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Xbox Vs PS3


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Which do you like the most? I'm more of a ps3 guy, even though i dont even own one. Games that are exclusive to xbox like gears of war and halo, i really find them boring. Xbox live is 30-40 pounds a year to go online? PS3 is free. Plus i see better graphics on the ps3, but that might just be me.


Anywho, what do you think is best and why. Plus, is there any point buying one of those consoles beyond the end of this year, or is it worth waiting it out for the next gen. consoles to arrive?

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360 is my favorite. The only thing I don't like about it is their new dashboard layout. They also completely copied Nintendo's Mii's, and now feature their own ****** version. As far as gameplay goes, I prefer these controllers, prefer the XBL online setup, and enjoy the better-than-decent graphics that come with it. As far as exclusive games go, I'm not a fan of Gears or Halo 3 either, doesn't make me like the system any less :P


Nintendo has come out with some excellent Wii games, but that'll only last for so long. When you end up getting bored of the remote and switch to controller games, it will likely lose its' appeal.


As for Ps3, this console wasn't exactly an improvement of the latest PlayStation technology. Sure they buffed up the graphics, but hey, that's what movies are for.

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Go watch the Zero Punctuation video on the console wars, I'm in somewhat of an agreement as Yahtzee.


Anyway, at this stage there's no noticeable difference in the graphics. It's like saying Blue Ray is better than DvD - Show me the difference.


Edit: Although, his case mentions the 'gremlins' which come with the Xbox 360, they are far more durable now so they are the clear favourite of mine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ps3 has no community therefore they are terrible. I don't have to pay to eat my own crap. So ps3 isn't any different right? People pay for something usually says that it's worth more than something free.

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  • 1 month later...

i see it as xbox is more for online people who like playing each other and ps3 is more for just yourself, playing by yourself. i also just dont find the ps3 appealing at all. the only games i find appealing from ps3 is metal gear solid 4 and god of war 3 because those games are just sick

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I think that Xbox is like a PC, PS3 is like a Mac.


A year ago, it was obvious that Xbox was better; better games, more community, etc. etc.


But now PS3 is starting to gain ground, and personally, I think it's better. A PS3 has Wi-Fi (no ethernet cable needed), free access to the Playstation Network (so you don't have to pay like you do for Xbox Live), not to mention the 360's high failure rate.


And then, the PS3 has just as many GOOD exclusives, if not more, than the 360. GOW3, MGS4, Littlebig Planet, inFamous, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (which is coming out with a sequel), Resistance 2, and there's so many more.

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#OMNI @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
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xbox 360 has to be my favourite. I originally got it so i can finish the halo series. Now there are games i just simply love and play.


imo xbox 360 controller feels right to me, party system, achievement system is just bomb.


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