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I think you were in one of my clans before

Proud Founder of Carpediem
Proud Founder of Hysteria
Proud Leader of Malice
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Ah, you're chris' brother lol

Anyways check out #clan-eop it's where I reside atm

Proud Founder of Carpediem
Proud Founder of Hysteria
Proud Leader of Malice
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daily f2p mini's, with occasional p2p preps, etc


great community, fun prank calls in vent and stuff


We're f2p based however, (we focus on f2p)


give us a go and just say hello, or join "Ur Junk Rofl" cc to chat to some members to see what we're like!


see you there!



While you're steaming over PW, I'm chilling @ school as top dog.. ouch.
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#clan-dF www.rs-defiance.com


Basically, F2P and P2P, we have a lot of pking/wars, it's a smaller community, so a closer one as well. Talk to me in irc, [dF]Matt, if you're interested, not much to post here.

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Fatality has one of the most dedicated communities out there. We're a close bunch, steadily working on improvement. We have a lot of F2P and P2P preps weekly along with DAILY mini's. I think you would be a great member to have so come check us out at www.rs-fi.com

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come check out #zenith we have decent pulls for a lpc clan 30~ were looking for dedicated members to help us grow our forums our www.zenith-rs.com :D

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check us out, new clan great staff active events and irc.





Our fight was epic.

Control #1 Med

Accepted To Control 12/10/10
Promoted to Officer Of Control 12/28/10
Promoted to Warlord Of Control 5/1/2011

Founder of Hate - 2k14

Leader of Trauma - 2k14


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To be honest, I just recently joined Corrupt Pures, and they seem to have an amazing community from what I have seen. We have tons of events through out the day, and it's amazing. The people are great, the leaders know what they are doing, and it's an all around good clan ^_^ If you have any questions feel free to pm me on IRC Anthoni is my nick.






I hope to see an app from you :D

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Guess I'll throw out my clan to you since it hasn't been tossed out already.


Intense Redemption is a clan that aims to compete with the best clans but currently sits in a lower position. We are not complacent and are always trying to do things to help us get to the top. We have a friendly community of users that use our TeamSpeak 3, IRC, SMF incredible forums, and in game clan chat everyday.


We aren't like the big clans that can just sit back and let things glide. If you're interested in joining a clan with a goal and a path to take with frequent attempts at fun changes then IR might be for you.


Check out our page at IR Site

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#Calamity, great community, experienced leaders, very fun to be in!



Proud ex Epidemic member - RIP
Proud ex Destructive pures member - RIP
Proud ex Fatality member
Proud ex AAO member - RIP
Ex Chaotic member, facepalm what was i thinking
Proud member of IR
#1 clan hopper yo.
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