time so we figured you were teaming. We teamed together and took you down. I also remember clearing you, not running into single. If you could change that, please do so. If you won't let it be known that you're lying even after you were informed. Any untrue statements here will be deleted is in the rules.





III. No picture, NO PROOF.

# After various accusations and arguement over people not having proof of their victories and such, we will no longer tolerate claims without any kind of evidence to back it up. To provide evidence, please post a video or picture proving what you've enclosed in the post, failure to do so will mean the post will be removed by a staff member.


If you have any complaints to do with false claims, please contact one of the moderators who can be found in the third reply of this topic. Your request will be reviewed and dealt with as soon as possible.


You have no picture, therefore, you have NO PROOF. I will be contacting moderators shortly if it's not changed.



Thank you, and please do not reply with flame.


We have a video, please get the hell off this topic now

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I asked for no flame. I will review the video. Calm down before I have to get mods involved.


I have reviewed the video on your post

Please refer to the video at spot 2:15. You can see you and EOP rushing a hill where there was a battle, hence, you're still wrong, meaning that it will still be deleted for it is lies, unless of course it is changed.


Thank you and have a great day.

Plnkaroundme | Proud Ex-Corrupt Pures General | Ex-Warring God
I Don't Scape Anymore
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  Pinkaroundme said:
I asked for no flame. I will review the video. Calm down before I have to get mods involved.


You're trying to act like a mod, most of your comments include flame.


First of all, you post without reviewing the vid? Good job on trying to start on argument when you don't see both sides of the story fully.


Second of all, you can get the mods, you act as if they'll cater to you.


Just stop posting on our topic.

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I have a right to post on whichever topic I want to. I am not flaming, nor have I been in my last 2 posts. Stop acting like a hardass. Thank you!

Plnkaroundme | Proud Ex-Corrupt Pures General | Ex-Warring God
I Don't Scape Anymore
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  Pinkaroundme said:
I have a right to post on whichever topic I want to. I am not flaming, nor have I been in my last 2 posts. Stop acting like a hardass. Thank you!


Contradicting to the fact you told us to stop posting on your topic!

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I don't see why FI is asking CP to get off their topic, but half of the posts on CP's topic is FI trying to make themselves look better.


On topic, congrats on the pull.


Proud Leader of Hostility

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  ftw said:
I don't see why FI is asking CP to get off their topic, but half of the posts on CP's topic is FI trying to make themselves look better.


On topic, congrats on the pull.


so same thing here lmao.

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There is a slight inconsistency between the topic and the videos, although it is all technically correct as its mostly details which have been left out, as opposed to fabrications. If it is of any concern to anyone you can refer to the videos and make your own judgment on the fights. I'd like to leave it at that, thank you.


Please continue posting in a flame free manner

AWARDS: BestCaller.png - bestf2ppker.png - bestf2ppk.png - coolestmember.png - bestscout.png - besttripvids.png

PK Video:

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  KJ`R4in F4ll said:
pink get off the topic, if Fi fought you guys in a fair 1vs1 ( No Teaming ) you would be cleared in 2 minutes...


maybe if you guys stopped pulling an epidemic then maybe we could have have a fair 1 v 1 ?

11j2cfd.gif[Retired- High Council]| Since 09' | #Clan-CP | www.cp-rs.com |
"Could we even recognize ourselves, and if we did, would we know ourselves?
What would we say to ourselves? What would we learn from ourselves?
What would we really like to see if we could stand outside ourselves and look at us?"
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Regarding to the fight involving DP,CP,FI and Eop : DP and CP had a pkri ontop of the eastermost volcano. Halfway into the fight Fi seemingly rushed from clan wars/sperm hill while Eop at the same time rushed from single/drags. Both Cp and Dp headed into single where we got a fall in on Raza and had Cp join raza's cc as well to rerush eop and fi. Sorry if it seems that dp crashed your fight against eop but you guys sorta crashed us first.


OT: Very amazing pull for fi regardless of the worldcup.

~*Get Destructive or GTFO*~

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