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90 Slayer


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Very hard to do because most super-slayers are lvl 130s who play rs all the time. Also these people use effigies on slayer like all the time.

(21:45:27) <RuneScript> *** [ TRACKER ]: [Overall] Exp gains for Hella 33 Def in last 1day: Overall(+1) +898,843 | Att(104) +382,155 | Str(104) +132,505 | Cns(103) +171,439 | Range(102) +15,098 | Pray(80) +6,624 | Mage(100) +2,893 | Herb(70) +17,710 | Agil(70) +2 | Slay(89->90) +170,408 | Summon(82) +9


(got 3 d boots that task)














I accumulated some Slay pts too, these are only from 86-90:




Also got some charms:



My goals now are:

  1. 90 Summoning
  2. 70 Thieving
  3. 70/80 Smithing
  4. 70 Mining
  5. 70/80 Hunter
  6. 80 Fishing
  7. 90 Fletching
  8. 80 Herblore
  9. 80 Crafting
  10. 99 Slayer

(Not in that order)


Just to put it all into perspective, 90 Slayer is 5,348,000 experience. This means that I did 5.3m damage (technically 53m damage because of the HP update, but whatever) purely on slayer tasks. But as I am sure you all know, for melee/range experience you get 4x the damage you hit. This means that if I had started from 1 Attack and 1 Strength and only did slayer tasks to 90, I would have 21m xp in attack/strength. Which could get me 99 Strength and 91 Attack along with 92/93 HP. So basically, I wish I started slaying before I were maxed lol.


Look at my sig to see all my "good" drops. I also have over 10m in just herbs/seeds/gems from 85-90 so yeah, slayer owns.

99 :: Range Mage Att HP Str Slay Farm Pray Summ Cook Herb WC FM Fletch Smith Craft Con RC Dung Thief Agil Fish Hunt Mine
42 :: Defence
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Up there with the mains ;)

Furious-Chan is a noob K-ON! Fan|I like Starcraft 2 and League of Legends ヽ(´ー`)ノ ~IGN both "MooMooMugi"
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  Kyle said:
oh you know, when you gave Rude Royal your account and let him get you 99 str then recovered and rejoined FI?

Haha I said he could use my account and there was a chance of me coming back. He got like 2 levels, and I offered to pay him, speak not of what you don't know little one.

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  King Asian said:
He didn't quest - Defender of Varrock..



So he'd be like 38 def after turmoil '-' MAIN.


OT: GJ Hella, what's with the 85 slayer pic you have 60 def in.


@cKyle Off Hella, he's a nice guy.

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